The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 442

Chapter 442

Luo Cheng also followed Li Xiaoran, sandwiched his favorite dishes, rolled them together and ate them with rice porridge.

Xiao Dezi saw Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng casually eating in front of the emperor yesterday, so he knew that these two really didn't mind their identities, so he washed his hands and rolled them together The cake was eaten.

I want to go down in one bite, Xiaodezi, his face is full of satisfaction.

"What are you two doing, hurry up and eat! You are being polite to the seventh prince and the seventh prince, it's your own loss! If you care about your status, hurry up and eat!"

The other two little eunuchs got the words of Xiaodezi, so they let go of their courage and ate.

I have to say that this kind of burritos with vegetables is very novel.

To be honest, who among the eunuchs in the palace has never eaten something good!

But today is different.

In the past, when they ate delicious food, they dared to go to the royal chef and make some delicious food at their own expense when the master was away or when the master was resting.

But now they don't need to be nervous or cautious, they just sit and eat with the prince and concubine.

Are they bad for the food?

What they lack is the satisfaction of sitting at a table with the prince.

From the beginning to the end, Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng really didn't mind their existence and ate their own food naturally.

Li Xiaoran greeted the three people from time to time, and also taught the three people who had a meal together how to mix vegetarian dishes that he thought was delicious.

Whether a person is really sincere to others, everyone has a steel scale in their heart.

Although some people pretend to be nice to others, they still can't make people feel sincere.

Li Xiaoran is different from Luo Cheng. From beginning to end, they did not use a sense of superiority, but they really treated all people equally.

At this moment, the three people who ate were very warm, and more grateful and moved.

The powerful officials of the previous dynasties either despised them or made friends with them, or they were suspicious, and some hated them. Of course, there are people who, although they dislike their rootless people, have to put down their stature to make friends with them for their own glory and wealth.

But no one really treats them equally.

Now, only the seventh prince and the seventh prince have done it.


Xiao Dezi had a smile on his face when he heard the words of the **** called Xiao Table beside him.

"Small stool, small table, the two of you are destined to come with me today, and it can be regarded as a great blessing. Today, the miscellaneous family is in a good mood, so I will give you some pointers. No matter what you think of others , at least the Seventh Prince deserves your sincere treatment!"

When he said this, Xiao Dezi deliberately emphasized the word sincerity, hoping that these two people could understand what he meant.

If it was before, Xiao Dezi would definitely not say these words.

But after seeing the scene of Li Xiaoran and the emperor getting along yesterday, Xiao Dezi already saw it.

A person who dares to satirize even the emperor is either a stupid person or has something special.

Would a woman who can allow the current emperor to recognize her identity as the seventh prince concubine and treat the seventh prince with such sincerity is a foolish generation?

The answer is obvious.

The small table and stool also took Xiaodezi's words in their hearts. From then on, whenever they encountered the Seventh Prince and Seventh Prince's Concubine, they would reach out to help.

After the emperor retired from the early court, he happened to be very tired.

At this time, Xiao Dezi walked in with a food box.

"The imperial decree has been read out? What's the reaction of the seventh!" The emperor asked.

"The Seventh Prince didn't react at all. The Seventh Prince and Concubine liked the gold medal you gave the emperor to avoid kneeling. She also said that what you gave the emperor was really a gift to her heart! No, when the Seventh Prince Concubine was happy, she invited the younger ones to have breakfast!" Xiao Dezi said, and brought the food box over: "The Seventh Prince Concubine still thinks about the emperor, and asks the little one to give it to the emperor. Bring some burritos too!"

The emperor immediately became interested.

"Bring it here! I'll try it too!"

When he heard the emperor's words, Xiao Dezi hesitated.

"Or, let the little one try it for the emperor first?"

The emperor knew what he meant when he heard what Xiao Dezi said.

"No, bring it here! After passing your hand, I will naturally trust it!"

Speaking, the emperor asked someone to draw water, wash his hands, and then, with the help of Xiaodezi, rolled a cake and ate it.

Not to mention, the emperor, who had a bad appetite, had an appetite after eating this burrito.

A box of burritos was finally eaten by the emperor.

"Don't say it, this girl is really good at eating! I originally had no appetite to eat, but when I ate this burrito made by her, my appetite was greatly improved!" said contentedly.

Xiao Dezi remembered the taste he had eaten before, and couldn't help but agree: "No, I only saw the seventh prince and concubine when I was young, and found that the seventh prince was true in this regard. good at!"

The emperor thought of something, and said, "Maybe that girl is good at this! By the way, I don't eat the cakes she made for free. I remember that there was a cook from Shu in the imperial kitchen. That's right! Cooked a good dish. Let him go to the Seventh Prince's Mansion to make a table of Shu cuisine that he is good at. That girl didn't say that, but she really misses the taste of Shu. As a father-in-law, I also It's time to take care of your son and daughter-in-law!"

In the imperial kitchen, Fan Dechang, who had been marginalized for a long time, suddenly panicked after receiving the emperor's order.

After stuffing Xiao Dezi with a piece of silver, Fan Dechang carefully inquired: "General manager, look, how far is this errand going?"

After Xiao Dezi got the silver, he laughed.

"Do it with your heart, and you will be happy with the Seventh Prince and Seventh Prince's Concubine!"

This time, Fan Dechang will come over and he knows it.

"By the way, the Seventh Prince Concubine is a native of Shu and misses the taste of her hometown, Fan Yuchu, you have to use your cooking skills well! Maybe, if you play it well, there will be surprises !" Xiao Dezi said again.