The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 506

Chapter 506

It is not the first time that Li Xiaoran has made instant noodle cakes, so this time he is familiar with it.

After an hour, a lot of dough cakes are made, and then you need to make seasoning packets.

In order to make the soup of instant noodles strong and delicious, Li Xiaoran paid a lot of money.

The chicken is boiled in soup, the fish is boiled in soup, the bones and meat residue are filtered out, and then these two soups are used to make the base soup, and then the instant noodles are soaked in it.

After that, I added some fried eggs, some green vegetables and chopped green onion, and I made a bowl of very expensive instant noodles.

Li Xiaoran saw that this group of people really liked the instant noodles, and recalled the method of making the seasoning packets of instant noodles.

In the end, Li Xiaoran ground chicken and fish into powder, then added salt and mixed them together to become a seasoning packet.

As for the oil in the broth, Li Xiaoran just made a pot of braised pork whistle and put it there.

Li Xiaoran did a lot, and simply sent some to the eldest princess in front of them.

In this way, the air of the whole villa was filled with the smell of instant noodles.

However, no matter how delicious instant noodles are, you can't eat them every day!

Besides, eating instant noodles for a long time is not nutritious, so Li Xiaoran simply arranged fried chicken and crispy meat.

I have to say, with delicious food, Luo Cheng and the others are also very energetic when they are busy.

After a group of people studied for ten days, they finally saw some light.

When a manic man became manic, he became quiet after being sprayed with some antidote by Luo Cheng.

This kind of quietness does not refer to the kind of quietness that takes the drug and the whole person falls asleep, nor is the quietness of the body numb and unable to move, but the whole person, slowly regaining his senses.

While this man regained his senses, Luo Cheng asked something.

This person did not hide it, and cooperated to recall what he had done before the mania attack.

With one, there will be a second.

As more and more people regain their senses when they are manic, the information Luo Cheng has collected will become more and more comprehensive.

Luo Cheng understands more and more about the poison in these people.

In this way, the antidote that Luo Cheng made with them became more and more perfect.

Those who are manic, can only wake up for a stick of incense from the beginning, and then wake up for longer and longer.

Until another seven days passed, all the people who got mania never had another episode for one day.

Luo Cheng felt that the antidote for mania should be developed.

But for the sake of safety, Luo Cheng left these people to observe.

Of course, Luo Cheng sent some of the antidote to the manic people placed by Liu Yuyi.

Soon, there was news from Liu Yuyi that those who suffered from mania had recovered after taking it.

In this way, both sides observe at the same time to see if these people will get sick again after taking the antidote.

At the same time, the capital has been closed for 20 days, and there is no movement inside.

Even a person as steady as the long princess, at this time, a heart is up and down.

The capital can't be closed like this any longer.

Just when the eldest princess was hesitating, thinking about whether to find someone to rush into the capital, Luo Cheng and the others finally appeared in front of everyone.

"Lao Qi, how is it? Has the antidote been developed?" The eldest princess asked with a hint of hope.

Luo Cheng nodded, and then replied: "Aunt, please rest assured, the antidote has been developed, and people who suffer from mania will not go crazy after taking it. It's just the efficacy of this medicine. It remains to be seen how long it will last, whether it will be short-lived or long-term. But in this situation, I can't take care of it too much! There is a need for these antidote in the capital!"

"Do you know the news in the capital?" The eldest princess asked when she heard Luo Cheng's words.

Luo Cheng nodded, and then said something that reassured everyone.

"As we guessed before, there are also many people with mania in the capital. Because these people fall ill every day, the yamen can't control so many people, so the emperor ordered the city to be closed. Now, not only in the capital, but even in the imperial palace, there are many people who suffer from mania. What is even more worrying is that every day someone suddenly suffers from mania and goes mad. In this case, the father also There is no other way but to lock up the capital first, hoping to control the situation!"

"So, no one mutiny?" The eldest princess thought of something and said so.

"I don't know if the mutiny is not clear, anyway, these antidote are needed in the capital now. So I have to send some antidote in, and I also need to get some medicinal materials from the major pharmacies in the capital to make them back. After all, making these I don't have many medicinal herbs for the antidote here!" Luo Cheng said.

In this way, it is imperative to enter the capital.

Li Xiaoran thought of something and asked, "Do people in the capital still shoot those carrier pigeons that fly into the capital?"

Luo Cheng didn't understand why she asked this when he heard Li Xiaoran's words.

"The guards in the capital are also in a mess. At this time, no one pays attention to the carrier pigeons, so the letter will be passed to me!"

"If this is the case, then it will be easy!" Li Xiaoran said with a smile: "Since you want to go in, why don't you fly in!"

When the eldest princess heard Li Xiaoran's words, what did she think of: "Can we get out of Zhuangzi to enter the capital?"

Li Xiaoran shook his head and said: "The capital is here, there are no tall trees nearby, the last method is useless at all. When I say fly, I really fly in. Of course, it must be With some tools!"

Li Xiaoran said, and asked someone to take the paper and the burnt wooden stick.

Drawing on the white paper quickly, a simple glider appeared in front of everyone.

"This thing needs practice how to use it, and it is relatively easy to build. We can use the wind to fly from a hill not far away to the middle of the capital." Li Xiaoran briefly explained the glider method of use.

Luo Cheng looked at the things on the drawing paper and asked uncertainly, "Miss, do you think this can really take us into the capital?"

"Of course, it's just a little risky. Otherwise, you can throw some iron claws on it while you are at night, and use ropes to take you over the wall!" Li Xiaoran said another way. .