The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 357

Chapter 357

In this way, Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran were busy in Li Xiaoran's room together, and neither of them left the room for dinner.

Zhao Xiu looked inside with her head and saw things on the ground and papers on the table at a glance.

Li Xiaoran is focusing on writing with pen and paper.

Zhao Xiu knew that Luo Cheng was teaching Li Xiaoran to read and write, so she thought the two were still learning, so she didn't bother.

Luo Cheng, who knew the inside story, was amazed by Li Xiaoran again and again.

At first, the handwriting imitated by Li Xiaoran was not very similar, but after copying again and again, Li Xiaoran's handwriting was actually exactly the same as that on the imperial decree.

In addition, Luo Cheng asked someone to collect the handwriting about his father and emperor, Li Xiaoran chose what he needed, and then began to copy it.

After the handwriting was very similar, Li Xiaoran began to take out the paper used for the imperial decree and began to practice writing.

The first time, the fonts are similar, but the strength is different.

The second time, the fonts are exactly the same, the stroke order is the same, and the small habits of the ink marks are also the same.

For the third time, Luo Cheng himself could not see any difference between the words imitated by Li Xiaoran and the emperor's.

For the fourth time, the stroke of the font is exactly the same.

The fifth and last time, Li Xiaoran stood in front of the desk, stood up, and then confidently swayed the ink on the imperial edict.

After the ink was dry, Luo Cheng took out the imperial edict and looked at Li Xiaoran with admiration in his eyes.

"Miss, do you know that your ability alone can make countless crazy! If my royal brothers and brothers knew that you had such ability, they might kidnap you. go!"

"Oh, is that so? Then should I write an imperial decree for you! The imperial decree to avoid death?" Li Xiaoran blinked.

Luo Cheng suddenly became happy when he heard Li Xiaoran's words.

"Why don't you write me an imperial edict to enthrone me as emperor?" Luo Cheng asked deliberately.

Li Xiaoran glanced at Luo Cheng, and then said seriously: "First, you don't have that throne in your heart, and you disdain that position. Second, Xianggong, your current power should not be enough to let you The courtiers will help you to ascend to the throne. Third, I don't want you to be the emperor. Think about it, Xianggong, the emperor is the most miserable, tiring and miserable person in the world.

"Oh, how do you say that?" When Luo Cheng heard this, he immediately became interested.

"Look, this emperor got up earlier than chickens and slept later than anyone else. Every day there are endless papers and problems to be solved. Day after day, year after year A year, there is no time to rest at all. Even if you are seriously ill and encounter a major national event, you have to support yourself with your sick body. Not only that, but you have to fight wits and courage with courtiers all day long, not only to distinguish between loyal and traitor , and what to think about playing with balance!" Li Xiaoran enthusiastically gave an example.

"It's really not easy to be so tired. But it's not bad to be a fool! You don't have to do anything all day, just eat, drink, and be beautiful!" Luo Cheng thought for a while and asked.

"Xiang Gong, if you want to think so, I can guarantee that your little life will not last long. A capable king still has to fight with his ministers with all his strength. You say a foolish man An incompetent monarch, can he fight the civil and military affairs of the whole dynasty? If this is the case, then it is not far from the danger of a small life. Besides, it is a good job for you to have fun with beautiful women? Women are becoming ruthless , is much more ruthless than men. If you don't pay attention and don't coax well, your woman will be killed, your son will be killed, and he will be killed together with the king at every turn! Besides, a person who is a king can bear a few women! Ye Ye Shengge can only think that his life is too long and he is courting death!" Li Xiaoran analyzed calmly.

After being analyzed by Li Xiaoran, Luo Cheng suddenly felt that what she said was really good.

The position of the emperor is really not a good thing!

Seeing that Luo Cheng understood, Li Xiaoran got up and took the imperial edict and put it in Luo Cheng's hand.

Luo Cheng took over the imperial decree, thought about it, and said, "Ma'am, our problem has been solved, but not in the capital! My unjust father, the emperor, will also issue an decree to Princess Zhu Lan, so this matter has to be solved from the root cause!"

Li Xiaoran laughed when she heard Luo Cheng's words.

"This is natural, and I didn't expect to solve it so easily! When the imperial decree arrives, it's time for us to go to the capital to meet your unjust father and emperor! By the way, you call people flying Dove biography, let people spread the news that your father gave me a marriage to you. The more people know the better, I want to make all this a given fact, and let your unjust father say bitterly Don't come out!"

When Luo Cheng heard this, he suddenly felt a little interesting.

Over the years, he didn't want to get involved with the capital and the royal family, so he stayed as far away as he could.

In order to dispel those people's thoughts, he was even willing to sacrifice his marriage and marry an ordinary peasant girl, but he still did not let them let him go.

Fortunately, God was on his side and sent Li Xiaoran into his life.

Seeing that his wife actually chose to fight back when facing the marriage decree sent by the unjust father, Luo Chengcheng felt excited for a while.

Maybe he was wrong!

Thinking of this, Luo Cheng's mind also turned quickly.

Since his wife wants to counterattack, then he will accompany her to give the unjust father a beautiful counterattack!

Poor bastard.

After they figured it out, Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran reached an agreement, and the couple used their brains to find a way to perfect their first counterattack against the wronged emperor.

The imperial decree is done, and Li Xiaoran can finally sleep well.

This sleep, Li Xiaoran slept from night until noon the next day.

If Luo Cheng hadn't made sure that Li Xiaoran's pulse was stable, Zhao Xiu would have rushed in to pull people in.

Fortunately, Li Xiaoran finally woke up at noon. He could eat, drink, and talk. He was very normal.

However, this afternoon, Li Xiaoran still did not sleep, but was dragged to the study by Luo Cheng, imitating an imperial decree again.

Five days later, the capital suddenly exploded.

There is no other reason, that is, Eunuch Zhao, the personal **** next to the emperor, actually appeared at the entrance of the ritual department.