The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 363

Chapter 363

Why was he so fascinated at the beginning that he wanted to offend Luo Cheng, his grandson-in-law?

Take a step back, if he was not used to Li Yan, his granddaughter, and insisted on marrying her, would their old Li family be able to rely on the help of their granddaughter-in-law and have a better life?

It's a pity that this world did not know earlier, and there is no regret medicine to buy.

At the same time, Pei Xuanxin, who had already arrived in the capital, had followed Ai Mingze and Qi Fei to the capital.

Fortunately, there is Qi Fei's house for Pei Xuanxin and his wife to live in, otherwise they can't even live in an inn when they arrive in the capital.

After several days of rushing on the road, a group of people were exhausted when they arrived at the house.

After washing up, I ate something casually, and everyone went to rest.

Early the next morning, Li Yan told Pei Xuanxin that she went out to familiarize herself with the path.

Pei Xuanxin didn't take care of her either, and felt that it would be good for Li Yan to get acquainted with the surrounding environment. After all, he had to rely on Li Yan to take care of him for the next period of time.

So Li Yan went directly to the capital to have a look in the company of Qi Fei's rough wife.

But Li Yan didn't really come out to get acquainted with the surrounding environment, but under the guidance of her mother-in-law, she went to an intoxicating restaurant.

At this time, Qi Fei and Ai Mingze were waiting for Li Yan in the private room on the second floor.

Seeing Li Yan coming, Qi Fei glanced at Ai Mingze, and then directly took out a few sets of questions.

"Li Yan, take these papers back first, and then take some out every day for your husband to do! Remember, after you have done these questions, you will find a way to take them out. , I'll ask someone to transcribe it later, and you can take it back and put it away!" Qi Fei said, and clapped his hands.

Soon, a follower came in with a wooden box.

After the wooden box was opened, it revealed a dazzling golden color.

"This gold is your reward! As long as you do well, not only these are yours, but I will give you another two thousand taels of silver after it is done!" Qi Fei shook his hand The paper fan inside, said so.

Li Yan at this time has been conquered by the gold in front of her, so she quickly nodded.

"Young Master Qi, don't worry, I will definitely do what you told me!"

"It's good if it can be done well! Remember, you must not let your husband find out about this matter, otherwise you won't want to take the money later!" Qi Fei said here, his face changed The child darkened and threatened.

"Okay, I promise not to let my husband notice!" Li Yan nodded quickly, but her eyes never left the wooden box with gold.

"Go and pack these things for Madam Pei to carry. In addition, ask someone to wait by Madam Pei's side and buy her whatever she needs. The money spent will be paid directly from I'm going to my son's account!" Qi Fei said again to the old woman who was following Li Yan.

The old lady nodded again and again, taking the words of Mr. Qi to heart.

Here, Mr. Qi's servants also stuffed some silver bills for the old lady to spend.

In this way, Li Yan took a bunch of exam questions and a box of gold, and then went to buy a lot of things, and went back happily.

"Xianggong, look, the things in this capital are good! This fabric is good and cheap. Look at these fabrics, isn't it good to make some clothes for you? With these pieces of fabric, it would be good to make some new clothes for my mother-in-law!" After Li Yan put away everything, she went to Pei Xuanxin's study with some things.

Pei Xuanxin frowned as soon as he saw so many things in Li Yan's hand.

"Madam, our family is poor, and we have to save money!"

Li Yan was not happy when she heard this.

She who wanted to shake her face, suddenly remembered what Qi Fei gave her, and quickly said with a smile: "Xianggong, I know you have always been frugal, but these things are what we should spend Yes. Think about it, after you have tried Xianggong, do you still have to communicate with officials and students, if Xianggong is still dressed in shabby clothes at that time, he will be disliked by people! "

Pei Xuanxin is not such a pedantic person, and he also understands the worldly feelings of those people.

So after hearing Li Yan's explanation, the unhappiness in his heart dissipated.

"It's still the lady who thinks well! It's because of the husband's ill-consideration and misunderstanding of the lady! For the husband, I'll make up for the lady!"

Li Yan saw that Pei Xuanxin apologized, and said nothing, she took out the set of questions in her hand.

"Xianggong, when I was walking outside, I found that many students were buying things. I heard that this is a question given to the students by the master of the capital and the school. Many people said that this question is good and helpful for the exam, so I also bought a set. Look, are these helpful to you?"

Pei Xuanxin didn't think much about it, and took the question handed over by Li Yan and took a closer look.

"These questions are really ingenious, and I have never seen many of them. Madam, take a good rest first, I'll do it now!"

Li Yan was happy to see that Pei Xuanxin would do the question as soon as he saw it.

"Okay, then you can do the question! I'll make you something delicious to nourish your body!"

Speaking, Li Yan turned around and left.

Pei Xuanxin, who was concentrating on the questions, never thought that from this moment, he would be in trouble.

Fate is so wonderful sometimes, it is only a little wrong, but many things will go wrong step by step.

Li Yan was still immersed in the joy that she had won a lot of gold, but she didn't know that her actions today would harm Pei Xuanxin's life, and she personally turned all the glory and wealth she could get into clouds.

At the same time, Li Xiaoran is getting married.

The first step in preparing for marriage is to live in your own home.

On a sunny day, Li Shun and the others moved into a new house with their two daughters.

Seeing Li Xiaoran laughing heartlessly, Luo Cheng was completely reluctant at this moment.

From today until the day of marriage, Li Xiaoran will live here.

When she thought that there would be no Li Xiaoran sleeping there in the room next to him in the future, Luo Cheng's heart was empty for a while.

"Brother, don't be sad, think about it, when your sister-in-law gets married, you can share the bed with your sister-in-law! After all, it will only last more than ten days. You are busy If you are busy, these ten days have passed in a blink of an eye!" Luo Ziyang was very aware of Luo Cheng's unhappiness, so he persuaded him like this.

Luo Cheng was reminded by Luo Ziyang, and suddenly wanted to understand.

"Yes! In more than ten days, Li Xiaoran will be married! At that time, he will be able to sleep with his wife in his arms!"