The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 365

Chapter 365

Li Shun really didn't expect that when others are sitting at home, this business will be delivered to the door first.

Although they are acquaintances, some people recognize their craftsmanship.

So after hearing Luo Han's request, Li Shun was sure he could do it, so he accepted this big order.

Luo Han is naturally very good, so he sent a large sum of money as a deposit first.

This is good, Li Shun finally has the money to support his family.

It happened that Zizheng also invited all the relatives of Li Xiaoran's family over here.

This time, almost all of the Zhao family came.

The newly built house is finally full of people, and it is very popular.

Luo Cheng also welcomed some guests.

"It seems that my old beggar didn't miss it!" Today, the old beggar changed from the previous beggar's dress, dressed like a man, and appeared in front of Luo Cheng.

After seeing the old beggar appear, Luo Cheng asked strangely: "Have you handled your affairs? Don't wait for a bunch of men in black to assassinate you when I get married, By that time, I will be in a hurry with you!"

The old beggar laughed when he heard Luo Cheng's words.

"Relax, the matter has been resolved! You really said that, the other party is looking for those medicinal materials. I later found the cow, bought the cow, and killed the cow Now, I took out the contents of the cow's stomach, gave it back to the other party, explained the misunderstanding, and it's all right!"

Speaking of this, the old beggar also felt that he was unlucky.

"I didn't expect that, just because I was greedy, I would invite such a disaster!"

"Don't worry, there are congratulatory gifts. I'll come in two days. Didn't I come to see if you need any help?" The old beggar said with a smile.

"There is nothing to do, everything is ready!" Luo Cheng shook his head and said: "Old beggar, you are here at the right time. , help me pay more attention to the recent changes in Shudi. I don't want anything to happen when I get married!"

When the old beggar heard Luo Cheng's words, his face became solemn.

"Speaking of which, it's a bit unusual. But let's talk about it after you get married! Don't be in a hurry!"

"Just say anything, don't wait any longer!" Luo Cheng asked when he heard it.

The old beggar hesitated for a moment, and finally lowered his voice.

"Recently, there is a group of people in the land of Shu. They don't know what they are doing. They wander around in the deep mountains in the land of Shu all day. In the name of picking herbs, but But no herbs were picked at all!"

Luo Cheng was stunned when he heard this.

For some reason, Luo Cheng suddenly remembered what happened in Feiying Village.

Inexplicably, there is an intuition that this matter has something to do with the forces in Feiying Village.

"I know about this, and I will find out with Luo Han!" Luo Cheng nodded and said.

Li Xiaoran's side, at this time, took the people from the outside family directly to the shop to have a look.

Zhao Huaishan and Xu Xiufang also showed satisfaction in their eyes when they saw the two shops with booming business.

"You still use your brains! It's really not bad to rely on this official channel to run this shop. I just stood outside and watched for a while, and the people who come and go in this pipeline are not yet. Little, now you have formed a street-like existence, no wonder there are more and more people eating and shopping here!" Xu Xiufang said with emotion.

"Yeah! At first, a few families came here to set up stalls to sell food, and now more and more people come to sell things. Except for all kinds of food, other things are also put here They are set up for sale. People in several nearby villages like to come and stroll around. When they see something they want, they buy some and go back. There are also some small traders who also saw the business opportunities here and bought other things as well. Bring it here for sale. Yesterday, I saw that on the other side of the open space, someone has already started to build a shop, and it will definitely develop better and better in the future!" Li Xiaoran replied with a smile while supporting his grandmother.

Zhao Huaishan heard the words of his granddaughter and saw that everything here was developing in a good direction, and he also had an idea in his heart.

No, when others called Li Xiaoran away, Zhao Huaishan said, "Old lady, how about we move here too? Feiying Village is good, but I always feel that something big is going to happen there. Why don't we take advantage of this time, we also move out and start a roast goose business in this official road, it should be good! "

Xu Xiufang was also a little moved, but it was a big deal that brought her family and family together, and she had to discuss it with her son and daughter-in-law.

"Let's discuss this as a family! We will live here for a while, let's take a look and ask our son and daughter-in-law what they mean!"

Zhao Huaishan nodded and said nothing more.

In fact, brothers Zhao Long and Zhao Liang were a little moved when they saw the prosperity of the pipeline.

They farm in Feiying Village and can't make much money a day.

In the past, life was tight, and now the family expenses are getting bigger and bigger, and if you don't think about it, you will be stretched.

So this time out, the two brothers also saved the mind to walk around to see if there is a suitable business to do and make some money to support their family.

Now that there are so many people doing business around this official road, they also feel that they can stay here to do some business, which is better than spending their whole life in the ground.

At the same time, Zhao Sisi looked at Li Xiaoqing standing in front of the stove, cutting and cooking noodles, with an envious look in his eyes.

"Cousin Xiaoqing, you are amazing! The noodles you made look really good!"

Li Xiaoqing laughed when she heard her cousin's praise.

"In fact, it's very simple, and you can do it a lot!"

Zhao Sisi nodded, watching and helping out.

After hesitating for a while, Zhao Si thought about something, so he got close to Li Xiaoqing.

"Cousin, can I follow you to learn the craft of making noodles! Don't worry, I won't learn to compete with you, I just want to learn a craft, in the future Once you get married, you can also be a way to make money!"

Li Xiaoran just walked in from the outside and heard Zhao Sisi's words.

The second aunt, Jin Xiaojing, who was with Li Xiaoran, heard her daughter's words and couldn't help sighing.

"This girl is frightened!"

Li Xiaoran looked over in confusion when she heard what her second aunt said.

Jin Xiaojing sighed and said, "She had a very good sister in the village before, and she got married last year. Recently, that girl was beaten and ran back with bruises all over her body, and she almost died. No more! After this girl, Sisi, went to see that elder sister and learned of what happened to her, she became very uneasy when she came back!"