The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 359

Chapter 359

"Old lady, I know what you think, but we can't do anything about it." Mr. Li sighed unwillingly: "As long as Luo Cheng is here, we don't think about being able to get from the third child. Benefit there!"

Aunt Li was unhappy when she heard the words of her old man.

"I don't have any benefits, it's fine if I live in the third child's house. No matter what, I am the mother of the third child, there is no reason why this son does not recognize his mother!"

Uncle Li was a little moved when he heard what his wife said.

To be honest, in this situation, the old couple only have to suffer with the eldest or the second.

The third child is soft-hearted, maybe if they pretend to be pitiful, they will be able to live in.

"This time, we can't be hard!" Uncle Li remembered something and said.

Aunt Li nodded, and then the old couple discussed it.

The next day, Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng did not go to the shop.

Because the wedding date is approaching, so the two also need to go to the town to purchase and make final arrangements.

Besides, Li Shun's house has been built, and new furniture and furnishings still need to be bought.

So the couple took the ox cart to the town together, ready to make a big purchase.

No, the two of them took a week, and Mr. Li and Mrs. Li saw the opportunity and found a shop.

When Zhao Xiu saw Uncle Li and Aunt Li appearing in the shop, there was no surprised expression at all.

Looking to the side of Li Xiaoqing, Zhao Xiu gave her a wink.

When Li Xiaoqing saw it, she walked towards Wen Lu, not far away, and whispered a few words in her ear.

Wen Lu nodded, and then greeted Mr. Li and Mrs. Li who were approaching.

"Two guest officers, are you here to eat noodles? Come here, please take a seat inside! I don't know what the two of you are eating?" Wen Lu asked with a smile.

"We are not here to eat noodles, we are here to find your owner! Zhao Xiu, Zhao Xiu, where are you? Wasn't it here just now?" Aunt Li and Wen Lu said a word, In the blink of an eye, Zhao Xiu and Li Xiaoqing were no longer there.

"No, Zhao Xiu is my daughter-in-law, Li Xiaoqing is my granddaughter, I came to see my daughter-in-law and granddaughter, how could it be a fault!" Aunt Li started to pose now : "You're just a shop worker. Believe it or not, I told my granddaughter not to let you do it!"

Wen Lu sneered when she heard this.

"Granddaughter? Daughter-in-law? So, you are the second elder of the old Li family who married my uncle Li, my aunt and my sister Xiaoqing! Hey, it's really better to see it than to see it. You are so cruel relatives, you actually look like this! Come on, everyone, take a good look, it is these two people who are old and disrespectful. One granddaughter is distressed and the other granddaughter is married. Not only That's all, let the granddaughter who was married take his parents and sister to marry him."

"What's more, the family was divided before the dowry, and the granddaughter's family got nothing and left the house!"

"Come and see, people often say that tiger poison doesn't eat offspring, but these two sent their sons, daughters-in-law, and granddaughters to dowry, and now they have to take advantage of it!" Wen Lu directly exposed the true colors of Uncle Li and Aunt Li in front of everyone.

The diners who watched the lively heard such an exciting news, and their eyes changed when they looked at Aunt Li and Uncle Li.

"This is not a relative, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is an enemy! Dowry son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter, this kind of thing can be done, it is not human!" Another diner is also a business Feeling full, he directly spoke out to fight for the owner of the shop.

There are more and more voices accusing Uncle Li and Aunt Li. Uncle Li's face is as black as the bottom of the pot, he just snorted and shook his hand and left.

Aunt Li saw that all her men had left, and she didn't stop. Before leaving, she said a cruel word.

"Wait! I remember you, I will definitely tell my son to let you do it!"

Wen Lu sneered, watched the two leave, and continued to work.

When the old couple left, Zhao Xiu and Li Xiaoqing came out from behind.

"Mom, grandpa and grandma must be looking for dad!" Li Xiaoqing said very confidently.

"Let them find your father! Just to see if your father has a long memory now!" Zhao Xiu said calmly.

As Li Xiaoqing expected, Uncle Li and Aunt Li turned around and went to Luo's house to find Li Shun.

Li Shun has been working in the fields all this time, so the old couple quickly found Li Shun.

Li Shun sighed when he saw his parents coming, and then said to the worker, and led the two into the Luo family's house.

Uncle Li and Aunt Li came to Luo's house for the first time. When they walked in and saw such a big house and everything in good order, their desire to live in became stronger.

Li Shun poured three cups of tea out, asked his parents to sit down at the stone table in the yard outside, and then asked, "I don't know if my parents came to see me today, what is there? thing?"

Li Shun's expression was very calm, and he was not surprised by what his parents found.

Uncle Li and Aunt Li looked at each other, and Aunt Li spoke first.

"Third, how are you doing now?"

Li Shun suddenly laughed when he heard this.

"Mother, you don't need me to tell you, you can see how I am doing! Look, I have grown a lot of flesh on my body, my face is also a lot rounder, and my body is boned. It's also much better than before, it won't hurt like this!

Aunt Li was furious when she heard Li Shun's words.

This son is not filial at all. He is living such a good life, and he doesn't know how to get some delicious food to come back and be filial to them.

When she thinks of this, Aunt Li hurts as if she was stabbed with a knife.

"Hey, the third child, you are so lucky! It's just that you and I have suffered! Back then, my father and I just saw how hard you were living in the same room, so we kept it from the boss. And the second child, I got you this dowry and dowry! Don't blame your parents for being cruel, we really did it for you at that time! Look at it, it turns out that your father and I have a relationship There's nothing wrong with the choice! If we hadn't gritted our teeth and ruthless, how could you have such a good life now?" Aunt Li thought about it, and began to act like I did everything for your own good. Come mother.

Li Shun never said anything, let the old lady play it herself, and didn't answer at all.