The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 462

Chapter 462

"This person doesn't live in the mansion anymore, how could he still have influence?"

"Look at you, you are a rude man who only knows how to do feng shui. People who are really capable, if they really use feng shui to do evil, they are hard to guard against. Take Brother Luo Cheng, the seventh prince. Judging from the Feng Shui Bureau in the mansion, it is considered ruthless! After the completion of this Feng Shui Bureau, even if Luo Cheng does not live here, his birth date will be nailed in this mansion. That is to say, regardless of Luo Cheng No matter how far my brother goes, he will be affected by this Feng Shui Bureau, his temperament is cold, he has no wife, and he has no children." Wu Qinghe explained it in the simplest words.

"What? Cut off the son and never the grandson, what a grudge!" Zi Zheng was stunned at the moment.

"Don't take it seriously! It's true! This Feng Shui Bureau really has such great power!" Wu Qinghe said firmly.

"That's not right! Isn't the son already married to his sister-in-law?" Zicheng frowned and said, "Didn't you say it before? Wifeless Palace?"

When Wu Qinghe heard this, he was not angry, but looked at Li Xiaoran.

"This, of course, I know, so I didn't understand it at first! It is obviously a wifeless palace, a feng shui bureau without children, but my sister-in-law has become Luo Chengge 's wife. That's why I was very puzzled, I researched it for a long time, and finally came to a conclusion!"

"What conclusion?" Zicheng and Zicheng asked in unison.

Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran also looked at Wu Qinghe curiously at this time to see what she wanted to say.

At this time, Luo Cheng suddenly remembered the things that Li Yan said by his subordinates.

What did he say when he pushed Li Yan out to block the sword, and said he was ruthless.

Therefore, the reason why he and Li Xiaoran can become husband and wife must be Li Xiaoran.

Sure enough, what Wu Qinghe said next confirmed Luo Cheng's guess.

"Because my sister-in-law is very special!"

"Cut!" A group of people booed, an expression we all know.

"No, listen to me carefully! As I said before, the sister-in-law's face is very strange, and there are contradictions everywhere! Logically speaking, the sister-in-law looks like a wealthy person She looks good, but it's not as expensive as the prince's concubine. However, the sister-in-law is enveloped in purple air, and has a noble aura of her own. In addition, the sister-in-law also has a strong light of good fortune! I think, maybe It's the light of good fortune from my sister-in-law, so it affects the role of the Feng Shui Bureau!" Wu Qinghe explained the reason why he figured it out.

Li Xiaoran thought about it after hearing Wu Qinghe's words.

Maybe it's not because she has some purple energy, extravagance, or the light of blessing, maybe it's because she is the soul of another world, so she's not in this heaven, so those feng shui masters The Feng Shui Bureau has no effect on her. And Luo Chenglong got along with her, and because of her, some things became mysterious, so he wouldn't be cursed by the Feng Shui Bureau!

Although the specific reasons are different, the results are the same.

It can be said that Luo Chengzi, his own man, was not affected. Isn't it because of her particularity that he has a wife?

"Can't this Feng Shui Bureau be destroyed?" Li Xiaoran remembered something and asked a very important question.

When Wu Qinghe heard this, his face became solemn.

" Over the years, those feng shui bureaus and Luo Chengge's birthdays have complemented each other, destroying this feng shui bureau is equivalent to destroying Luo Chengge, I don't have the ability to crack it! Don't say it's me Now, even the most powerful Feng Shui master in the world is helpless!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's mood became solemn.

Only Li Xiaoran disagreed.

"I don't think so! A lot of things in this world have two sides. Isn't there a saying that there is another village in the dark? But it may not really be a dead end. Heaven is sentient, and when you close a door, a window will open, and death and life coexist. You feel that there is no way in front of you, that's because you never found the window of life!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone cheered up.

"Between heaven and earth, the law of the growth of all things is the combination of yin and yang. Where there is yin and yang, where there is death, there is life. Wu Qinghe, you are too obsessed with superficial metaphysics and numerology, but you forgot A fundamental! The complexity of people lies in a variable. Tao business, one life two, two begets three, three begets all things! You have to remember, no matter what the circumstances of everything, there will definitely be a chance of life!" Li Xiaoran will Her insight came out.

Just like her! Obviously in the modern age, it is a mortal situation, but the variables that have occurred through crossing have achieved her destiny in this life.

And her arrival has intersected with Luo Cheng, so his fate has changed.

Therefore, many things are not absolute, and the dead end is not 100%.

Luo Cheng saw Li Xiaoran standing confidently in front of Wu Qinghe and said, every word and word was insightful, and his face was full of admiration.

His wife has such an extraordinary charm, she always finds that life when things are the most difficult, and then wins.

From the beginning of the old Li's house, it was like this when he encountered danger after him, and now it is like this after I came to the capital and heard the Feng Shui Bureau!

She is such a lively and bright woman, how can he not be attracted, how can he not fall in love!

When Wu Qinghe heard Li Xiaoran's words, he suddenly realized something.

Speaking of which, this is the second epiphany that Li Xiaoran brought him.

Last time he also had an epiphany because of Li Xiaoran, but he didn't expect that he would have an epiphany again after a long time.

Everyone saw Wu Qinghe's abnormality, and then quietly left one by one, leaving this quietness to Wu Qinghe.

"I'm a little hungry, and I don't know if there are any ingredients in the kitchen. Let's go and see! If there are no ingredients, we have to buy some ourselves!" Li Xiaoran was busy for a while Now, I heard the empty city sing in my stomach at this moment, so I suggested this.

"Okay, let's go over and have a look! Just as everyone is tired, let's cook something delicious today and relax! Next, we have big things to do!" Luo Cheng said .

Li Xiaoran and Luo Chengcheng said so, everyone should respond positively.

When a group of people arrived at the stove, they found that the stove was actually filled with all kinds of fresh ingredients.

"Master, did you ask someone to go shopping?" Li Xiaoran asked suspiciously.

"No! It's the first time I've come to this house! I haven't left you half a step since entering the door!" Luo Cheng shook his head and said.