The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 544

Chapter 544

The most important thing is that since he entered the mansion of the Seventh Prince, he has never entered the mansion until now!

At this time, the temple of the five internal organs was already cooing with hunger.

Looking at the beggar not far away who was gobbling up the food he wanted, Ma Baoshan stared straight at him and swallowed his saliva.

To be honest, he was really hungry.

At this time, the leftovers in the beggar's bowl are full of attractiveness. If he hadn't been able to move one leg, he would have liked to rush over and grab it and eat it!

After this thought flashed through her mind, Ma Baoshan quickly shook her head.

"No no no, I don't want it! I don't want it at all! Look at those meals, they are obviously spoiled, my Ma Gongzi, how can I eat these things!"

He muttered like this, but his eyes involuntarily followed the food in the beggar's rice bowl and ate.

The beggar seemed to know that someone was staring at him, so he quickly accelerated and ate the food into his stomach.

These days, it is not safe to be a beggar when it comes to food, and you have to eat it in your stomach to be considered your own.

Otherwise, everything is a wedding dress for others.

As expected, the beggar just finished eating when a strong-looking beggar suddenly appeared and walked towards the other party.

He took the broken bowl, and the strong beggar looked at it, and there was no rice in it.

A slap hit the beggar's head, and the strong beggar scolded.

"Let you eat, let you eat, and don't leave any for Lao Tzu! Ah, I think you want to be cleaned up, don't you?"

The beggar who was beaten did not say a word, neither ran away nor cried out in pain, and just suffered silently.

Ma Baoshan was very angry when he saw this scene.

"Hey, they're all beggars, what are you bullying others for! They're begging for their own food! If you want to eat, you beg for it yourself!"

"Yo! There is a new face here today? Dare to say something like this to you, Uncle Kong, I remember you! Come, come, since you are new, I am Uncle Kong. I'll teach you the rules of being a beggar!" Uncle Kong cursed, turned around and walked towards Ma Baoshan.

Ma Baoshan only remembered his current situation at this time, his legs are really a drag!

If his legs hadn't been touched, it would be no problem for him to clean up a beggar at this time.

Despite what she thought in her heart, Ma Baoshan's movements were not slow.

Unfortunately, Ma Baoshan still overestimated himself.

If he is full, even if he can't move one leg, he can clean up this beggar.

However, he doesn't have enough to eat now, and every punch from his hand is soft and has no strength at all.

Therefore, Ma Baoshan finally lost to the well-fed beggar Uncle Kong, and could only be beaten passively.

Don't look at this Uncle Kong is a beggar, but he is a ruthless character when he fights people, and his tricks go to the most vulnerable place.

It didn't take long for Ma Baoshan to be injured all over his body.

But Ma Baoshan didn't cry in pain at all, and kept holding on, which attracted more punches and kicks from Uncle Kong.

Ma Baoshan was staring at Boss Kong at this moment, and he should keep his face in his heart.

After three months have passed, he must lead people to rummage the entire capital, find this Uncle Kong, and kill him!

"Oh, you are still staring at Laozi, it seems that you are not convinced! Okay, I'll give you a good lesson today!" Step on the lifeblood of Ma Baoshan.

At this moment, the beggar who had eaten before rushed over and hit Boss Kong's body.

As a result, Boss Kong was thrown to the ground, his head was hit with gold stars, and he couldn't get up for a while.

Seeing this, the beggar quickly got up and ran away with Ma Baoshan.

Later, it was found that Ma Baoshan could not use one leg, so the beggar simply ran away with Ma Baoshan on his back.

I don't know how long they ran, and finally the two people ran to a bamboo forest, and the beggar put Mabaoshan down.

At this time, Ma Baoshan was so hungry that she had no strength.

Now I saw the beggar put him down, so I sat on the ground and looked around.

"Where is this?"

"This is where I flatten my feet!" said the beggar.

After that, the beggar walked towards the other side of the bamboo forest.

"Hey, where are you going?" Ma Baoshan asked

"I'll get you some water to drink!" replied the beggar.

After a while, the beggar returned with a bamboo tube filled with water.

"Drink it, this water is very clean, it's from a nearby well, and you won't get sick if you drink it! People nearby are willing to come here to pick it up, because this well The water here is very good!" The beggar said as he handed over a bamboo tube.

At this time, Ma Baoshan was indeed very thirsty. After taking the bamboo tube, he put it in his mouth and drank.

Maybe it was the reason of being too hungry. After drinking a bamboo tube of water, Ma Baoshan felt even more hungry.

No, the temple of the five internal organs in the stomach made a loud grunt at this time, reminding Mabaoshan that it was hungry.

Ma Baoshan was a little embarrassed to hear this voice.

The beggar sighed when he heard the sound coming from Ma Baoshan's stomach, and then carefully took out a bitten steamed bun hidden in his clothes pocket and wrapped in leaves .

"I found this outside a steamed bun shop in the morning. A child disliked this steamed bun, so he took a bite and threw it away. I thought this steamed bun was good, so he picked it up and hid it. Get up! I'll give you half now!" As the beggar said, he broke the steamed bun in his hand in half, and the half that was not asked for was handed to Ma Baoshan.

Smelling the smell of the soft steamed buns in front of her, Ma Baoshan suddenly became a little jealous.

This thing, if it was put in the past, he would not look at it at all, and maybe he would find it unpalatable like that child.

But when I am hungry now, and seeing such a half steamed bun again, Ma Baoshan realizes the preciousness of food.

Carefully took the steamed bun, Ma Baoshan did not eat it, but looked at the beggar beside him.

"Why are you being so nice to me! You can keep this steamed bun for yourself!"

The beggar had no expression on his face when he heard Ma Baoshan's words.

"When I was begging and being bullied, I never said a word for me! You were the first person to speak for me!"

Ma Baoshan was stunned, he never thought that he just said such words out of righteous indignation, and in the end he got so much gratitude from others.

"I, I will return you a lot of delicious steamed buns in the future!" Ma Baoshan said such a sentence, put the steamed buns in his mouth, and ate them in small bites.