The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 538

Chapter 538

"If an ordinary person like the Seventh Prince Concubine is naturally unable to withstand the coercion of that evil spirit. And the reason why the Seventh Prince did not feel at all when he practiced martial arts in it, that is Because the seventh prince has a masculine energy in you, you can just restrain these sinister evil spirits, so you will be safe and sound! At that time, the reason why the national teacher led these sinister evil spirits to the martial arts training ground was that he wanted to borrow the men's evil spirits in time. The masculinity slowly dissolves these evil spirits!" Xiang Yanghong thought for a while and added another sentence.

After hearing Xiang Yanghong's words, Li Xiaoran finally understood.

It turned out that what made her feel uncomfortable was caused by evil spirits.

"No wonder I didn't feel that depressed and uncomfortable feeling when I came back to sleep in the house this time. It turns out that the feng shui of this house has been adjusted!" Li Xiaoran said.

Luo Cheng didn't expect that things would be like this.

"Father has a heart!" Luo Cheng finally said this.

He can't say anything hypocritical.

But he is not a hard-hearted person, so he will not be indifferent.

I am moved, but Luo Cheng still has his own bottom line.

If the emperor wanted Luo Cheng to inherit the throne or something, he still would not agree.

Now, at most, I am a little better to that old man and help him solve some troubles by the way!

"Husband, since there is no problem with the house here, let's move back in!" Li Xiaoran didn't know what to think, and suddenly said such a sentence.

Luo Cheng thought about it and thought it was better to move back in.

After all, they have to enter the palace to celebrate their birthdays later, so the place where they live on the bright side still has to go back to the mansion of the Seventh Prince.

"Then let's live here! I think those people already know our identity, maybe someone will come to the door!" Luo Cheng said.

Li Xiaoran immediately thought of something when she heard this.

"Come here, I won this money by my own ability!" Li Xiaoran said nonchalantly.

Luo Cheng laughed when he heard Li Xiaoran's words.

"My lady is right, you won these things with your ability, and no one can take them away!"

After talking about this matter, Li Xiaoran put it aside and thought about the problem of eating.

"Husband, you see that the weather is getting hotter and hotter, let's cook some gruel and make some burritos at noon!"

"As long as you are happy, do whatever you want!" Luo Cheng has always been responsive to Li Xiaoran's requests.

So after having breakfast, Li Xiaoran went to the burritos at noon.

Last night, Luo Cheng and the others brought people back to the mansion of the Seventh Prince like a dog, and suddenly many people guessed that the people who went to the casino were their couple.

Even if you don't recognize Li Xiaoran, you can recognize him, after all, he didn't hide his appearance at all before.

The second prince Ling Kun, who was not recovering in the prince's mansion, was furious again after receiving the news from the rich casino.

"It's the seventh, the seventh, the grudge between you and I is undeniable!"

It turns out that the person behind this rich casino is the second prince.

Last night Li Xiaoran and Wu Qinghe made such a fuss, the profit of the casino was suddenly reduced to a very low point, and the gamblers were reluctant to go to the rich casino to gamble.

Because everyone is afraid to run into people like Li Xiaoran and Wu Qinghe again!

Always lose money, naturally no one wants to go.

So, it seems that the gamblers who lost a lot yesterday were the gamblers who lost money yesterday, but in fact the biggest losses were the casinos.

Of course, those who lost a lot of money yesterday were determined to get those lost money back.

No way, people can win so much money because they win by their ability.

If they use this excuse to trouble the Seventh Prince, they will undoubtedly trouble themselves.

Of course, no one came.

The people from the Ma family came.

It was none other than Ma Baoshan and his father Ma Dongshan.

After sending the prayer note, Luo Chengcheng gave it to Li Xiaoran.

"Miss, do you want to see me?"

Li Xiaoran, who was cutting shredded potatoes, thought about it and nodded: "Please come in!"

Soon, Ma Dongxing and Ma Baoshan saw Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng busy in the yard under the guidance of their servants.

Luo Cheng was sitting on the stool at this time, washing the leeks.

Li Xiaoran just cut all the shredded potatoes and put them in the water, and then prepared to cut some shredded cucumbers.

Ma Dongxing and Ma Baoshan were shocked when they saw this scene.

"I have seen the Seventh Prince and the Seventh Prince's Concubine!" Ma Dongxing quickly recovered and gave Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng a salute.

Ma Baoshan also recognized that the person who was chopping vegetables was the one who bet with him yesterday, and immediately lowered his head, feeling indescribable.

Angry, uncomfortable, but also curious.

"I know your purpose, but the suet jade is not with me, but with my wife! So, you should talk to my wife!" Luo Cheng said as he looked at the father and son.

Li Xiaoran heard his man's words, raised his head, put down the knife directly, then took half of the cucumber in his hand, and washed his hands while eating.

"You two, sit down on the stone table on one side and talk to you!" Li Xiaoran said after taking a few bites of cucumber.

Ma Dongxing and Ma Baoshan would not refuse, the father and son came to the stone table and sat down together.

The servants brought tea soon, Li Xiaoran watched Ma Dongxing and Ma Baoshan drink a sip of tea, and said, "I know your purpose, it must be from suet jade. Come on! I can give you the suet jade, but you have to exchange it for something!"

Hearing Li Xiaoran's words, Ma Dongxing breathed a sigh of relief, and then said more politely: "I don't know what the seventh prince likes?"

Li Xiaoran smiled when he heard Ma Dongxing's words, and then his eyes fell on Ma Baoshan.

"Actually, the reason why I took the bet yesterday was not because of this piece of suet jade, but because of you, Ma Baoshan!"

When Ma Baoshan heard Li Xiaoran's words, he was shocked.

At this moment, Ma Baoshan couldn't help but look up at Li Xiaoran, as if judging the purpose of Li Xiaoran's words.

Not only Ma Baoshan, but Ma Donghang was also surprised.

At this time, he saw that the expression on Li Xiaoran's face was not joking, so he began to ponder.

"What do you mean?" Ma Baoshan couldn't help but asked.

Li Xiaoran looked at Ma Baoshan and said, "Yesterday, when you challenged me, what did you think?"

As soon as these words came out, Ma Baoshan began to recall.