The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 414

Chapter 414

"Open the door, open the door! Help us!" A cry for help came from outside.

When Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran heard this voice, their expressions suddenly changed, and they rushed to the door of the stone house and quickly opened the door.

In the darkness, two people rushed in.

Luo Cheng quickly closed the big stone door and looked at the two people who rushed in.

"Father, mother, why did you come to the mountain?" Seeing who was coming, Li Xiaoran couldn't help exclaiming.

It is none other than Li Xiaoran's parents Li Shun and Zhao Xiu.

At this time, the two of them were extremely embarrassed, not only their hair was messy, but their clothes were also a piece of mud, a piece of grass, and it felt like they were rolling through a mud pit.

"Daughter, son-in-law? Why are you here?" Li Shun couldn't help exclaiming at this moment.

Two people came out one after another.

"Dad, mother, take off your coat first! Wash your face, wash your hands, eat something first, let's sit down and talk slowly!" Luo Cheng saw two people on their bodies at this time It was so dirty, he said.

"I have clothes, mother, wear mine! Dad, put on Luo Cheng's coat first!" Li Xiaoran went to get the clothes while talking.

Li Shun and Zhao Xiu had a lot of questions in their hearts, but they washed their hands and faces first, then took the clothes handed over by their daughter and son-in-law, and went to a corner to pull them with a curtain , changed into clean clothes and came out.

This time, five people sat around the iron pot, drinking hot soup, eating large pieces of land, and nibbling on soft taro.

Li Shun and Zhao Xiu hadn't eaten for a day, so after eating the food, they suddenly recovered.

"Daughter, haven't you and your son-in-law been caught? Someone brought us news and asked us to wait on the mountain, saying that someone would pick us up to visit you in Bailu City. Why are you instead? Appearing here?" Li Shun put his stomach on the bottom, and finally couldn't help but ask.

"Are you arrested? Who told you?" Li Xiaoran frowned when he heard this.

"Someone brought a letter to me, let us not tell anyone, as long as I go with your mother to the three camphor trees on the mountain and wait, and say that there will be someone to pick us up. Say we must not tell others, otherwise they will not show up to see us!" Li Shun explained.

"So you came here? Why didn't you talk to Ziyang?" Li Xiaoran became more and more frightened now.

If they didn't go to the stone house today, if the two of them encountered some fierce beast in the mountains today and were injured, she would not dare to think about what happened next.

Li Shun and Zhao Xiu were also a little guilty at the moment, and the couple did not dare to speak.

To tell the truth, they ran out today without considering the consequences, which is indeed something they shouldn't.

"Don't worry, aren't you alright now? Dad, mom, keep eating, let's talk about it when you're full!" Luo Cheng said, and took a piece of Li Shun Favorite three-line meat, in his bowl.

At his mother-in-law Zhao Xiu's side, Luo Cheng also took a piece of her favorite pork head and put it there.

With Luo Cheng's interruption, the couple hurriedly ate with chopsticks, fearing that their daughter would get angry and want to talk about them later.

Seeing this, Li Xiaoran was dumbfounded.

Forget it, forget it, don't say these unpleasant things when eating.

Next, the atmosphere of the meal was very quiet.

Wu Qinghe looked at this, then looked at that, and finally hurriedly shrank his head and hurried to eat.

After eating and drinking, the bowls and chopsticks are placed there.

Because the water source is outside, it is not safe to be outside so late, so I put it there and wait until tomorrow to wash.

Wu Qinghe knew that Li Xiaoran and his parents had something to say, and he was also tired, so he found a random place, laid some wooden boards on the ground, and took care of himself fell asleep.

Here, Luo Cheng put a kettle on the small stove, and boiled the water while cooking.

"Father, mother, what's going on, tell me carefully!" Luo Cheng asked at this moment.

Li Shun looked at his daughter-in-law Zhao Xiu, and then said, "Yesterday I was weeding in the field, I was suddenly a little tired, so I sat under a fruit tree to rest."

When he was resting, a man came over and sat beside Li Shun.

Li Shun only regarded him as someone who came to him to find work, so he didn't care.

Who knew that as soon as the other party opened his mouth, he said a news that surprised him.

"Your daughter and son-in-law got people in Bailu City and have been arrested."

Li Shun became anxious when he heard this.

"How do you know? Why should I trust you?"

The other party sneered when he heard Li Shun's words.

"You don't have to believe it, then wait to collect the corpses for your daughter and son-in-law!"

As soon as these words came out, Li Shun couldn't believe it.

After all, the safety of Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng is involved, Li Shun can only believe it.

"What is the purpose of telling me this?" Li Shun asked.

"Naturally there is a place for you! At the beginning of tomorrow, you will go out with your wife, and then go to the place where there are three camphor trees on the highest mountain nearby. Remember, don't take others with you , only the two of you are allowed to come. If you bring others, or leak the news, I won't show up to see you tomorrow! If you come tomorrow, I will take you to Bailu City again to save your daughter and family. Son-in-law!" The man dropped these words and left quickly.

When Li Shun wanted to ask again, the other party had long since disappeared.

In this way, Li Shun didn't tell Zhao Xiu about this until he went to bed at night.

When Zhao Xiu heard it, she was so worried that she couldn't sleep.

" But don't worry, before we left, we saw Xiaoqing also got up, so we told her that today we are going to the mountains to find some good wood to make furniture, if they don't come back at night, let them also Don't worry." Li Shun remembered something and added.

"What's next? What happened after you went to the mountain?" Li Xiaoran asked.

Mentioning this, Li Shun and Zhao Xiu just look at me, I look at you, neither of them said anything.

"Dad and mother, have you been bound?" Luo Cheng asked.

Li Xiaoran immediately looked at his parents' wrists when he heard what his man said.

At this time, Li Shun and Zhao Xiu subconsciously stretched their sleeves, trying to cover up something.

"Father, mother, when did you hide this from me! Quick, let me see, are you seriously injured?" Li Xiaoran thought of something, red eyes, and directly He grabbed his mother's wrist and looked at it.

Sure enough, there is a trace of being strangled by the rope on the wrist, the trace is not deep, it must have been a long time.

"Xiao Ran, mother is fine, and your father is fine! After we went up the mountain, we waited for a while, but we were dazed! When we woke up, my father and I tied to a tree!"