The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 349

Chapter 349

Luo Cheng really doesn't want to stay longer for this place in the capital.

If it weren't for this time being of great importance and involving the common people between the two countries, Luo Cheng would not have come back to the capital again.

Now that Zhu Lan's national treasure has been returned, his predicament has been resolved, and it is time to leave.

Luo Cheng has a feeling that if he doesn't leave tonight, he won't be able to leave.

Luo Han was stunned when he heard Luo Cheng's words: "Then let me go with you! How are you going to go back this time?"

"Let's go from the deep mountains! Now I always feel that the deep mountains are safer than the outside!" Luo Cheng said with a sneer.

Luo Han believed Luo Cheng's intuition very much and nodded.

"Okay, let's get ready now!"

"Don't worry, I've already told Gan Xing to get ready, and even your portion is ready! When night falls, we will ride in the carriage, and when we reach the bottom of the mountain, we will get off the carriage, Then go up the mountain!" Luo Cheng said confidently, as if he had expected Luo Han to follow him.

"Yeah, before we went separately to confuse each other, now if you go back alone, maybe those people will blow your mind!" Luo Cheng looked at Luo Han, He stretched out his hand and wrapped his arms around his neck: "We are brothers anyway, I can't watch you get hurt! Why don't you come with me on a few days in the mountains and forests!"

Luo Han glanced at Luo Cheng and lifted his arm directly.

"You have a conscience!"

After that, the two continued to eat and drink.

Because they have to move at night, the two of them went to sleep after eating and drinking.

By the time the moon was on its head, a carriage was already parked outside.

Luo Cheng, Luo Han, and Zizheng Ziyang got on the carriage with some luggage.

Soon, the carriage walked towards the outside of the town, heading towards the mountain forest not far away.

When they reached the foot of the mountain, two hours had passed.

The four of them didn't care about rest, they walked towards the mountain by the moonlight.

I don't know how long it took, Luo Cheng took a group of people into a cave.

"Okay, we're finally here, now we can sleep in peace, when will we wake up tomorrow, when will we be on our way!" Luo Cheng lit the firewood in the cave and found it A place to sit.

Luo Han looked at the cave carefully and found that it had been cleaned up, so he asked in surprise: "You have already prepared here?"

"Yeah! We found this cave here before we left the mountain, just in case we needed it. Who would have thought that it would actually be used!" Zi Zheng replied.

When Luo Han heard this, he simply sat down and chose a place to lie down.

After running around for a few hours, everyone was a little tired.

Since Luo Cheng had slept before, he suggested that he come to watch the night first and let others rest first.

Luo Han was not polite, and lay down and fell asleep.

After lying down, Luo Han never felt sleepy, and simply sat up.

As a result, Luo Han discovered that there was no Luo Cheng in the cave.

So Luo Han stood up lightly and walked towards the outside of the cave.

And Luo Cheng, sitting on a stone outside the cave at this time, looking at the darkness below the mountain.

"What are you looking at here? It's pitch black below, what's so beautiful!" Luo Han sat beside Luo Cheng and said softly.

Luo Cheng didn't turn his head when he heard Luo Han's voice, he still looked down.

"I have never seen the night in the capital so carefully since I was a child. In my memory, those nights in the capital were icy cold. I have never slept peacefully, Even if you sleep, you are still in a nightmare!"

Luo Han felt sour when he heard Luo Cheng's voice.

"Do you remember those nights?"

"Remember, how can I not remember! I remember it before, I remember it now, and I will remember it in the future. It is because I remember the coldness of those nights that I cherish the warmth I have now!" Luo Chengxiao's voice All of a sudden, there is a feeling of falling to the ground.

"My grandfather and my father used to worry about you very much! Because a person, as if there is no warm memory in their hearts, wouldn't it be too pitiful to live in this world! Thinking about it now, my grandfather and I Dad is too worried! This is fair, if you lose something, you will use other things to fill your vacancy!" Luo Han remembered something and said this.

"Luo Cheng, do you know? The change between you now and you before is really great! I don't know how others feel, at least I feel that you have changed a lot. Yes. Now you are at least a person! Before you, you were just floating like a lone soul, like duckweed, without roots."

When Luo Cheng heard Luo Han's words, the corners of his mouth twitched upwards slightly.

"Duckweed will have roots, and so will I!"

"Li Xiaoran, what are you going to do? I'm talking about your background!" Luo Han looked at Luo Cheng like this, and while he was happy for him, he reminded worriedly.

" I actually planned to confess everything to her before, but something happened later and I never found a chance. This time I go back and I will make it clear with her. At least, I can't let She married me in a daze! The person I want to marry should know everything about me!" Luo Cheng said after thinking about everything.

"Are you sure Li Xiaoran can afford all this?" Luo Han asked.

"If she can't bear it, then no one can bear it!" Luo Cheng stood up after speaking, and then pointed to the direction of the capital: "This place, From when I was born to when I grew up, a big hole was cut in my body, making my heart aches and emptiness."

Speaking, Luo Cheng turned a direction, facing the Shudi side, and then smiled: "This place, let me marry someone back accidentally, it's her bit by bit Filling the hole in my body with an ordinary life, it made my heart start to grow again!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Cheng looked at the darkness around him again.

"Born in the dark, sprout in the dark, grow in the dark, but when it blooms it encounters the sun, and the result should be in the sun! Luo Han, if possible, I will never again in this life Would love to come here!"

Abandoning these words, Luo Cheng walked into the cave.

"Since you can't sleep, come watch the night!" A faint word floated out of the cave.

Luo Han smiled, looked at the darkness, and immediately laughed.