The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 38

Chapter 38

When Li Xiaoran was thinking about the rainy day, a group of people opposite did not know how to discuss it. Continue to leave.

In the end, only Mao Dao and Yuan Cheng were left sitting beside the pipe.

Besides the two of them, a bag of sorghum flour was left, and there was nothing else.

"Yuan Cheng, take back all this bag of sorghum noodles! At least I won't be hungry when I go back, but you are different! Your little aunt has long disliked you, and now You didn't make any money, she didn't know she would laugh at you like that! You bring these back, anyway, cook and eat it yourself, so that you can fill your stomach!" Mao Dao thought about it and said this.

Yuan Cheng never imagined that Mao Dao, who was most estranged from him on weekdays, would actually send charcoal in the snow, and he didn't even want his portion of sorghum noodles.

"Maodao, I lent you this sorghum noodle! I will definitely make money to return it to you in the future!"

Mao Dao looked at Yuan Cheng like this, and his heart was not a good one.

"What's wrong? Is your waist still hurting! You look like this, you should go back and see the doctor!" Knowing that he must have been injured before, he asked with concern.

"It's alright, it's alright, just keep it for two days! It's you, or you sorghum noodles go to the town to find a job! You don't stay in the village and get caught by your uncle Auntie hates it and doesn't want to see her, so why don't you go to town!" Mao Dao thought of something and suggested.

Yuan Cheng waved his hand with a wry smile and said, "Do you think I haven't thought about it? There are too many people working in the town, and I don't have the strength, and I look a bit fierce. Being a shop assistant will scare customers away. What can I do if you say this!"

"I actually tried it in the town before, but it didn't work, no one hired me to work!" Yuan Cheng said with a gloomy expression.

Mao Dao couldn't think of a good solution at this time, and could only sigh out.

On the other side, Li Xiaoqing heard the conversation between the two people and immediately remembered something.

When she came to Li Xiaoran's side, Li Xiaoqing said softly, "Sister, is there any way we can help that person named Yuan Cheng!"

Li Xiaoran looked at her in surprise when she heard what her sister said.

"You really want to help him?"

Li Xiaoqing saw her sister's puzzled face, so she reminded: "Sister, you forgot! Once when my mother went to the mountains to pick up firewood, her feet were crooked. It's going to rain heavily. If my mother doesn't go home in time, she will definitely get sick in the rain. Fortunately, I met a person named Yuan Cheng. After seeing my mother's injury, I helped my mother to carry the firewood on my back, and then gave her to my mother. I cut a bamboo stick and took my mother down the mountain. I met my father on the way and looked for it, and then I returned home before the rain!"

When his sister said this, Li Xiaoran really found this thing from the memory of the original owner.

In order not to be talked nonsense by others, Li Shun and Zhao Xiu didn't mention Yuan Cheng after they went back, they just said that Li Shun found Zhao Xiu and brought her back.

But in private, Zhao Xiu kept Yuan Cheng's kindness in her heart, and told her two daughters that next time she met a boy named Yuan Cheng, Do your best to help when you can!

"It's him!" Li Xiaoran said suddenly: "Are you sure you didn't recognize the wrong person?"

"I should admit it! We won't know if we ask!" Li Xiaoqing said uncertainly.

"Okay, let's ask first, if it's true, let's help too!" Li Xiaoran thought about it and said this.

Li Xiaoqing nodded, then went to the other side, looked at the two sitting people and asked, "Who is your name Yuan Cheng?"

Mao Dao and Yuan Cheng immediately became vigilant when they saw Li Xiaoqing approaching.

"What do you want to do? We don't do anything bad anymore!" Mao Dao said with some fear.

Yuan Cheng also looked at Li Xiaoqing defensively, not knowing why Li Xiaoqing was looking for her.

"I'm not here to trouble you. Tell me first, who is Yuan Cheng?"

Yuan Cheng looked at Li Xiaoran tremblingly and then pointed to himself.

"My name is Yuan Cheng, do you have anything to do with me?"

"During the early winter of last year, did you go to Jitou Mountain to rescue a woman with a broken foot?" Li Xiaoqing looked at Yuan Cheng and asked directly.

Yuan Cheng thought about it carefully, and it seemed that there was such a thing.

That time he went to dig some herbs to sell, so he went to Jitou Mountain farther from the village to find it.

After all, he had searched for the herbs in the mountains around their village, so he thought of going to the mountains in other villages to find them.

"How do you know this?" Yuan Cheng asked subconsciously.

"In that case, it's you! The woman you saved is my mother!" Li Xiaoqing looked at Yuan Cheng and said, "Wait first, I'll talk to my sister. !"

Leaving this sentence behind, Li Xiaoqing ran back to the noodle stall, leaving Yuan Cheng and Mao Dao, who were confused, look at me, and I look at you.

"Sister, she is him! That's Yuan Cheng!" Li Xiaoqing shouted happily.

Li Xiaoran saw that her sister had confirmed it, so she thought seriously.

Since the other party helped her mother with a kiss, she should repay this kindness.

She also heard some conversations between Yuan Cheng and Mao Dao before. After thinking about it, she went to the opposite side with Li Xiaoqing.

"Do you only have sorghum noodles?" Li Xiaoran asked.

As soon as Yuan Cheng heard this, he immediately took the bag of sorghum noodles in his arms, looked at the Li Xiaoran sisters with vigilance and asked, "Yes! What do you want to do?"

Li Xiaoran thought about it and said, "Do you still want to set up a stall here to make money?"


"Me too!"

Yuan Cheng and Mao Dao suddenly reacted when they heard Li Xiaoran's words, and immediately replied at the same time.

Li Xiaoran glanced at Mao Dao and saw that the other party was the unlucky guy who was beaten by him and his sister before, and he felt a little embarrassed in his heart.

After thinking about it, Li Xiaoran said, "You can use sorghum noodles to make sorghum steamed buns to sell! In this way, you only need a stove and a pot to do business. This is the official road. , People come and go, some people are hungry but in a hurry, but they are willing to buy steamed buns that can be taken away! You can do this business!"