The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 407

Chapter 407

What's even weirder is that the old man seemed to sense that Li Xiaoqing was looking at her, so he smiled at her.

"Little girl, what do you see me doing? Do you think my face is scary?" the old man asked.

Li Xiaoqing shuddered, then shook her head and hurriedly went to cook the noodles.

Seeing this, the old man found a table and sat down.

Because of the old man, a few guests came behind, and they were all frightened at this time. They just said they wanted to eat noodles, but the next second they said no, and hurried to the next door to eat dishes.

Li Xiaoqing was not angry either, and continued to cook noodles.

The old man didn't seem to know how much influence his face had on the noodle shop, and he still sat there leisurely, waiting for the noodle to eat.

In the end, there were only four people left in the shop.

Li Xiaoqing cooks noodles, Yuan Cheng sells buns, and the rest is a dazed old woman and the old man who scared away the guests left and right.

Soon, the noodles were cooked and delivered.

As soon as Li Xiaoqing put down the noodles, the old man picked up the chopsticks and started eating.

The old man ate slowly, Li Xiaoqing was not in a hurry, just stood in front of the stove and waited.

Not long after, a caravan passed by, and two men came down from a gorgeous carriage.

One man was full of arrogance, and the other man looked like a guard and kept following this man.

The man walked straight towards the knife-cut noodle restaurant, but as soon as he came in, he saw the old man with his face full of potholes, and was shocked.

I can't afford it!"

Before her voice fell, Li Xiaoqing had a bad feeling.

The old man here ignores this person at all, and still eats on his own.

Seeing this, Yuan Cheng hurried forward to persuade him.

"This guest officer, please sit inside! As the saying goes, peace makes money, didn't you come in to eat a bowl of delicious noodles? You can't make yourself angry!"

In the end, the man didn't appreciate it at all, he just stretched out his hand and pushed Yuan Cheng!

Yuan Cheng didn't expect this person to push him, and his feet were unstable, and he fell directly to the ground.

He slammed his head against the wall, and blood flowed out.

"Father, mother, go find Brother Ziyang, Brother Yuan Cheng was hit and bleed!" Li Xiaoqing saw it and hurriedly shouted.

At this moment, the old man put down his chopsticks and came to Yuan Cheng's side in one step.

One hand held Yuan Cheng up, the old man pulled a silver needle out of nowhere with the other hand, and stabbed a few needles at the place where Yuan Cheng was bleeding.

Soon, the blood stopped.

The old man pulled Yuan Cheng to sit down, and then touched a plaster-like thing from his arms, and then put it directly on Yuan Cheng's wound.

By the time Li Shun and Zhao Xiu came over, Yuan Cheng's wound had already been treated.

Li Xiaoqing also looked at Yuan Cheng anxiously, and asked, "Brother Yuan Cheng, how are you feeling now?"

"It's alright, don't worry! The old man took care of it for me, I feel fine!" Yuan Cheng felt it carefully and replied.

Except for the pain in the wound, everything is fine.

"Yuan Cheng, let Ziyang come over and show you! I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just in case!" Li Shun said anxiously.

This injury is not elsewhere, but on the head, so be careful.

At this moment, a chopstick flew directly into the man's mouth and poked into his throat at once.

This time, a man's violent coughing sound came from the shop.

The guard beside the man saw that his master suffered a loss, and immediately slapped the old man with a palm.

Just after seeing Li Xiaoqing in the middle, she burst out in anger and grabbed the man's wrist directly.

"You dare!"

It was too late, it was fast, Li Xiaoqing grabbed the opponent's hand and threw it hard, but the guard flew out of the shop with an unbelievable look , and then fell to the side of the pipe.

People who are setting up a stall here see a figure falling from the sky and immediately understand what it is.

"Let's go and have a look, someone else went to Li Xiaoran's shop to make trouble!" .

The old man lost a chopstick at this moment, still took the last sliced noodles into his mouth, and then walked towards Li Xiaoqing.

"Little girl, you are good at skills! You have a lot of strength, have you ever been a teacher?"

Li Xiaoran turned around and saw the old man, and said embarrassedly, "I didn't go to a teacher, but my brother-in-law said that he will find a very powerful teacher for me to teach me!"

"Your brother-in-law will find one for you? Haven't come yet! Why don't you learn martial arts with the old man!" The old man said this when he heard Li Xiaoqing's words.

Li Xiaoqing frowned, for some reason, she didn't like the uncle in front of her.

"I'm sorry, people have to keep their word. My brother-in-law has already helped me find someone, and I must wait until my brother-in-law finds a master for me."

"What? Is the master your brother-in-law found for you very good? Will there be an old master?" After speaking, the old man stretched out his hand and patted it directly at the table on the side.

The wooden table shattered instantly, and then the tableware and chopsticks on the table also turned into powder.

This sudden scene scared everyone.

The man who was very flamboyant just now, his legs trembled with fright, and then ran outside like crazy.

Li Shun and Zhao Xiu didn't even think about it at the moment, they came directly to Li Xiaoqing's side, protecting their daughters behind them.

"What do you want to do?" Although Li Shun was very scared, the protection of his daughter made him restrain his fear and asked loudly.

"Nothing, I just want to accept a disciple!" The old man said such a sentence lightly without caring.

But the threat and refusal in these words can be heard by everyone.

"Sorry, I'm afraid you will be disappointed!"

At this moment, Luo Ziyang came in from the back yard, looked at the old man in front of him and said.

After the old man came in from Luo Ziyang, his eyes fell on him.

"Boy, do you know who the old man is?"