The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 497

Chapter 497

The woman at this time was bloodless and looked like she was dying.

Seeing this, Li Xiaoran hurriedly shouted: "Quick, call the imperial doctor over here!"

Although the people around were retreating, many people went to the imperial doctor.

The reason why Yuyi Liu appeared here is actually for this woman.

However, the woman's condition was not good before the arrival of Liu Yuyi.

Seeing this, Li Xiaoran felt that she couldn't go on like this, and she had to get emergency treatment.

Not only was his life in sight, but Li Xiaoran didn't care too much, he laid the person flat on the ground, then knelt on the ground, leaned down and began to press the woman's chest.

After pressing, Li Xiaoran hurriedly squeezed the woman's mouth and nose with her hands, and then hurriedly let the woman in.

When the people around them saw this, they all exclaimed, and the eyes that looked at Li Xiaoran also became strange.

Shu Ruyue didn't know what Li Xiaoran was doing, but she was sure that Li Xiaoran was saving people.

No, when Doctor Liu arrived, the unconscious woman opened her eyes and breathed.

Seeing this, Dr. Liu quickly stepped forward to take her pulse.

After a while, Liu Yuyi looked happy.

"Fortunately, fortunately, Seventh Prince Concubine, you took action in time, and Miss Duan's life was saved! Dare to ask Seventh Prince Concubine, what were you doing just now?"

"First aid! I learned from a doctor in Yamano, saying that this can save a life at a critical moment. I just saw that this girl was dying, so I just took it Come out and try it! I didn't expect it, it really works!" Li Xiaoran said with a smile.

When the people around heard Li Xiaoran's words, they immediately talked about it.

Although the seventh prince is also a woman, it is indecent to do such indecent actions in public!

Liu Yuyi is also very entangled at the moment, he can naturally see that Li Xiaoran's set of movements is not so simple, but he can't open his mouth if he wants to learn.

No way, the other party is the seventh prince!

Besides, this way of saving people is also shocking and unacceptable.

Li Xiaoran didn't care what other people thought, at this moment she looked at Miss Duan who had woken up.

"Are you missing something when you're young, so it's hard to breathe with a little effort?"

Duan Sha knew that Li Xiaoran saved her life today, so she did not hide it.

"The doctors did say so! Because it is a congenital deficiency, there is no way to cure it, but I can only take medicine to recuperate. As long as I can live, no matter how long! Look at me, a fragile person like me Body, where can I go out for a walk and see!"

Li Xiaoran felt some pity for the girl in front of her when she heard this.

"You've lived so long, don't give up! Maybe the longer you live, the better your chances of getting treatment! Remember, anything can happen in this world Yes! Look, you almost died today, but your fate met me, didn't I rescue you? God will not take your life, let you suffer so many pains, as long as you If you persevere, we will definitely give you the best reward!"

Duan Sha did not expect that Li Xiaoran would encourage herself like this.

She has seen many people look at her with sympathy, but what she needs most is not the sympathy of these people.

A person like Li Xiaoran who directly encouraged her to persevere was the first stranger she met in her life.

"Is what you said true?" Duan Sha asked again with brighter eyes.

"It's true! You have to believe, there will always be miracles in this world! As long as you don't give up, maybe one day miracles will fall on you! So you have to work hard, God will definitely I will give the best reward to the brave girl!" Li Xiaoran encouraged.

Duan Sha nodded and took what Li Xiaoran said in her heart.

Over the years, every time she experienced pain, she wondered if she did a lot of wrong things in her past life, so this life will become like this to pay off her debts.

Many times, if it wasn't for fear of her parents being sad, she really wanted to die.

But today, she met Li Xiaoran.

Li Xiaoran told her that as long as she persevered, she would get God's dowry.

So, from now on, she will be a brave girl, and then go to win the praise of God.

I can sense that Duan Sha's desire to survive has been mobilized, and I feel relieved.

As for Duan Sha's illness, Li Xiaoran actually had an idea in mind.

Her man Luo Chengcheng is a genius doctor, and he has a high talent in medicine.

I wonder if she told her man about modern surgery and let him think about it, can he learn surgery?

This is easy to say, but not easy to do.

Hope this Duan Sha can survive until his man learns surgery!

After Duan Sha returned to normal, she still insisted on staying here and watching.

Li Xiaoran thought about it and asked someone to bring her a reclining chair.

"You're sick, you can't be tired, I see there is a big big rock over there, you ask someone to send you there, and you can see the surrounding situation clearly! You If you're worried, I'll accompany you!" Li Xiaoran said while looking at Duan Sha.

Duan Sha looked at Li Xiaoran's worthwhile place and nodded.

Soon, several women who were serving came over and carried Duan Sha to a raised stone not far away.

Li Xiaoran and Shu Ruyue also asked someone to move the seats up, and the three of them sat on it together and watched the situation in the middle of the lake.

At this time, the stone bridge and the disc-like dam in the lake have been revealed.

Some daring men are already standing by the side entrance, eager to try.

Fortunately, there is someone watching over the entrance, so no one goes up.

Li Xiaoran could already see a lot of men on the opposite side, so he looked for Meng Yan's figure on the woman's side.

Just looking around, Li Xiaoran didn't see Meng Yan.

"Where did this Meng Yan go?" Li Xiaoran muttered.

When Shu Ruyue heard Li Xiaoran's words, she also raised her head to help her find it together.

Maybe it was because there were too many people, the two of them looked around and couldn't see where Meng Yan was.

The water of the lake is gradually draining, and the stone bridge can finally be walked up.

The men and women were already walking towards the stone bridge.

Of course, it was all young, unmarried men and women who walked up.

Whoever has a crush on the other party will directly hand over the wooden plaque around the waist to the other party.

The other party accepted and handed over his wooden sign. Even if both parties are interested, we will discuss the marriage later.

Of course, this kind of engagement is not necessarily successful.

Some family members are against it, and the marriage will not be possible in the end.