The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 458

Chapter 458

"Killed, killed, someone killed!" A voice trembled and screamed, and then the scene became chaotic.

The night market was originally crowded. At this time, a riot caused countless people to be crowded passively.

Luo Cheng immediately noticed something was wrong, and with agility, he put his arms around Li Xiaoran's waist and flew onto a tall tree.

Zi Cheng and the others followed suit. They all jumped up and landed directly on the tree.

Those who are sober also follow the example, and quickly find a higher place to climb up.

Those who are not clear-headed are shoved away by the stream of people.

Li Xiaoran was sitting on the tree under the protection of Luo Cheng. Seeing the crowd of people below, Li Xiaoran was full of regrets.

Originally she just came to the night market for a stroll, she never thought such a thing would happen.

I heard about it on TV or in novels before, but now she realized the horror of this large-scale crowding after experiencing it for herself.

Ordinary people, in this situation, have nothing but despair.

Because people at this time have no sense at all, and they can't help them.


At this moment, the sound of the bamboo whistle sounded, and then a lot of fires suddenly lit around.

At the same time, a sentence followed.

"Quick, leave in the direction of the fire!"

People who were still crowded at this time spontaneously ran towards the place with the fire.

Gradually, there are fewer and fewer people, and the feeling of being crowded is gone.

When there were only a few people on the ground, Luo Cheng took Li Xiaoran and jumped down from the tree.

After landing, Li Xiaoran wanted to take a look, but was pulled by Luo Cheng, and then covered Li Xiaoran's eyes with his big hands.

"Don't look, don't listen, don't sense, lady, don't sense!" Luo Cheng said, his other hand guided Li Xiaoran's hands and covered his ears.

However, the effect of this is very small, even if she doesn't watch or listen, she can still sense various emotions.

"Master, let me go! It's useless, I can feel everything!" Li Xiaoran said.

Luo Cheng could only bring his hand when he heard Li Xiaoran's words.

I saw a lot of people lying on the ground.

Some people have no breath at this time, or they are dying.

Some people were crying while clutching their wounds, hoping that someone could save them.

The cries, the wailing, and the footsteps of saving people were all intertwined.

Li Xiaoran couldn't control his empathy ability, all those emotions rushed in, Li Xiaoran's face became more and more strange, and the last blood vomited out.

Luo Cheng became anxious when he saw Li Xiaoran like this, and was about to leave here holding Li Xiaoran.

, said.

"You're like this! You still think about others!" Luo Cheng suddenly felt distressed and said angrily.

"Xiang Gong, hurry up, don't let everything I bear become meaningless!" Li Xiaoran covered his head and said firmly.

Luo Cheng looked at Li Xiaoran like this, so he could only ask the people around him to go to the northeast to save people.

Luo Cheng himself was still by Li Xiaoran's side.

"Master, why don't you help?" Li Xiaoran urged.

Luo Cheng heard Li Xiaoran's words, looked at her pale and bloodless face, and only said such a sentence.

"Miss, you have great love in your heart, but I only have you in my heart! To me, you are the most precious one, I can't imagine, if one day you are not there With me by my side, what will my life be like!"

Li Xiaoran heard Luo Cheng's words, and his eyes fell on Luo Cheng's face.

At this moment, the emotions sensed by those empathy abilities all dissipated, and she could only feel that the man in front of her cared about her.

That part of cherishing, that part of careful care, and that part of determination, all fell into Li Xiaoran's heart.

"Xiang Gong! Thank you! How lucky I am to meet you in this life!"

Luo Cheng shook his head when he heard Li Xiaoran say such words.

"How lucky I am to meet you in this life!"

After finishing speaking, Li Xiaoran carried Li Xiaoran on his back and asked, "Come on! I'll take you around and find someone who can be saved!"

Li Xiaoran let out a "um", and the two moved.

Sure enough, when walking around, Li Xiaoran found a few people who had been knocked out, but still had breath.

When they were sure that they no longer felt any emotions, Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran quietly left with their people.

Perhaps because he was far away from the night market, Li Xiaoran, who was sitting on the carriage, was drowsy.

Just don't know why, every time she is about to fall asleep, she wakes up again.

"What's wrong?" Luo Cheng also noticed Li Xiaoran's abnormality and asked.

Li Xiaoran shook his head: "Xianggong, you tell everyone to be careful! I always feel that there is still something to happen!"

Luo Cheng frowned when he heard Li Xiaoran's words.

When I came out today, a lot of things happened, I have to go home, and there will be an accident.

Although he thought so, Luo Cheng still ordered.

Sure enough, a group of people cheered up and took precautions one by one.

It's just that this journey went well, nothing happened, and the gate of the Seventh Prince's mansion appeared in front of him.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and at this moment, something happened.

It was clearly the mansion of the Seventh Prince, but bows and arrows were shot inside, targeting Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran.

This time, everyone was caught off guard.

Fortunately, Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran did not get off the carriage, and the carriage temporarily blocked some arrows for them.

It's not a solution for a long time, you have to find a way to get out of here.

"Bold thief, dare to pretend to be the seventh prince and the seventh prince concubine, I will take you down today!" A voice shouted loudly.