The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 340

Chapter 340

Luo Cheng couldn't stand it any longer, so he quickly pulled the person to the side of a puddle of water.

"You are drooling on our pot before you brush your teeth and rinse your mouth this morning. What do you want us to eat? Hurry up and wash up!"

When the old beggar heard Luo Cheng's words, he immediately became happy.

"Wash up when you wash up. Speaking of which, you can handle my old man! Look at me, who am I? I'm an old beggar, do you know what a beggar is? That kind of dirty, smelly body, you actually told me to wash up!"

"Then do you wash or not? Old beggar, I'll make it clear to you first. If you don't clean yourself up and look like a man, don't follow me!" After Luo Cheng said this, he looked up and down the old beggar, and added: "I look disgusted!"

Speaking, Luo Cheng got up and left.

But on second thought, if he really cleaned up, wouldn't it be impossible for others to find him?

Thinking of this, the old beggar suddenly became happy.

Go to wash up first, then go to Zizheng to get a dress.

No way, of the three, Zizheng's stature is similar to that of the old beggar, so he can only find Zizheng to get clean clothes to change.

Because the noodles were already cooked by now, the old beggar didn't even bother to take a bath and change clothes, so I grabbed a bowl to eat, and then went to a puddle to take a bath.

When Luo Cheng and the others were ready to get up, a spirited little old man appeared in front of Luo Cheng and them.

Luo Cheng looked at the old beggar in front of him, his eyes widened.

To be honest, he has known the old beggar for so many years, and he has always seen him look sloppy.

I didn't expect him to clean up like this, but it still looks very good.

"Old beggar, tell me about you, you are not ugly, what do you do to make yourself look like a scumbag! Let it be like this in the future! Don't be an old beggar!" Luo Cheng So emotional.

"Go, go, I'm a beggar who is comfortable and comfortable, I want you to take care of it! If it wasn't for something like you, and someone was really chasing me outside, you thought I was willing to change It's like this! Hey, I feel uncomfortable when I change clothes!" The old beggar said with a depressed look on his face.

"Master, if you want to say so, then take off your clothes and give them back to me! Don't bother your old man to put them on reluctantly!" Zi Zheng joked on purpose.

"Go, go, I won't take it off! You kid, you have a bad heart, you let me, an old man, wear no clothes in this weather, do you want to make me sick?" He quickly ran to the side and said with a defensive expression on Zizheng.

Luo Cheng and Zi Cheng laughed, letting the two make trouble.

After that, the four of them went on their way together.

"By the way, old beggar, since you have changed your appearance, I can't keep calling you old beggar! When you come out of this deep mountain and old forest, others will definitely guess when they hear me calling you that. I got your identity! Tell me, what do we want to call you?" Luo Cheng walked, remembered something, and asked.

The old beggar thought about it, and then said: "Then you can call me Jing Lao Si!"

"Jing Laosi?" Luo Cheng raised his eyebrows, then nodded: "Okay, you can call it what you want!"

He Le Village, Kang Zheng and Wen Lu's marriage certificate got back the next afternoon.

Looking at the two marriage certificates with the yamen stamp, the two looked at each other and smiled.

Although the two got married last night, Kang Zheng and Wen Lu did not perform the ceremony of Zhou Gong.

It's not that Wen Lu is unwilling, but Kang Zheng insists that after the house is built, the two will consummate the house.

This is his respect for Wen Lu!

Wen Lu was naturally happy to see Kang Zheng being so kind to her, so the two of them only slept on the same bed temporarily.

Besides, there were two other fiery men living in the shop, and Kang Zheng naturally didn't want his boudoir pleasures to be heard by others.

On the second day, because Wen Lu and Liang Jiabao joined, everyone felt that the work was a lot easier.

Wen Lu is a straightforward and hard-working person.

Liang Jiabao looked no different from before, with a smile on his face, no decadence, and he was very serious in his work.

Li Xiaoran is still very satisfied with the performance of these two people.

But Li Xiaoran knew very well that Liang Jiabao didn't see anything at the moment, but in fact his emotions were very wrong.

Especially when he encounters some scholars on the official road, he will hide away, and he is unwilling to meet those people.

At this time, Li Xiaoran paid special attention to Liang Jiabao's situation and felt his emotions.

In this way, on the afternoon of the third day of working in Liang Jiabao's shop, Li Xiaoran wanted to chat with Liang Jiabao while no one was there.

To be honest, after contacting him in the past few days, Li Xiaoran also found that Liang Jiabao is actually a very smart person. If he really let him not study, it would be a pity.

Just as Li Xiaoran was about to speak, a group of people walked in outside the shop.

One of them saw Liang Jiabao here at a glance, so he made a sharp mocking sound.

"Oh, isn't this Liang Jiabao who made the master so angry in our school? How did our genius in the past come here to be the second shopkeeper! Come and see Ah! Look at it, isn't this funny!"

The student's voice fell, and a few others looked over, so they hurried over to surround Liang Jiabao.

Liang Jiabao wanted to dodge now, but the other party didn't give him this chance at all.

Forcing a smile, Liang Jiabao calmed down, and then said with a blank face: "What do the guests want to eat, please sit down and order!"

"Yo, Liang Aibao, don't you have amnesia? What? Even we have to pretend not to know each other?" It was the scholar in the navy blue robe who was the first to speak sarcastically. Said: "Or do you yourself feel that you are shameless to face us now?"

"No, a person who is used to copying others, but also embarrassed to call himself a genius, it makes people laugh!" Another boy with a little stature also looked contemptuous. said.

Seeing this scene, Li Xiaoran noticed that Liang Jiabao clenched his fists tightly, completely restrained.