The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 525

Chapter 525

It was too late, it was fast, Shu Ruyue grabbed a tablecloth from one side, and rushed in front of Li Xiaoran and Meng Yan, just watching Shu Ruyue waving the tablecloth, The thin poisonous needles were knocked to the ground.

Zi Zheng, the guard who had been beside Li Xiaoran, also directly shot Yan Xiaoqiao and clicked on her acupuncture point, making her unable to move.

Shu Ruyue picked up the fine poison needle on the ground, looked carefully, and found traces of poison on it.

"You really have a vicious mind! This needle is quenched with a poisonous poison that seals the throat with blood. You are murdering people!"

Li Xiaoran looked at Yan Xiaoqiao in front of her and suddenly understood something.

"You are not Yan Xiaoqiao! Who are you?"

Yan Xiaoqiao didn't speak at all, just looked at Li Xiaoran with a sneer.

"She is not Yan Xiaoqiao? How is this possible?" Meng Yan asked in confusion.

It was Shu Ruyue who heard Li Xiaoran's words and came to Yan Xiaoqiao's side, then stared at her face carefully.

After that, Shu Ruyue took the poison needle in her hand and touched Yan Xiaoqiao's face directly.

Yan Xiaoqiao looked at the thin poison needle that was close at hand, and her heart trembled, for fear that the poison needle accidentally poked her in the face.

Fear surged up, Yan Xiaoqiao was very regretful at this moment.

If she knew she shouldn't come out to breathe, she should stay in the house with her sister.

It's hateful, she just wants to be as majestic in the capital as her sister, how could such a thing happen.

I knew that when she saw the Seventh Princess, she should leave quickly.

Speaking of which, her sister is also to blame.

If she hadn't been making a fuss about asking her to be her sister to avenge her, she wouldn't have seen Li Xiaoran here and would have come directly to take action.

Li Xiaoran looked at Yan Xiaoqiao at this moment, her eyes widened, as if she saw something incredible.

In fact, Li Xiaoran was even more shocked at this moment.

Before, she was only able to sympathize with others, and she could perceive what other people's emotions were like.

But what is going on now?

Why can she hear the voice of Yan Xiaoqiao in front of her?

"Xiao Ran, Xiao Ran? What are you thinking?" Meng Yan was the first to notice that Li Xiaoran was in a bad mood, and gently pushed her with her hand.

Li Xiaoran recovered from the shock and shook his head.

"It's okay, it's okay! I'm okay!"

Li Xiaoran thought of something and turned his head to look at Meng Yan next to him.

Strange, why can't she hear Meng Yan's voice.

At this moment, the voice of a person not far away entered Li Xiaoran's heart again.

"Hmph, Li Xiaoran is really cheap, why didn't she get poisoned by that poison needle! As long as Li Xiaoran dies, she can become the seventh prince concubine!"

Li Xiaoran heard this voice, looked towards Li Yan, and saw that Li Yan was full of hatred and emotional fluctuations at this time.

Li Xiaoran had a flash of light at this time and understood something.

Maybe when a person's emotions are out of control, or when their emotions fluctuate greatly, she can hear the voices of others, and those who are stable and have no fluctuations are thinking what she can't listen to arrive.

After understanding this, Li Xiaoran quietly hid his emotions, and then looked at Yan Xiaoqiao in front of him.

No, it should be Yan Xiaoqiao's sister.

"You are not Yan Xiaoqiao, you are Yan Xiaoqiao's sister? If I guessed correctly, you and Yan Xiaoqiao should be twins! No wonder they look exactly the same, outsiders don't look carefully, I really can't see it!"

As soon as these words came out, the people around were stunned.

Shu Ruyue, who was looking for a human skin mask on Yan Xiaoqiao's face, heard this and looked at Li Xiaoran.

"No wonder I haven't seen the human skin mask after searching for a long time. It turns out that this person is not Yan Xiaoqiao!"

Meng Yan also stood up in shock at this time, and then took a closer look at the captured "Yan Xiaoqiao" in front of her.

I have to say, this Yan Xiaoqiao's sister is really similar to Yan Xiaoqiao!

Reaching out her hand, Meng Yan rubbed Yan Xiaoqiao's cheek near her ear.

"What's wrong?" Shu Ruyue asked curiously.

"Here, Yan Xiaoqiao has a mole here, I want to see if she has it. The result is yes, so I want to rub it to see if the mole is fake!" Meng Yan replied.

"Hey, you're looking for me! You can't rub it off like this!" As Shu Ruyue said, she took out a bottle of potion from herself, and then handed a drop of it , it fell on the face of Sister Yan Xiaoqiao.

I wiped it gently with a handkerchief, and I saw that the mole disappeared at once.

"Look, this is a mole that you used an eyebrow pencil to point. Because the material of this eyebrow pencil is somewhat special, it is waterproof. Generally, you can't wash it off by rubbing it with your hands or washing it with water. You have to use a special medicinal liquid like mine!" Shu Ruyue explained.

Li Xiaoran suddenly laughed when she heard this.

"Ruyue, smear her whole face with your liquid medicine, and then wipe it off with a handkerchief. Maybe we can see her true face."

Li Xiaoran smiled at such eyes.

"Don't look at me like this, I don't have the habit of breaking my sleeves! I love my husband very much, and I won't like you!"

As soon as these words came out, the people around couldn't help but laugh.

Shu Ruyue also used this time to apply the liquid medicine to Sister Yan Xiaoqi's face, and then wiped it with a handkerchief.

Sure enough, after wiping the whole face, a face with a six-point resemblance to Yan Xiaoqiao was revealed.

"It's no wonder that you can speak today, I still think that Yan Xiaoqiao found a famous doctor to cure her throat, but I don't think she has a twin sister! Hey, you said, why did you get caught? You are the one who sent it away? Why did your sister stay? Logically speaking, you are the eldest sister, and you should be the one who was left to enjoy it! Why did you get sent away? It's so pitiful. !" Li Xiaoran said with a slap in the face.

These words really touched the heart of Sister Yan Xiaoqiao.

Over the years, Yan Xiaoqiao's sister really hates her!

I hate the injustice of fate and my parents.

They are all children born by them, why should she suffer so much and suffer so much.

Yan Xiaoqiao's sister, Yan Xiaoxi, has been in a dilapidated nunnery since she was sensible, and a nun raised her to adulthood.

I thought her own life was so hard, who knew that her biological parents came to her a few years ago.

At this time, she realized that her biological parents were actually powerful.

When she saw Jinyi Yushi's sister, her first reaction was not joy but hatred!

Why? Why should she suffer?