The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 451

Chapter 451

The former imperial grandmother always looked aloof and beautiful.

But looking at the grandmother in front of her again, her arrogance has faded, her mottled hair has turned white, and she looks a lot older.

Luo Cheng nodded subconsciously, then realized that he had reacted, and moved his eyes to other places in embarrassment.

The Empress Dowager saw Luo Cheng nod so sincerely, and she immediately became happy.

"People will grow old, and people will change!" The empress dowager said with emotion.

When Luo Cheng heard the Queen Mother's words, he remembered his changes over the past year and nodded.

"Grandma said so!"

The Empress Dowager heard Luo Cheng calling her grandmother, and suddenly looked at Luo Cheng in surprise.

"It's so rare! I didn't expect that you've been out for so many years, and you've become a lot more sensible. If this used to be, you would just listen silently, and wouldn't say anything at all, but now you've become softer A lot!"

While speaking, the Queen Mother asked someone to bring some fruit bowls.

"Come, sit down and eat something with the royal grandmother! Over the years, my appetite has been getting worse and worse, and seeing your change today, the royal grandmother is very happy. After a while, I will have more appetite to eat!"

Luo Cheng nodded when he heard the empress dowager, sat down and ate with the empress dowager and started moving.

The Empress Dowager looked at Luo Cheng while eating.

"This is indeed a person who married a wife, so people have become a lot more sensible! Aijia remembers that no matter where you appeared in the past, you had a very low sense of existence. And Anyone who looks at you will be frostbitten by the coldness on your body. You kid, your temper is too stubborn, very similar to your father's temper. But this temper will make you suffer a lot! "

Luo Cheng was a little surprised when he heard the Queen Mother's words.

In recent years, he has rarely been close to his father and emperor, and even in the face of the empress dowager, he rarely shows the kind of intimacy of his grandchildren.

Luo Cheng always thought that no one in the palace really liked him, cared about him, and cared about him.

But now that he heard these words from the empress dowager, he began to realize that he seemed to be negligent in some places.

The Empress Dowager saw Luo Cheng's thoughtful look, and also remembered what happened back then, her heart softened, and her voice was much softer.

"You were so lonely back then. Even if the grandmother wanted to love you more, she didn't dare to show it! Child, you may have resentment in your heart, but many It's not as simple as you see it. Your mother's status is low, you have no family, and after your mother's death, you are lonely and helpless. "

"At this time, your father and I don't pay attention to you, which is the best protection for you. Once your father and I pay attention to you, what awaits you will be extinct. Disaster. You were born in the royal family, and now you should know that there are dangers everywhere in this birdcage-like palace. We care about many things, and say to a young son like you who has no one to take care of it, it is not a good thing! "

The words of the empress dowager fell into Luo Cheng's heart one by one.

The former Luo Cheng might not understand it, and even if the Luo Cheng a year ago understood, he didn't want to think about it.

But now Luo Cheng is different!

Li Xiaoran gave him his sincerity and made him feel warmth and true love, so he changed from a hard stinky stone to warm, and the whole person became a lot more emotional.

So, he can hear what the Queen Mother is saying now.

"Grandmother, I understand!"

The Empress Dowager saw that Luo Cheng understood what she meant, and then nodded: "Child, you can understand! This life is in this world, and many things are involuntary. Even your father is not hindered by many things. Your father is not a perfect father, but he is also working hard to be a father. If you understand him more, your father will understand you more. This father-son relationship will naturally get along well!"

Luo Cheng didn't say anything this time, just made a soft "um" and stopped talking.

In Luo Cheng's heart, whether the father and son can get along in harmony depends on the emperor's actions.

If his father is still acting as before, he will at best maintain a superficial harmony between father and son.

So, the good or bad relationship between father and son ultimately falls on his father.

He has no idea about that throne anyway, so he doesn't care.

The empress dowager could see Luo Cheng's disapproval, sighed in her heart, and then said nothing more.

There are too many misunderstandings and estrangements between father and son, and it is impossible to completely eliminate them in a while.

Fortunately, this kid is now willing to return to the capital, and everything has room to ease.

After that, the empress dowager changed the subject and talked about Li Xiaoran.

"Tell me, how did you and that girl named Li Xiaoran get together?"

"Speaking of which, it's also a coincidence! Maybe God sees me as pitiful and pity me, so he sent Xiaoran to my side!" Speaking of Li Xiaoran, Luo Cheng's pair Eyes are bright.

The empress dowager is old and likes to hear these things the most, so one person talks and one listens, and the atmosphere is very warm for a while.

When Xiao Dezi came, the empress dowager too let Luo Cheng leave.

"If you have time, bring that girl Xiaoran to show the imperial grandmother! Don't worry, with the imperial grandmother here, she will not be bullied!" The Queen Mother said at the end.

Luo Cheng pondered for a while, then said: "I will bring it in for the imperial grandmother to see!"

The Empress Dowager got Luo Cheng's right words and let him go.

After Li Xiaoran solved Luo Cheng's rotten peach blossom incident, he also had a detailed understanding of Prime Minister Yan.

She already knew what to do.

But now is not the time to take action, we have to wait, at least to find out some of Yan Xiaoqiao's handle.

With an idea in mind, Li Xiaoran's mood also improved.

Remembering that I was in a bad mood today, Li Xiaoran decided to make some delicious food to refresh herself.

So, Li Xiaoran thought about it and decided to get some ingredients to eat barbecue.

There is no iron mesh, but there is always an iron plate.

All kinds of ingredients are cleaned, cut and marinated.

Lettuce is hard to find, so look for cabbage, which can also be used to wrap meat.

When everything was ready, Luo Chengcheng came to the door with a guest.