The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 42

Chapter 42

"If you want to make delicious sorghum buns, you must pay attention to some precautions for the dough." Li Xiaoran said, and lowered his voice.

In such a situation, the popularity of stretching your neck and trying to steal a teacher's art is too much.

Luo Cheng saw the careful thoughts of those people and sneered.

The person he Luo Cheng fancy is not a fool, how can he let others learn this craft.

Li Xiaoqing was also around at this time, learning how to make sorghum steamed buns with Yuan Cheng and Mao Dao.

In Li Xiaoqing's own words, she is a girl's family. The more skills she learns, the more skills she can use, and she will not be afraid to travel all over the world in the future.

Li Xiaoran is naturally willing to teach, as long as her sister is willing to learn, she will teach her without reservation.

After rubbing it twice, Li Xiaoran explained some points that need attention in detail, and then let Yuan Cheng, Mao Dao and Li Xiaoqing get started.

I have to say that the girl's family has a natural talent for the kitchen.

Among the three, Li Xiaoqing was the fastest learner, almost at a time.

Yuan Cheng and Mao Dao are close to each other, but Yuan Cheng is also very good, he learned it after two lessons.

As for Maodao, it has some basics in the past, so it is on par with Yuan Cheng.

Soon, the sorghum noodles and flour brought with them were kneaded into a ball. After Li Xiaoran taught them to make steamed buns, Yuan Cheng and Mao Dao made the steamed buns by themselves.

At this time, a team of people appeared in the distance, and a group of people who set up a stall saw so many people appearing, and they suddenly came to the spirit.

Seeing this, Li Xiaoran hurried back to his noodle stall and waited for the arrival of the guests.

Because there were a lot of people in the convoy, it went very slowly.

I saw it from a distance, but it took a long time to get to the place where the stall was set up.

"Hey, when did these stalls grow up here! I think they all sell food, do you want to buy some food!" Wanyuan, who was walking in the front, looked at the food nearby, like The old man beside him suggested.

Gu Yan was too lazy to look at Wanyuan, so he reminded him directly.

"Don't forget our mission this time, be sure to send the Lu family to the capital safely. Besides, these are all small stalls, so there is no need to add trouble."

It was said by the old saying that Wanyuan could only look at the food stalls around him regretfully, swallowed his saliva, and suppressed his hunger.

It's just that he can bear it, but the children of the Lu family can't bear it.

The smell of food came from the road, and the children in the carriage could not sit still.

"Mother, mother, I want to eat noodles, I want to eat noodles!" At this moment, a small voice came over.

A woman with a beautiful face was overjoyed when she heard her daughter say she wanted to eat noodles.

"Husband, Jiaojiao wants to eat noodles, let's stop for a bowl of noodles and then go!"

Lu Hua heard his wife's words, and then looked at his daughter who had no appetite. In the end, he couldn't bear to let the child suffer, so he ordered the carriage to stop.

Wanyuan, who was walking in front, saw a carriage stop in the middle, so he quickly turned his head and looked around.

"Third Master Lu, why did you stop the carriage? There is still some distance from the Bailu City in front. Let's hurry up this morning!"

"Brother Wan, my little daughter suddenly wants to eat a bowl of noodles! You know, my little daughter didn't eat much all the way, and she was extremely hungry. It's rare to meet her If she wants to eat, I want her to eat some!" Lu Hua told the truth without hiding it.

To be honest, Wanyuan was also a little hungry, and when he heard Lu Hua's words, he thought about it and said, "It's just right, we're a little tired from walking, so we can buy something to fill our stomachs. good!"

Speaking, Wanyuan shouted to the brothers in front and back.

"Brothers, walk to the side, don't get in the way. If you want to buy something to eat, take turns to buy it! Be safe!"

When the group heard Wan Yuan's words, they immediately responded happily, and then divided into several groups to buy things.

When the people who set up the stall saw the guests coming, their faces also filled with smiles.

In this way, the originally deserted official road suddenly became lively.

Lu Hua got off the carriage with his wife and daughter, went to the front of Mrs. Lu to inquire, and brought his wife and daughter to the front of the stall.

Jiaojiao got off the carriage, pulled Lu Hua directly and walked towards Li Xiaoran and the sisters' knife-cut noodles stall, which made Zhao Chunhua jealous for a while.

"Father, mother, I want to eat noodles made by this sister!" said petitely.

Seeing this, Lu Hua smiled and nodded: "Okay, then you and your mother will sit at the table over there, and father will sell you noodles!"

Jiaojiao nodded, and then, under the leadership of her mother Wu Li, sat beside the bamboo-woven table and chairs.

"This chair is comfortable to sit on, and this table is comfortable to use!" Jiaojiao looked at the table and chair in front of her, and said softly.

Seeing that her daughter was in better spirits, Wu Li said happily: "Since you like it, then sit for a while!"

"Yeah!" Jiaojiao nodded, then looked around again.

It seems that this piece of countryside has become the most beautiful scenery in the world, so Jiaojiao can't get enough of it.

Li Xiaoqing also brought three bowls of bone soup and placed them on the table.

"Little sister, this is bone soup, it will warm your body a lot! Try it!" Li Xiaoqing said with a smile.

"Thank you, sister, I'll drink it now!" Jiaojiao replied with a smile, and then she took a sip of the spoon and drank it.

Wu Li has always been worried, wondering if her daughter can eat these things.

You know, at home, her daughter eats that kind of very delicate food, but she still feels uncomfortable.

This bone soup looks very greasy, and I don't know if Jiaojiao can stand it.

You must know that after drinking several spoonfuls of bone broth, Jiaojiao didn't have any uncomfortable reaction, which made Wu Li a little surprised.

Lu Hua asked what kind of noodles Li Xiaoran was selling, and finally ordered three bowls of plain noodles.

Li Xiaoran looked at Jiaojiao, who was drinking the soup on the other side, thinking about it, and couldn't help but stop Lu Hua.

"This guest officer, I actually suggest that all three of you cook three bowls of meat and sashimi noodles!"

Lu Hua's face sank when he heard Li Xiaoran's words, and he was suddenly a little unhappy.

In Lu Hua's view, Li Xiaoran's move was forcibly selling things, which made him very disliked.

Seeing the change in Lu Hua's face, Li Xiaoran immediately explained.

"Don't get me wrong, guest, there is a reason why I would suggest this. Look, your child hasn't eaten any nutritious food these days! She is already severely deficient. Nutritious. Meat, vegetables, and noodles are matched with some food, which is a nutritionally balanced diet, which is more conducive to the child's body to take care of. The child's body is already bad, and the food he eats has no nutritional supply. Even if the body wants to get better, it is It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice!"