The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 540

Chapter 540

"Third uncle, look, this is news from Ruyue from the capital!" Shu Wang handed Shu Ruyue's letter directly to Shu Hengxin, the current patriarch of the Shu family.

Shu Hengxin took the letter and looked at it, and his expression changed suddenly.

"I heard that Ruyue is now with the seventh prince?"

"That's right, she is indeed with the seventh prince! According to my nephew, the seventh prince may have deliberately disclosed this news to us!" Shu Wang said his guess. .

When Shu Heng heard Shu Wang's words, his heart sank even more.

After a while, Shu Hengxin said, "Go, immediately go and ring the big bell under the yellow horn tree, three times!"

Shu Wang nodded and hurried to do it.

Soon, three bells rang in the village.

As soon as they heard these three bells, no matter who they were or where they were at the time, everyone hurried back home.

Every household started to pack their things and walked in one direction one by one.

Shu Wang is no exception. After counting the people in the family, he brought food and valuables, locked the door, and walked with his family to a place not far away.

"The child is his father, we just left, what about Ruyue?" Shu Wang's wife Baisha asked worriedly.

"Don't worry! If Ruyue follows the seventh prince, there will be no danger." Shu Wang persuaded.

Bai Sha also knows that she is a little too worried, and now it is not appropriate to think about it any more. She can only quickly follow her family to a place not far away.

The reason why the Shu family chose to settle here was because it was close to the mountains.

Before the Shu family came, it was just a flat barren hill.

It was also the Shu family who moved here, and it has grown from generation to generation, and it has grown to its current scale.

Even so, the Shu family has always maintained the appearance of two hundred people.

At this time, the people in the whole village divided into six directions and walked towards the mountain.

Through the efforts of generations, the Shu family have developed the vicinity of this barren mountain into their territory.

There are many such secret passages.

As long as the bell rings three times, it means that there is a crisis in the family, and the family needs to pack up quickly, and then take refuge in the mountains from these directions.

This kind of thing, the Shu family have practiced several times before, so at this time everyone did not panic, but quietly entered the cave according to the previous practice.

Through the passage in the cave, everyone finally came to a very hidden valley in the deep mountains.

The valley is surrounded by mountains on three sides and a steep cliff on the other.

However, this valley can't be entered except through the mountain road opened by Shu's house.

At this time, many stone houses were built in the valley, all of the same size.

After each family came in, they walked towards their own stone house and settled down.

Here is Shu Jialiu's backer.

Every family regularly stores some food and other things in the valley.

In addition, some vegetable fields were opened up in the valley, and people came to cultivate from time to time.

If something big happens, everyone will not be short of food or drink when they hide in.

This is the reason why the Shu family has been passed down from generation to generation.

The originally quiet valley has now become lively.

The originally lively village has now become silent.

A lot of things, and those that can't be taken away are also put in the basement storage room.

Anyway, there are only some furniture on the bright side, and the crops in the ground are still there.

It is strange to say that the ancestors of the Shu family never let chickens, ducks or pigs be raised.

If you want to raise them, they will let the Su family go to the valley to raise them together, and they will not raise them outside.

It seems that it is also in response to a crisis situation!

In this way, after a day, Shujia Village was empty.

Speaking of which, it was a coincidence.

As soon as the people of Shujia Village moved out one day, the army mobilized by the emperor started fighting at the place called Jiunanpo that Luo Cheng had expected.

This place is easy to defend and difficult to attack, so the rebels suffered serious casualties.

Because of the lack of doctors to heal, the rebels captured all the local doctors.

Later, I heard that the people in Shujia Village are good at treating trauma, so they assigned some people to come directly to Shujia Village to arrest people.

Unfortunately, Sujia Village is already empty.

Just when this group of people was mad and wanted to burn down the village, the army from the capital suddenly came out and killed the small group of people.

It is also fortunate that this army came here, otherwise Shujia Village would not be able to keep it.

In fact, all this is thanks to Luo Cheng.

After Shu Ruyue spread the news, Luo Cheng secretly asked someone to reveal a message to the emperor, asking the emperor to keep the Shu family if they could.

At least they can't let the rebels capture the Shu family, otherwise it will be a big disadvantage to the dynasty.

The emperor first wanted to ease the relationship between father and son, and secondly, he felt that Luo Cheng was right, so he secretly sent a message, asking those who went to destroy the rebels to protect the Shu family.

The movement outside reached the ears of the Shu family the next morning.

At this time, after Shu Wang got the news, cold sweat broke out from his back.

"Fortunately, fortunately, the news of Ruyue was delivered in a timely manner, coupled with the help of our nobles, we have preserved the foundation of our ancestors!"

Bai Sha also nodded after hearing her man's words.

"No, it's God's blessing! Fortunately, the village wasn't burned down, otherwise we would have to spend a lot of money to move back to live in the future!"

"After this disaster is over, let's thank the seventh prince and the seventh prince! If they hadn't revealed the news to us, I'm afraid the village would have suffered heavy losses now! I don't even know how many clansmen will be taken away, and their lives will be unpredictable in the end! Shu Wang said happily.

"This is what it should be!" Bai Sha nodded and agreed.

After that, the army of the dynasty arrived one after another and began to strangle the rebels.

Those rebels never thought that they would be ambushed before they reached the capital.

As soon as they met, their people were injured one by one.

The morale was slumped, and in the end, she had no confidence to face the army of the dynasty.

In this way, the army of the dynasty was like a broken bamboo, and the rebels were beaten to pieces.

In the end, most of them were captured and became prisoners.

The key people of the army seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

After Luo Cheng got this news, he went to the palace again.

Luo Cheng and the emperor talked for a long time in the imperial study, no one knew what the father and son said.