The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 345

Chapter 345

" Over the years, mother, you have been running for father, for us, for this family, but I have never heard you say what you like. I didn't dare to think about it before, but now my daughter has grown up Now, father has also found a way to make money, mother might as well think for yourself, what you like to do, just do it!" Li Xiaoran said softly.

When Zhao Xiu heard her girl's thoughtful words, she felt that all the hardships she had experienced in the past had become worthwhile.

If a woman is like this, she should be content.

"What? Is it because I dislike the mother doing things in your shop?" Zhao Xiu joked.

Do what you want to do. Mother, you have sacrificed most of your life for us, and now is the time to live for yourself!" Li Xiaoran said.

"Live for myself once?" Zhao Xiu couldn't help but feel dazed when she heard this.

She was cared for by her parents when she was a child, even if there were several younger brothers below, she was very sensible.

At that time, she thought that it would be good for her family to live together and love each other.

After she married Li Shun, she seemed to gradually forget what she likes and what she wants to do for Li Shun's patience.

At this moment, my daughter suddenly asked such a question, she didn't seem to remember what she wanted to do.

"Mother, in this world, people always have what they want to do most. Before you had no chance or free time to do it, now you can! What do you want to do? Just do it if you want to, don't be afraid to cause trouble for us. I hope that my mother, like my father, will find what she likes and do what she wants to do!" Li Xiaoran also sensed Zhao Xiu's dazedness. , so encouraged.

After that, the mother and daughter did not go back to the shop, but went directly to the field where Li Shun was working, helping him plant the fields, watering and so on.

Zhao Xiu was absent-minded in her work all day, Li Shun looked at her several times.

Just when Li Shun wanted to rush up to ask what was going on, Li Xiaoran stopped his father and told what happened before.

"It turns out to be like this, I'll tell you why your mother is so unhappy! Then I won't bother her, let her think about it for herself!" Li Shun heard this. For one thing, I stopped thinking about going over and asking.

At night, Zhao Xiu was also lying on the bed tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

Li Shun asked when he saw his daughter-in-law who was so sleepy.

"My dear mother, what are you thinking about? Even if you can't think of what you like to do, don't force yourself! Get a good night's sleep first, and we'll think about it tomorrow!"

Zhao Xiu saw that she had disturbed her man to sleep, she said "um", then turned around and went to sleep.

I just slept for a while, but Zhao Xiu still didn't feel sleepy.

Li Shun was already asleep at this time, snoring from time to time.

Zhao Xiu couldn't sleep anymore, so she put on a dress and sat in front of the window looking at the bright moon outside the window.

To be honest, what my daughter Xiaoran said today made Zhao Xiu start to reflect for the first time in her life.

What is she living for?

She came to this world for a while, and she didn't even know her own preferences.

At this moment, Zhao Xiu felt as if she was a failure.

In this way, Zhao Xiu thought about what kind of emotions she was immersed in, and she didn't know when she fell asleep in front of the window.

I called Zhao Xiu a few times but didn't hear Zhao Xiu's response, Li Shun touched Zhao Xiu's forehead with his hand.

Li Shun was taken aback by this touch.

"Xiaoqing, Xiaoqing, hurry up, find your sister, your mother is ill, and her forehead is hot right now!"

Soon everyone in the house woke up, Li Xiaoran found Luo Ziyang at the first time, and asked him to check the pulse of his mother.

Luo Ziyang took Zhao Xiu's pulse, and then said: "Sister-in-law, it's alright, my mother is suffering from a fever caused by the wind and cold. This person's body will be overworked after doing things for a long time. I had something to worry about, so I fell ill! My brother left me a lot of medicine, I'll go get it now, and the fever will subside soon after my mother takes it!"

Li Xiaoran was relieved to hear Luo Ziyang's words, and then asked Luo Ziyang to get the medicine.

Soon, the medicine was taken by Zhao Xiu.

Afterwards, Li Xiaoran and Li Shun took turns looking after Zhao Xiu, until two hours later, Zhao Xiu's fever finally subsided.

When Zhao Xiu woke up again, she only felt that her whole body was heavy and she had no strength at all.

As soon as she spoke, she was taken aback by her hoarse voice.

"I, what's wrong?"

Seeing Zhao Xiu awake, Li Shun happily poured a glass of warm water over.

Zhao Xiu also felt that her mouth was very dry. Seeing that the water glass was placed next to her mouth, she hurriedly drank it.

"Slow down, you had a high fever last night, Xiaoran and I stayed with you for most of the night. Now Xiaoran is going to cook rice porridge for you, you wait for a while The rice porridge will be ready!" Li Shun said briefly about what happened last night while slowly raising the position of the water glass to make it easier for Zhao Xiu to drink water.

Zhao Xiuyi was shocked when she heard that she had a fever. No wonder her throat was sore.

"Tell me what you can't figure out, you have to lie down at the window in the middle of the night and think! I thought about it, and fell asleep there and developed a high fever! Don't you know, when I saw you were sick, I was scared to death! Fortunately, this kid Ziyang is good at medicine, and the son-in-law kept the medicine at home, otherwise you will suffer!" Seeing Zhao Xiu When he finally came to his senses, Li Shun expressed his fears.

"Daughter-in-law, don't be like this in the future, you really scare me! You said, you used to live so hard and tired, you didn't have a serious illness, why do you have it now? sick!"

"Dad, you should be awake, my mother has never been seriously ill before, otherwise it will be a problem if you have a wife to accompany you at this time!" Li Xiaoran just came in with a bowl of porridge and listened to When it came to his father's words, he retorted: "Besides, my mother's body was too hard before, and she became ill from overwork. It was just that my mother took this opportunity to take a good rest and take care of her body!"

After finishing speaking, Li Xiaoran brought out the porridge and put it in the hands of his old father.

"Dad, mother has paid so much for you, now mother is sick, you should take good care of her too! Here, feed this bowl of porridge to mother!"