The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 512

Chapter 512

Li Xiaoran looked inside the house at this moment, and his heart was even more muttered.

"Are you sure these people have entered the house and never come out again?"

Zicheng nodded and said with certainty: "This house is only so big, and there are only a few places to enter, and our people will stay there, you can't go wrong!"

"No, there are no people inside, let alone people, not even small animals!" Li Xiaoran said with certainty.

When Luo Cheng heard this, he immediately came to the courtyard wall of the house, and jumped up.

Soon, Luo Chenggong wandered around the house, but there was really no one.

So Luo Cheng blew his whistle and quickly gathered his own people.

"Go, tell the brothers to look carefully, I suspect that there is a secret passage under this house! Those medicinal materials must have been transported away!"

When Zicheng heard it, he immediately realized his mistake, so he quickly called his brothers to look around.

I don't know if this family's secret passage is too hidden, or something else.

A group of people searched for a long time but could not find it.

At this moment, Luo Cheng suddenly found a group of mice gathered in a corner.

Even if they heard someone's footsteps, these mice were reluctant to leave.

Luo Cheng came to the corner of the wall, looked at it carefully, and finally didn't know what to think, he just reached out and pressed it on the wall.

Sure enough, when I pressed a brick, the bricks on the fence suddenly turned, and soon a passage for carriages to enter and exit came out.

Seeing this, Luo Cheng understood something at once.

"Zicheng, did you see the carriage coming out of this alley today?"

Zi Cheng froze for a moment, then thought of something.

"Yes, one family said they were moving, packed a lot of luggage, and several carriages left! Just this afternoon!"

Luo Cheng immediately understood something.

It seems that the other party has already transported the medicinal materials by those carriages!

However, Luo Cheng didn't leave behind. At this time, he took out another whistle and blew a whistle.

Soon, a bird flew down and landed on Luo Cheng's shoulder.

Luo Cheng took out some medicinal powder and put it in front of the bird to let it smell.

Soon, the bird spread its wings and flew low, as if to take Luo Cheng and the others to find medicinal herbs.

Luo Cheng told everyone to get on the carriage quickly, and then chased out with the bird.

The little bird stopped at the side door of a house and did not go further.

It can be seen that the piece of Luo Cheng's medicinal materials should be placed in this family's house.

Luo Cheng heard this, so he arranged for another man to stare here.

"I think the medicinal materials recently acquired by these people will definitely not be placed in this place, and maybe they will be transferred.

Li Xiaoran also felt that this method was feasible, so the two left for the time being.

After returning, Meng Yan and Ma Chongshan were still waiting for the two to bring back news.

Seeing the two people's faces are very calm at the moment, Meng Yan knew that things were not done yet.

"Did the medicinal materials be transported away?" Meng Yan guessed.

Li Xiaoran nodded and said, "Yes! I was almost deceived by those people! After the other party entered a house, he passed a door in the courtyard wall of the house and transported the medicinal materials from other houses. Let's go! Fortunately, we kept a hand, and finally found the place where the medicinal materials were stored!"

"Have you got all the herbs back?" Meng Yan asked again.

"No, we plan to keep the medicinal materials here and see where they will be transported!" Luo Cheng explained at this moment: "I suspect that they must have other places for special storage. The place for medicinal materials! Now that we have cast the net, we might as well be more patient and catch a big one!"

Meng Yan and Ma Chongshan heard this and thought it was a good idea.

"If you can really get a big one, it is worth waiting for us patiently for a while!" Ma Chongshan said.

The matter was settled, Meng Yan and Ma Chongshan were temporarily separated from Li Xiaoran and the others.

Meng Yan and Ma Chongshan still returned to the bright side, wandering around the capital to see if there was anything unusual.

Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran were lurking. The two rented a house near the house where the medicinal materials were stored, and observed the situation of the house nearby every day.

In the next few days, things from the good carriages came one after another, and they were all delivered to the house.

The carriages were then unloaded and left.

According to the depth of the wheel marks left on the ground, Luo Cheng judged that the carriages that came out did not pull anything.

So, those herbs should still be in the house.

Birds will also fly to the house every day, combing their feathers leisurely.

As long as Luo Cheng sees the little bird still in this house, he can be sure that his batch of medicinal materials is still stored in the house.

Time has passed, and in a blink of an eye, a lot of medicinal materials have been shipped into this house.

Finally, on a moonless night, the people in the house began to move.

Packs of things were loaded onto the carriage, and then a group of guards also appeared.

Soon, these things were loaded and pulled out.

Luo Cheng sent someone to stare in secret, but did not follow along.

It didn't take long for the second batch of carriages to arrive.

This time, Luo Cheng and his batch of medicinal herbs were loaded, and the bird also flew up quietly.

Looking at this scene, Luo Cheng knew it.

Some people were arranged to follow, and Luo Cheng was still outside the house.

In this way, one night passed, Luo Chengcheng watched the other party move the goods out a total of six times.

However, these six groups of people are going in different directions.

No way, Luo Cheng had no choice but to return to the house they rented, waiting for others to deliver the news.

It turns out that Luo Cheng is indeed prescient.

These six groups of people went around for a long time, and finally all went to the same place.

This place is called Flowing Water Valley.

Take out the map of the capital and look at the location of the valley.

"Master, why is this place called Liushuigu?" Li Xiaoran asked curiously.

"Because this valley did not exist originally, a large flood suddenly broke out ten years ago, and it rained heavily for a month, and a hill outside the capital was washed out of a river by the flood. Come on, the Valley of the Flowing Water is also named after it. After the flood, there are only a few trickles left in the Valley of the Flowing Water. However, the origins of the Valley of the Flowing Water have been passed down from generation to generation, so no one is willing to live in the Valley of the Flowing Water until now! Luo Cheng said what he knew.