The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 40

Chapter 40

Hearing the clamor of her daughter-in-law, Song Erwa rolled her eyes.

"If you want to set up a stall, you can also set it up! There are so many vacancies next to the official road, you can set it up as you like!"

Speaking, Song Erwa glanced at her daughter-in-law in disgust.

"You, except for this mouth, what use is it! Your craftsmanship, your craftsmanship dog doesn't eat, and you still want to set up a stall to make money, don't waste food!"

As soon as these words came out, they angered Song Erwa's daughter-in-law Zhao Chunhua.

"Are you still not my man? Is there anyone you do this to? You pour cold water on me before I go into business! How is my craft? My craft is good Come on! Don't say anything else, the pimple soup I made tastes very good!" Zhao Chunhua said a little frantically.

"You can only make this nugget soup when you come and go! That is, the people in our family are lazy, so they don't dislike your craftsmanship! You put your nugget soup outside and see, who I'm willing to pay for your food!" Song Erwa retorted.

Song Erwa really doesn't like his daughter-in-law more and more.

When I first saw each other, I thought she was a nice person and had a good temperament, so she could take care of everything at home.

Who knew that after Zhao Chunhua got married, the problems were revealed little by little.

Where is her temperament?

Before the matchmaker also boasted that Zhao Chunhua has a good cooking skills, the result? I'll make a nugget soup. Other meals made, can not be said to be unpalatable, and definitely not delicious, just barely satisfy your hunger!

The most unacceptable thing to Song Erwa is this Zhao Chunhua, who has no ability, and always likes to compare with others.

No, I heard that Li Xiaoran and the sisters have a good business in their noodle stalls, and they were instigated a few words, and they were about to move. I don't know what she was thinking about all day.

"Hmph, I know, you've looked down on me more and more over the years I've been married! Just wait, I'll set up a stall tomorrow to do business, and I'll let you old Song family Look at me with admiration!" After saying that, Zhao Chunhua got into the kitchen and went to fiddle.

Song Erwa didn't bother to pay attention to Zhao Chunhua, anyway, now the family's money is in his control, and Zhao Chunhua can't make a splash no matter how upset she is.

When she hit the south wall, it stopped naturally.

There are several people who have the same idea as Zhao Chunhua.

Everyone has their own abacus. Now that Li Xiaoran and the others are doing well, they are all thinking carefully.

No, when Li Xiaoran and the others went there the next day, there were actually a few more stalls by the pipeline.

Li Xiaoran smiled when he saw these people, and then set up the stall swiftly.

As long as these people don't come to occupy her place at the noodle stand, the rest will be on their own.

What Li Xiaoran didn't know was that someone had already planned on their position as a noodle stall.

It's just that the dark guards got Luo Cheng's orders and stared here early.

Anyone who wants to occupy this position will be stoned by the dark guard.

No, a few people were beaten to their knees as soon as they wanted to occupy a position, and they felt that this position was evil, so they would not come to grab it.

Of course, there are also people who hold grudges after being beaten in the leg. They always feel that someone is behind the scenes, so they deliberately set up the stall very close to the noodle stall.

In this way, just after the noodle stall is set up, the gap between the front and rear, left and right is very small.

Even if there are guests, they will not come directly to Li Xiaoran's noodle stall.

Seeing this, Li Xiaoqing frowned, and wanted to go forward and make a theory.

Li Xiaoran grabbed Li Xiaoqing's hand and shook her head at her, signaling her not to be impulsive.

Luo Cheng came directly to one of the stalls and looked at the strong man opposite with a cold face.

"Move your stand!"

Speaking, Luo Cheng turned and looked at the brothers on the other side.

"And your stalls, move them away too!"

"If you say move away, move away, how old are you! We are going to be here, are you not convinced?" On the chest, a look of provocation.

Li Xiaoran and Li Xiaoqing also saw the faces of these two stalls and guessed that the other party should be people from other villages.

If these people belong to the same village as them, they should know each other.

Luo Cheng squinted at the brothers and laughed suddenly.

"Some people just don't cry without seeing the coffin!"

Speaking, Luo Chengcheng smashed his fist towards the bridge of the nose of the man at the front of the two brothers.

This fist went down, and the nosebleed came out all of a sudden.

The younger brother Luo Wenbiao saw his elder brother Luo Wenchao being beaten, and immediately punched him.

It's a pity who is Luo Cheng, he is an hunter, and it's not a problem to clean up the eight idlers yesterday, let alone the person in front of him.

The fight is over while the people around you are gloating.

The two brothers were so miserable that Luo Cheng took care of them, with bruised noses and bruised faces, almost catching up with the big show.

Knowing that his brothers were not Luo Cheng's opponents, Luo Wenbiao sat directly on the ground and cried.

"God, come and see! This is going to kill someone!"

A big man, like a rogue woman, sat directly on the ground, patting his chest, and howling loudly.

"There is no God in this world, why is the pipeline so wide, we can't set up stalls if you can! You are too domineering! Believe it or not, I will go to your village to find you Village chief, I still don't believe that there is no place for reason in this world!

"Yes! I said Li Xiaoran, aren't you two sisters too domineering! This officialdom is not your family's. If you do this, you are too bullying! If they are like you , then are we still alive?" Zhao Chunhua couldn't stand the two sisters of the Li family at this moment, so she spoke directly.

Luo Cheng glanced over at a glance, and his cold eyes fell on Zhao Chunhua, which made Zhao Chunhua shudder.

However, Zhao Chunhua is also a no-brainer. At this moment, she actually forcibly endured the fear in her heart, and then said a word tremblingly.

"What? Someone shovels when the road is uneven, don't think you can fight, you can just bully people!"

"That's right, that's right! How can you be like this! It's better to be kind!" A few other people who set up stalls not far away also agreed.

Li Xiaoran looked at the people around her and frowned.

At this time, she already felt that the people around her were resentful towards them.

Just when she was thinking about how to solve this situation, Luo Cheng floated out a word.

"Why? The land under my feet is mine!"

As soon as these words came out, the people who were still outraged just now became dumb!

"What? Would you like me to show you the title deed?"