The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 375

Chapter 375

"But it's raining so hard, you can't go around Lucheng!" Luo Cheng reminded.

"It's fine, we'll just stay here for a few more days if it's a big deal! We're just tired from the journey today, so let's have something to rest in the inn! Walking and hanging out in the rain is also a unique experience!" Li Xiaoran said with a smile.

When Luo Cheng saw Li Xiaoran, he thought about it, so he didn't say anything.

Go downstairs and ask the shop assistant to prepare some food, and Luo Chenggong brought it up.

After eating and drinking, and taking a bath, the two of them lay down and slept together.

It's just that God, sometimes it's very naughty.

The more you want to do something, the more you have to jump out and make trouble.

At this time, the rain outside is getting heavier and heavier, and there is no meaning to stop.

At this moment, a man in black was running wild in the rain, and a large group of officers and soldiers were chasing not far behind.

Afterwards, the man in black jumped over the wall and entered an inn.

Just a flash of lightning came over, showing the sign of this inn: Yuelai Inn.

Luo Jin is a vigilant person, even if there are thunderstorms outside, he still senses the movement outside at the first time.

Get up and stand up, Luo Cheng closed the window that Li Xiaoran opened.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier now, and you will suffer if you open the window again.

Before he lay on the bed, the noisy voices of officers and soldiers came from outside.

Luo Cheng frowned, quickly lay down on the bed, and went back to sleep.

Not long after, the sound of rapid footsteps came, and the officers and soldiers actually surrounded the inn.

At this time, some officers and soldiers were searching for people next to each room.

Li Xiaoran was also disturbed by the movement outside, and the whole person was a little out of spirit.

"Xiang Gong, what's going on outside?"

"I don't know, it seems that you are searching for someone! Madam, since you are awake, put on some clothes quickly. I think those officers and soldiers will come to us in a while!" Luo Cheng thought what, reminded.

Li Xiaoran nodded, yawned and put on a dress.

Just at this moment, the one who knocked on the door came, Luo Cheng hurried over to open the door, and then looked at the people outside.

"We are under orders to search for the suspect, please don't hinder us!"

As soon as Luo Cheng heard this, he made a gesture of invitation and came to Li Xiaoran's side.

Li Xiaoran was really sleepy at the moment, so she simply leaned directly on Luo Cheng's shoulder, closed her eyes and fell asleep again.

The leader looked at the room, then turned to look at Luo Cheng.

"Did you see anyone suspicious come in?"

Luo Cheng shook his head and said, "We hurried for a day, and we went to the inn for dinner today and fell asleep. We didn't wake up until you came!"

The man heard Luo Cheng's words, looked at Luo Cheng, and found no flaws.

At this time, other searchers also searched, and there was no one in the room.

"Let's go!" Seeing that there was nothing to gain, the leader immediately moved towards the next room.

After sending people away, Li Xiaoran was really sleepy, so she fell asleep on the bed.

Luo Cheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he saw Li Xiaoran fall asleep like this.

"You, you, you are really big-hearted. You can fall asleep even in this situation, and I'm also convinced!"

Of course, Luo Cheng was also happy.

Li Xiaoran's actions expressed her complete trust in Luo Cheng.

Blowing out the candle, Luo Cheng continued to lie down and fell asleep with Li Xiaoran.

On the second day, Li Xiaoran opened his eyes and it was the next morning.

At this time, Luo Cheng was no longer around, Li Xiaoran sat up and dressed himself.

Just when she was thinking about whether to go out and find Luo Cheng, Luo Cheng came back with the shop assistant.

"I guessed that you woke up, wash your face with hot water quickly! I asked the cook to make you a bowl of red oil for you, you will like it!" Luo Cheng walked away with a smile Come and say.

Li Xiaoran smiled and hurried over to wash her face and rinse her mouth.

It just happened to be cleaned, and the second shopkeeper also sent the copy over.

A bowl of clear soup and a bowl of red oil, Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng each ate a bowl.

The window was open at this time, Li Xiaoran looked outside.

"Hey, I'm really a crow's mouth, the rain hasn't stopped until now!"

"Yes! It seems that we really have to experience the taste of wandering in the rain today!" Luo Cheng joked.

Li Xiaoran smiled and continued to eat.

After she finished eating a bowl of Chaoshou, she accidentally saw a place, and her eyes changed suddenly.

Get up and stand up, Li Xiaoran walked towards the window.

Luo Cheng saw that Li Xiaoran was acting strange, so he followed.

"Miss, what are you looking at?"

Li Xiaoran tilted her head and looked again, then looked around.

"Xianggong, did you see that there is something wrong with the tile opposite our window! I always feel like something is pressing under that tile!"

When Luo Cheng heard Li Xiaoran's words, he followed her finger.

Sure enough, that place is still a bit different from the surrounding.

Without waiting for Luo Cheng to say anything, the shop assistant here came to the door and knocked on the door.

"Guest officer, may I ask if you have used it? The little one is coming in to clean up the dishes!"

Luo Cheng pulled Li Xiaoran away from the window, and then responded.

"Use it, come in!"

As soon as the shop assistant heard the words inside, he immediately walked in and cleaned up.

"Second brother, what happened last night? Has the suspect been caught again?" Luo Cheng began to inquire about the news.

Li Xiaoran also remembered what happened last night and pricked up her ears.

"Hey, guest officer, don't mention it, it's really bad luck! The officers and soldiers broke in yesterday and insisted that there was a suspect in our inn. No, no one was found, the officers and soldiers didn't leave, and they still live here." The shop boy said with a depressed look.

"Ah? The officers and soldiers didn't leave? Are there not many people here? Can the inn accommodate them?" Li Xiaoran asked in surprise.

Although she was sleepy last night, her ability to empathize was always there.

A lot of officers and soldiers came yesterday, so many people, how could the inn be able to stay.

"Look at me, I didn't make it clear. Most of the people left, and a dozen or so people stayed! I guess they think the suspect is still in our inn and plan to sit back and wait. I'm not saying, just like our Yuelai Inn, even if the suspect comes in, he can get out soon! The inn is so big, and there are only a few places where people can hide. If no one can be found, it must be Someone ran away!" The shop assistant explained while cleaning up.