The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 401

Chapter 401

"You two stop making trouble, just get down to business!" Luo Cheng said a word at this moment, and then looked at Wu Qinghe: "Didn't you say you have a lot of skills? This wooden box It's a Luban lock, can you open it?"

"Luban lock? I can do this!" Before Wu Qinghe could speak, Shu Ruyue took the lead: "Don't you know, I have liked to open locks since I was a child, when I was six years old The lock at home could no longer stop me. Later, when my father saw that I was interested in unlocking, he specially caught a famous holy hand in the arena and asked me to unlock it! I have opened a lot of Luban locks!"

As soon as these words came out, Li Xiaoran became happy.

I really didn't expect it, but I met friends halfway, and the results were better than each other.

Seeing that Shu Ruyue is a chivalrous woman, she does not admit that she has a hobby of opening locks.

This hobby is really special!

After Shu Ruyue finished speaking, she realized what she said.

Thinking that when she showed off her special abilities in the past, it would attract contempt and defense from others, Shu Ruyue felt a little regretful now.

Subconsciously looked at the three people to the side, and finally met Li Xiaoran's smiling eyes.

Such a smile, Shu Ruyue can see clearly.

No contempt or contempt as I imagined, more of a curiosity and affirmation.

Look at Luo Cheng again, although there is a look of surprise on his face, he also does not look disgusted.

As for Wu Qinghe, she looked at Shu Ruyue in shock, and then came out a sentence.

"Nvxia Shu, are you still short of a disciple? This skill is amazing, can I learn from you?"

As soon as these words came out, Shu Ruyue was confused.

But when she received Wu Qinghe's fiery gaze, she knew that Wu Qinghe was not joking, but really wanted to learn.

"Don't you think this is the skill of those thieves? Will you look down on me?" Shu Ruyue asked.

"How could it be?" Wu Qinghe replied in surprise when he heard this: "There is no difference between good and bad skills, if you use it on the right path, it is a good skill, and if you use it in a crooked way, it is not good. So there is no difference between good and bad skills, it only depends on what the person who owns it does? Have you used this skill to steal other people's things?"

Shu Ruyue shook her head and quickly explained: "I just like to open locks, I won't steal other people's things at all!"

"That's right!" Wu Qinghe nodded and praised: "So, you didn't use your lock-picking skills to do bad things, so why do I look down on you?"

"Yes! Wu Qinghe is right, you don't have to be burdened, on the contrary, I think you are very powerful! Few women like to study this, you can actually continue to use your skills If it goes deeper, it will benefit a lot of people!" Li Xiaoran walked over and said with a smile.

"Benefits a lot of people?" Shu Ruyue did not expect Li Xiaoran to say this, but this remark came to her heart again, which made Shu Ruyue unable to bear her heart: "Xiaoran, I Can this skill benefit many people?"

"Yes!" Li Xiaoran smiled and nodded, giving a positive answer.

"Ruyue, think about it, if your unlocking skills are used in the yamen to solve the case? Isn't it just to help the arresters solve the case and avenge others? If you continue to study, you will open the lock, He can also research a lock that others can't open, and then use it on the security guard. Wouldn't it protect the property of many people? Also, there are many corrupt officials in the imperial court, and some honest officials get the evidence and want to send it out , but there will also be corrupt officials trying to destroy these evidences, if you can develop some locks to protect these evidences, wouldn't that protect the evidences and allow the bad guys to be brought to justice?

Li Xiaoran's words were like opening a new door for Shu Ruyue.

Overnight, Shu Ruyue realized how good she is at unlocking!

At this moment, Shu Ruyue, who originally had the dream of a heroine in her chest, seemed to have found the meaning of her existence at once!

Holding out her hand, Shu Ruyue hugged Li Xiaoran and said happily, "Xiaoran, thank you, your words made me feel relieved, I finally know what I'm going to do!"

After Li Xiaoran was hugged by Shu Ruyue, she also felt her joy from the bottom of her heart and was sincerely happy for her.

"Then our very powerful Shu Nvxia, can you help my friend to unlock the Luban lock first?" Li Xiaoran teased while being happy.

Shu Ruyue just remembered the business, smiled embarrassedly, turned around and went to Luo Cheng to get the Luban lock.

"This matter is covered by me! I'll unlock it for you!"

As Shu Ruyue said, she took out a tool bag from herself.

Others are sewing kits, but Shu Ruyue is carrying a tool kit.

Tools big and small, all kinds, make Li Xiaoran feel professional when he sees them.

These tools are definitely of great use.

Shu Ruyue took out a slender tool and held it in her hand, her eyes fell on the Luban lock.

After carefully flipping it many times, Shu Ruyue didn't do anything, as if she was observing something.

After a while, Shu Ruyue finally stopped flipping the Luban lock, but put her tools directly into the lock cylinder.

The next operation of Shu Ruyue was dazzling. All kinds of tools were taken out, and then Shu Ruyue inserted it into the keyhole like a magic trick.

Shu Ruyue's slender fingers twisted slightly, and then touched something in one place, and then heard a crisp sound, and then the Luban lock was unlocked.

"Fortunately not to be disgraced! This lock is opened!" Shu Ruyue said happily with a smile on her face.

"It really opened my eyes!" Wu Qinghe really admired Shu Ruyue at this moment!

This thing, without any ability, really can't be opened.

But Shu Ruyue opened it very easily!

Wu Qinghe has no choice but to admire this skill!

Sure enough, this world is full of talented people!

Don't underestimate anyone, everyone seems ordinary, maybe they are hidden masters!

"Don't praise me, I'll be embarrassed! Let's take a look at what's in this box!"

Speaking of this matter, everyone's expressions became serious.

"Let me open it! If it is poison, I can deal with it immediately! You all stand farther away!"

Others also knew Luo Cheng's medical skills, so they did not object, but took a few steps back according to Luo Cheng's words.

Although Li Xiaoran was a little worried, she also knew that she could not hold back at this time, so she took a few steps back!