The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 326

Chapter 326

Li Xiaoran nodded, took the bamboo basket in Li Shun's hand, and tied it around his waist.

The advantage of this is that you only need to reach out and grab into the bamboo basket, you can directly grab the peanut seeds, and then throw them directly on the ground.

This is quick and easy, saving time and effort.

Just do what they say, and the father and daughter immediately start moving.

Li Shun is also a careful person. He thought of something after digging a few holes. He turned around and gave Li Xiaoran the straw hat he was wearing.

"Bring this with you, Daddy has rough skin and thick flesh, so he's not afraid of tanning!"

Li Xiaoran smiled and nodded when she heard what her father said.

Soon, one person hits the nest, and one person throws the seeds.

Father and daughter cooperate with each other and do it very quickly.

While doing farm work, Li Xiaoran explained his purpose.

"Dad, I have never asked you and your mother before, what are your plans for the future! When the new house is built, and you move there, what will you rely on to live?"

Li Shun laughed when she heard Li Xiaoran's words and knew that she was worried about them.

"Actually, I have already thought about it! Look, the furniture your father made for you is not bad! I plan to do this in the future! You can make some money. Everything is difficult at the beginning, and maybe you won't make much money at the beginning, but I believe that with my craftsmanship, someone will buy the furniture I made!"

For the first time, Li Xiaoran heard his father talk about his plans for the future, and he felt a little emotional for a while.

It turns out that my dad actually knew it for a long time.

Money, just return the money to you after Dad sells the furniture in the future! It's a family anyway, so there's no such thing as shame!" Li Shun said with a smile.

Before the change, Li Xiaoran would definitely say that if the family needed money, she would just give it directly.

But after going through the previous events and those reminded by Mrs. Jin, Li Xiaoran also noticed the emotion of taking care of his parents.

"Dad, don't worry! The furniture you made will definitely be sold. How can you not sell it if you do it so well. Don't say anything else, I am in this regard. He Luocheng will definitely be able to help you. You, when the time comes, just make furniture and do whatever you want. The sales will be handed over to us. When the time comes, we will bring the furniture you made to the town and sell it. Sell it at a high price!" Li Xiaoran thought for a while and said.

"You can coax your father! How can it be as easy as you say!" Li Shun said with a smile.

The difference is huge. When I went to the town to buy seeds, I passed a shop that sold high-end furniture, and I went to take a look. As a result, the famous craftsmen in the shop did not do as well as you! You This furniture will be in short supply after a little publicity! Anyway, you can do it with confidence and do whatever you want! For the rest, just leave it to me!" Li Xiaoran suddenly thought of something, patted his chest and assured.

"Don't buy it yourself! I tell you, you can't do this! You hurt your father like this!" Li Shun thought of a possibility and said very seriously .

"Dad, what are you thinking! How could I do that! You have some confidence in your craftsmanship, okay? You can sell your craftsmanship in any village. It's just that, your craftsmanship is ruined. There are some things in this world, and craftsmanship is more valuable than the thing itself. Think about it, as long as the jewelry bought by the women of the big family is from a famous family, the price can be multiplied. My father will be a famous furniture maker from now on!" Li Xiaoran said with a proud expression on his face.

Being affirmed by her daughter, Li Shun was still very happy.

"Okay, just talking to you, Dad will definitely make the best furniture!"

Li Xiaoran nodded, then cheered on his father.

"Then I'll wait for my dad to make the furniture!"

Li Shun smiled and nodded, feeling more and more confident.

"By the way, Dad, have you ever heard mother say what she wants to do in the future?" Li Xiaoran asked casually.

The things that my father wants to do have been solved, and the mother can't miss it. You can inquire on the father's side first.

"Your mother!" Li Shun frowned when he heard this: "To be honest, I really haven't heard what your mother said! Your mother, I think about it all day. Get your two shops done, no other idea!"

"Forget it, I'll ask my mother then! Mother must have something she likes, but she's used to working for us all over the years. Now that our family is better off, it's time to let Mother, do something you like to do!" Li Xiaoran said.

As soon as these words came out, Li Shun was stunned.

Yes! Over the years, the child's mother never seemed to have said what she liked.

Since she married him, she never expressed what she liked or disliked.

And he seems to have never asked these questions.

Thinking of this, Li Shun suddenly blamed himself.

As a man, he is really irresponsible.

Marrying the woman he loves home not only does not give her happiness, but also makes her suffer so much and suffer so much with him, in the end he doesn't even know what she likes .

Li Xiaoran looked at his father in a daze, and then felt the guilt and remorse in his heart.

Thinking of what happened in the past, Li Xiaoran sighed softly, and then said softly: "Dad, the past cannot be traced, the past is gone! Live the present and the future well. You You and my mother still have half a lifetime to live! You also have many years to be nice to my mother!"

Li Shun nodded and looked at Li Xiaoran.

"You're right, your mother and I have many days to come, and father still has a chance to treat your mother well!"

Li Xiaoran nodded, the father and daughter smiled at each other and continued to work.

To be honest, planting a piece of land is still very tiring.

Li Xiaoran was still doing relatively light farming work, but she was still so tired that her bones were aching.

However, after working hard and sweating, Li Xiaoran also felt that his body became more comfortable.

Li Xiaoran took out his handkerchief and wiped his sweat, and said with a smile, "Dad, this is called detoxification! The toxins in the body are excreted through sweating, so the body will feel comfortable. In the next ten days, we will bring everyone in the family to work for a day!"