The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 405

Chapter 405

But this decree is a secret decree, and no one knows what is written on this decree.

Someone got a message from the emperor's personal eunuch, that imperial edict seems to be some kind of imperial edict.

And the person who passed the throne surprised everyone, it was actually Luo Cheng's name.

This time, the capital seemed to be in a frenzy.

No, everyone who coveted the throne all turned their attention to Luo Cheng.

Of course, there are also some smart people who pretend to know nothing on the surface, but they set up a conspiracy behind their backs.

All that Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran are going through now is the framing of one of them.

Since the emperor is going to pass the throne to Luo Cheng, can a prince who colluded with the Tartars and betrayed the common people of the dynasty, can he successfully sit on the throne?

At the same time, in Hele Village, Luo Ziyang was anxiously waiting for someone.

Just when he was thinking about how to pass the news to his brother, Luo Han came.

"Young Master Luo, you came just in time, do you have news about my brother now?" Luo Ziyang walked over and asked anxiously.

"Ziyang, don't worry! I don't have any news about Luo Cheng at the moment, but this is probably the best news! Think about it, your sister-in-law Li Xiaoran is an ordinary woman, right? If your brother If something really happened, then your sister-in-law will definitely be alive, and she will definitely come to us. Now that neither of them has appeared, it means that they are probably hiding in a safe place! So, you can't mess up, you You have to guard this big rear area for your brother!" Luo Han reminded at this moment: "Don't forget, this is the place where your brother and sister-in-law care most! Those who should be protected must be protected!"

"I have arranged this for a long time! My brother and sister-in-law entrusted me with everyone's safety before they left, and of course I will not let them down! Mr. Luo, you said That's right, the elder brother is very capable, and the sister-in-law is also a smart person, they will definitely find a way to protect themselves, all I have to do is to keep this place!" Luo Ziyang finally calmed down at this moment, and his mind was also Sanity was regained.

Seeing this, Luo Han nodded: "You protect this place and leave other things to me to handle. Don't worry, I will definitely bring your brother and sister-in-law back home safely!"

Luo Ziyang nodded and turned around to arrange other things.

Although he had made some preparations before, if he really wanted to protect his family, he had to work hard.

At the same time, Zhao Xiu, who was helping in the shop, was restless these days.

She doesn't know who she is either, she just feels anxious for no reason.

While pinching off the yellow leaves of the leek, the child muttered.

The spring ploughing has been done, and the next step is to hand it over to the time.

Weeding should be done when the weeds in the ground grow again.

During this time, everyone was free.

Li Shun tried to make a decoration, but the more he did it, the more he felt that something was wrong, so he simply came out to the shop to help and let himself relax completely.

"I don't know what I am anymore, I always feel anxious and panic. Do you think that Xiaoran and her son-in-law encountered something difficult outside?" Zhao Xiujiang Say your own feelings.

"I see you, I just miss my daughter! For so many years, my daughter has been by our side, and now I suddenly got married, and I went out with my son-in-law to play in the mountains and water, you I can't see my daughter, that's why I feel like this!" Li Shun said.

Zhao Xiu thought about it carefully, it seemed to make some sense.

"Maybe I really miss my daughter so much!"

Li Shun's expression became serious when he heard his daughter-in-law's words.

"Speaking of which, I miss them too! I used to be together every day, and I didn't feel anything. But this person is suddenly not around, and there is always a feeling of emptiness!"

"Hey, don't think about it, we are thinking about that girl and son-in-law here, that girl may not be thinking about us!" Zhao Xiu suddenly thought of something and said this.

"Hahaha, what's the matter? Do you want to compete with your son-in-law for your daughter's attention?"

"You bastard, what are you talking about! I won't tell you, I'll go help Xiaoqing!" After speaking, Zhao Xiu gave her man a white look and went to the shop in front .

Li Xiaoqing was busy cooking noodles at the moment. Seeing that her mother was finally relieved, she came out with a sigh of relief.

"Mom, the leaves for cooking noodles are almost gone today, please help me wash some!"

Zhao Xiu nodded, rolled up her sleeves and took out some cabbage, then cut the cabbage into pieces with a knife, and washed it with water in a wooden basin.

At this moment, an old woman with a smile on her face walked in with a walking stick.

"Little girl, cook me a bowl of noodles!"

Li Xiaoqing immediately raised her head when she saw a guest coming, and responded with a smile.

"Okay! Yuan Cheng, quickly help the old woman sit down!"

After Yuan Cheng handed over the buns that the last guest needed, he hurried over and helped the grandma to sit on the chair.

Being sure that the old lady was sitting firmly, Yuan Chengcai quickly scooped up a bowl of bone soup and put it in front of the old lady.

"Old lady, this is the bone soup boiled in our store. I gave it to you, no money! You need to moisten your throat first!"

The old woman looked at Yuan Cheng with a smile, nodded, said "thank you", and then lowered her head and drank.

Here Li Xiaoqing also began to boil the knife-cut noodles, and then prepared the seasoning for the old man.

Old lady, do you want to put peppers in your noodles?

"Put it in, put a little more, my wife likes spicy food!" The old woman replied cheerfully: "By the way, the noodles should be cooked a little harder, don't be too soft, my old man still has Teeth, eat the noodles!"

Li Xiaoqing immediately became happy when she heard this.

"Hello, I cook as you say!"

The old man responded when he saw Li Xiaoqing, so he squinted his eyes and drank the soup.

Not long after, a bowl of whistle-sliced noodles was delivered.

Seeing that the soup is red and bright, and the noodles are strong, the old lady has a satisfied smile on her face.

Eating it with one chopstick, this taste seems to be very appetizing to the elderly.

The old man who was conquered by the delicious food couldn't even talk about it at the moment, and concentrated on eating knife-cut noodles.

At this moment, a group of people suddenly broke in.

"Who is the master here?" A man in official yamen costume finally walked in, glanced around, and asked.