The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 388

Chapter 388

"Girl, I want to wake up. My old man likes to eat my cooking! If I lie like this all the time, he will be so pitiful! So, let your man save me! If Said, I really hurt my brain and can't wake up again, I hope you can help me find out what is going on!" The aunt dropped such a sentence and disappeared.

And Li Xiaoran also woke up from her sleep, and then looked around.

"What's wrong? Is this a nightmare?" Luo Cheng found that Li Xiaoran woke up from his sleep, opened his eyes and looked at her.

Li Xiaoran calmed down and looked outside.

"Don't look, it's just the two of us in the house, the uncle is taking care of the aunt, and Wu Qinghe and Shu Ruyue are helping the uncle clean up the yard." Luo Cheng seemed to see Li Xiaoran's thoughts, speak up.

"Where's the uncle's son?" Li Xiaoran thought about it and asked again.

"Uncle's son does not live here, but works in the town. Someone came to him before, saying that the town lacked people to work, so he went."

Li Xiaoran was relieved a little when he heard that the uncle's son was not here.

After thinking about it, Li Xiaoran asked such a question.

"Xianggong, is there a possibility, is there any medicine on top of this that can keep a person in a coma and keep her from waking up!"

Luo Cheng was stunned when he heard Li Xiaoran's words.

"A drug can be used! It's just that the effect of the drug won't last, so you have to continue taking it every once in a while."

Now, Luo Chengquan understood.

"Yes, of course there is. What do you mean, someone drugged the aunt so that she couldn't wake up?"

Li Xiaoran nodded, and without any hesitation, told her what happened when she took a nap before and fell into her aunt's dream.

Luo Cheng looked at Li Xiaoran in surprise when he heard this.

"You mean, the aunt herself has the will to survive and desperately wants to wake up?"

Li Xiaoran nodded.

To be honest, she still feels a little incredible.

Luo Cheng pondered after hearing Li Xiaoran's words.

"In fact, it's very simple, I'll just go and diagnose the aunt. As long as you can see what medicine the other party is using, make a targeted antidote, and then remove the blood stasis in the aunt's brain. Bring it out, and the aunt will soon wake up!"

"But the uncle hasn't given an answer yet!" Li Xiaoran said worriedly.

"Let's go, let's go to the uncle now! It's not too late, just take advantage of the uncle's son's absence, let's persuade us!" Decided to act immediately.

Li Xiaoran nodded and sat up from the bed just now.

"Wait, I'll go wash my face first to refresh myself!"

The coolness instantly made Li Xiaoran wake up from that dream, and people became much more energetic.

Looking up and looking at the cherry tree higher than the roof, Li Xiaoran suddenly smiled.

"Perhaps this is the best time for Auntie to wake up! This cherry is red, it's time to wake up and taste it!"

The aunt entrusted Li Xiaoran to help her find out what happened, but Li Xiaoran had a different idea.

This matter, after all, is a family affair between the aunt and her son. She is an outsider and should not interfere.

Even if you want to find out the truth, you should let the aunt wake up and find out by herself.

They can help, but they can't take the initiative to check.

After thinking about it, Li Xiaoran knew what to do, and knew how to persuade the uncle.

The uncle wiped the aunt's body before, and just changed the aunt's clothes at this time.

Seeing Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran coming over, the uncle invited them in.

"Master, you..." Li Xiaoran said a sentence in surprise when he heard the old man's words, but he couldn't say anything when the second half of the sentence came to his lips.

"That's my son, what's wrong with him, how can I not know! Over the years, the reason why I have been sending firewood to the inn is to ask the innkeeper to help me pay attention to the There are no doctors with good medical skills. It's just that I was unlucky, and I have never found a reliable doctor." The old man sighed and said this.

"Although I suspected that my wife's accident was related to my son, I thought that no matter how bad my son was, he would not kill my wife. That's why I didn't get to the bottom of it, I just thought I could find it. A doctor with excellent medical skills treated my old wife. But what happened in the morning made me realize something, so I pretended to be hesitant at that time, and the purpose was to dispel my son's doubts! "

Here, the old man looked at Luo Cheng.

"I don't know what you need to save my old wife, I will help you prepare now!"

Luo Cheng looked at the old man and said, "Prepare a basin, just put some water in it! Leave the rest to me! I'll give the aunt first and then take a pulse!"

The old man nodded and went out to get water in a wooden tub.

Li Xiaoran can't help much at the moment, she can only stand aside and wait.

"Miss, let Wu Qinghe burn a small stove, I'll use it!"

Li Xiaoran nodded and hurried out to find Wu Qinghe.

Soon, everything Luo Cheng needs is ready.

When everything was ready, Luo Cheng also had a good pulse.

I only took the pulse before, so some places need to be confirmed again.

In addition to the news that Li Xiaoran had just fallen into a dream, Luo Cheng already knew it.

The aunt was indeed drugged. The drug was very concealed. You only need to put a little powder in the aunt's daily food.

In fact, the other party didn't really want the aunt's life, the amount of medicine is very light, just make sure that the aunt will never wake up.

As for the antidote, Luo Cheng also had guesses.

Fortunately, the detoxification pill he brought can relieve the effect of this drug, so now he only needs to drain the small blood stasis in his brain.

Thinking of this, Luo Chenggong took out the gold needle he was carrying, and put it on the fire in the small stove for a while.

When everyone was not paying attention, Luo Cheng had already pierced the aunt's head with a gold needle.

"Bring the tub!" Luo Cheng shouted loudly.

Wu Qinghe quickly picked up the wooden basin with water on the ground and put it beside the bed.

Soon, the water in the tub was stained dark red by blood stasis