The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 393

Chapter 393

Seeing his daughter-in-law coming, Luo Cheng waved to her.

Li Xiaoran walked over, looked at Luo Cheng, made sure that nothing happened to him, and then stood against him, his eyes scattered on the old lady.

After seeing Li Xiaoran, the aunt had a puzzled look on her face, as if she didn't know Li Xiaoran.

Seeing the other party's state, Li Xiaoran suddenly understood something.

It seems that she has no memory of what happened to her dream.

That's fine, she doesn't have to make up a lot of excuses to cover up her abilities.

Here, Jiang Bao heard Li Xiaoran's question, as if immersed in memories.

" I thought at that time, Yun Niang must have her own difficulties, I can slowly persuade her. I have parents at home, I can make money by working myself, and I can support her And her father's. Actually, I don't have to be married! I can support her father as my own father. It's just that something happened next that made me fall into despair!"

Speaking of this, Jiang Bao's whole person became excited.

"When I go to see Yunniang again, Yunniang is going to get married. When I heard the news, I was going crazy!"

Speaking, Jiang Bao looked at Luo Cheng, and then at Wu Qinghe who was following him.

"Can you understand the desperation? Your beloved girl cried like tears, and threw herself in your arms to say goodbye to you. She was spotted by a bully, bully Caught her father and threatened her to marry her obediently! She had no choice, she wanted to save her father, so she could only reluctantly leave me. At that moment, I really wanted to kill the bully who robbed my beloved. !"

Speaking of this, Jiang Bao burst into tears.

"But I can't do anything, I can't protect my beloved! At this moment, I hate my parents very much, I feel that my parents did not agree to this marriage, so I hurt I am separated from the girl I love and cannot walk happily together!"

"On that day, I didn't know how I got home, my whole mind was muddled. When I saw my mother under the cherry tree, all the resentment seemed to find a way to vent. Just like my mouth, I pushed it directly towards my mother."

Speaking of this, Jiang Bao suddenly became excited.

"I didn't expect to hurt my mother, but after I pushed my mother, I pushed my mother to the sharp point of the big rock under the tree. Just like this, my mother fainted He passed by, but he never woke up again!"

After saying this, Jiang Bao looked at his mother.

I'm so remorseful. Over the years, I've been praying, praying that I can meet a doctor with excellent medical skills to wake you up!"

"After my mother's accident, I was in a lot of pain. Yunniang came to me again! This time, Yunniang seemed to have changed, and the eyes she looked at me became a lot more indifferent. I I thought that Yunniang would come back to comfort me, but I was wrong." Jiang Bao smiled wryly, and then explained in detail.

This time Yunniang came to satirize Jiang Bao.

It turned out that Yun Niang never fell in love with him.

The reason why she pretended to love Jiang Bao before was just to marry into the Jiang family.

In the end, Jiang Bao's parents were unwilling, so she thought of asking Jiang Bao to join the family.

Unfortunately, Jiang Bao, who has always been kind to her and is willing to listen to her, has firmly refused this time.

In this way, Yun Niang felt very angry, so she used the bully to force her to marry to stimulate Jiang Bao.

It's just that Yunniang never thought that Jiang Bao would actually hurt his mother without the ability, which made Yunniang feel very disgusted.

So this time Yunniang came to break up with Jiang Bao.

After this time, Yun Niang and his father disappeared and never appeared again.

Li Xiaoran always felt strange when she heard this.

Everything seems to make sense, but there is always something uncomfortable.

Before she could tell her how she felt, the old lady sneered.

"I didn't expect that the son I gave birth to, also gave birth to a love seed! Do you know why I didn't agree with you to marry Yunniang? It was because I saw this Yunniang I am entangled with several descendants in the village. Tell me, how can I let her be my daughter-in-law with such a girl. If I really promise you to marry her back, it will be a misfortune in the family!"

Jiang Bao's eyes widened when he heard his mother's words.

"You know, I also bumped into the scene where she was hanging out with a descendant in a village, and even heard Yunniang instigating the descendant to steal valuables from his family Thing! I was so surprised at the time that I accidentally made a little noise. I thought I hid well and was not seen by them. Who would have heard you say you were going to marry her within a few days. You said Say, can I agree?" The old lady said angrily at the moment.

"Mother, why didn't you tell me at that time?" Jiang Bao asked in disbelief.

"How do I tell you? You were full of that girl at the time, and you wouldn't believe what I said. So I can only say nothing, and can only oppose this marriage, let You have the heart to die. Besides, I pity her as a little girl, and I only treat her as a girl who has no mother's education and is ignorant, so I give her face. Who knows that when I was soft-hearted, I saved her face, but I gave her face. I brought an innocent disaster. When I realized that I was hurt by my own son, my heart was about to be broken!" The old lady said regretfully.

I knew this would happen later, she would never hide it for that Yun Niang, she would definitely take her son to see her true face.

Since then, everything has been revealed.

At this point, Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran can also retire.

After all, the aunt has woken up, and the prescription for conditioning the body has also been written down by Luo Cheng.

Next, it's time for them to leave too.

Seeing this, the aunt hurriedly greeted her old man to carry her on her back, then called her son and Luo Cheng and his party, and while fighting, retreated towards the cherry tree at the back of the house.

Luo became a delay and took out something and smashed it to the ground.

Soon, a thick cloud of smoke rose up, obstructing the sight of those in black.