The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 412

Chapter 412

Similar to Wu Qinghe's divination, everyone was lucky along the way and did not encounter any danger.

When the sun was about to go down, the three of them began to look for a suitable place to dock and prepare to spend the night on the shore.

No way, this is very convenient, but it is very unsafe at night.

Unable to see the turbulence of the river in front, they have no way to make adjustments in time.

In some places, there are some dark rocks in the river, if one accidentally hits it, the bamboo raft will be crashed.

So if you want to go home safely, you cannot take a bamboo raft at night.

After looking around, a group of people finally found a place to spend the night before dark.

Because it was too late to pick up firewood, the three of them simply climbed to the tree to rest.

As for the bamboo rafts, they were dragged on the shore and tied to the trees with vines.

The cowhide bag was also untied at this time, and after taking out the food for the evening, the three started to eat.

Because there are also many insects and snakes on the tree, Luo Cheng directly took out a porcelain bottle, poured some medicinal powder and wiped it on his body.

Although the taste is a little pungent, for safety, Li Xiaoran and Wu Qinghe also touched the powder on their bodies.

Sure enough, they slept well this night, and not even a mosquito flew over to disturb their rest.

When the sun came out the next morning, the three rested hurriedly took out today's food from the bag made of cowhide.

Li Xiaoran felt that sitting on the bamboo raft was very novel yesterday, and the whole person was very excited. Now sitting on the bamboo raft again, it would be meaningless.

Luo Cheng saw Li Xiaoran's bored appearance, laughed and joked: "If you are really bored, you can try fishing!"

"Master, you seem to be teasing me! Our bamboo raft is moving so fast, even if I fish for a day, I may not be able to catch fish!" Li Xiaoran said depressedly.

"Actually not necessarily, maybe you can really catch fish!" Wu Qinghe said later.

Li Xiaoran thought about it, and then gave up the idea of trying.

Sit here quietly and wait to go home!

At this moment, Li Xiaoran really wanted to go home!

I originally went out for a honeymoon, but who would have known such a thing would happen.

At this time, she finally felt the homesickness of those wanderers.

"I miss the bacon and sausages my parents made!" Li Xiaoran said suddenly.

Luo Cheng was drooling when Li Xiaoran said so.

I have to say that the bacon sausages made by his father-in-law and mother-in-law are delicious!

Don't say Li Xiaoran thought about it, he thought too.

"Come on, if we are lucky, we will be able to return to Hele Village before the sun sets. I will sneak back in the evening and bring you a piece of bacon to cook!" Luo Cheng said. .

"Then I want to eat rice and potatoes! The potatoes that my father planted before should be edible!" Li Xiaoran thought of something and said this.

"Rice is okay, but we should eat potatoes when we are safe and go home! If I dig potatoes for you and eat them back, my father-in-law would think that there was a thief in the field, and he would not have to put his hands on his hips. , scold us hard!" Luo Cheng coaxed.

Li Xiaoran couldn't help laughing when he thought of his old father cursing the man who stole his potatoes with his hands on his hips.

"Okay, let's go back and dig potatoes when we're safe!"

Between talking and laughing, the bamboo raft went down a long distance.

I was really bored afterwards, so Li Xiaoran asked Wu Qinghe if he had hunted ghosts for others or something?

Speaking of this, Wu Qinghe has really encountered a few things, so he will tell Li Xiaoran carefully now.

"Speaking of which, I have really met a ghost!" Wu Qinghe said: "At that time, those people even threw me into a haunted house to sleep. They said that as long as I was in a haunted house, Have a good night and let me go!"

When Li Xiaoran heard this, she suddenly became excited.

"And then what? Did you really spend the night in the haunted house?"

"I live! Why didn't I live! At that time, I thought that I was a person in metaphysics and should not be afraid of these things. Besides, where does the ghost come from in this world, it is actually the influence of some bad things It made you hallucinated and saw some strange things! That's what I thought at the time, so I just slept there in peace!" Wu Qinghe said.

"Did you encounter anything unusual at night?" Li Xiaoran asked.

"I really met!" Although Wu Qinghe didn't want to admit it, he still said it honestly: "At night, I always feel that the surroundings are chilly, and I even got up to make a fire. It just felt a little warmer. But right after my life, I saw a girl behind me, and I was shocked."

"A girl? A ghost?" Li Xiaoran thought of something and asked.

"I don't know if it's a female ghost, anyway, when I saw that girl, I was really scared! But when I saw that girl, under the light of the fire, There is a shadow. And her feet are also on the ground, although it is abrupt, but it does not make people feel that there is any spooky place!" Wu Qinghe recalled carefully.

"Ah, if this is the case, then the other party should be a human or not a ghost?" Li Xiaoran said with certainty: "Could it be that someone deliberately pretended to be a ghost to scare people?"

When Wu Qinghe heard Li Xiaoran's words, he immediately continued.

"My sister-in-law and I thought the same, and asked who she was, if she wanted to scare me away, and if she had something to hide. After a few glances, the other party smiled. After that, the girl disappeared, as if she had never appeared!"

"Ah? That's still a ghost?" Li Xiaoran was a little surprised, didn't expect the story to go like this.

"I was also frightened at the time, a little scared, and a cold sweat broke out from behind my back. After that, I covered my head with clothes and then a quilt, and I never dared to get up and walk around again. When the next morning, I ran out at dawn and left the village!" Wu Qinghe said with some fear.

"Ah? Didn't you say before that those people let you spend the night safely before leaving? No one saw you when you ran out?" Li Xiaoran asked strangely.

"I didn't see it, I didn't see anyone. Anyway, I was so frightened at the time, I ran as far as I wanted, and stayed away from that place!" Wu Qinghe shook his head, but couldn't say anything. So come.

After hearing these words, Luo Cheng thought of something and said, "Maybe it's the bad luck of your life, you don't want to touch you even if you see a ghost, and don't want to be contaminated with your bad luck luck!"