The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 318

Chapter 318

This thing must not be hidden.

Once they are hidden, Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran will both become sinners.

How many people will lose their stable life and be displaced.

How many soldiers will die in battle and lose their lives.

This consequence is not something that Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran can bear.

So these things must be sent back!

How to send? how? These are questions.

Li Xiaoran didn't understand, what kind of life was this man in front of him, and he would be involved in such a big thing.

But Li Xiaoran also used this to make it clear that Luo Cheng's identity must not be low, otherwise such a disaster would not fall on his head.

Luo Cheng's heart is also very complicated at this moment, he wants to escape from those disputes, but no one wants to let him go.

Thinking of this, Luo Changchang sighed and turned around to see Li Xiaoran's curious eyes.

Luo Cheng thought about it for a while, and suddenly felt that maybe he shouldn't hide it from his pillow.

His life experience, maybe it's time to tell Li Xiaoran.

I didn't tell Li Xiaoran before because he was wary of Li Xiaoran and didn't fully trust Li Xiaoran.

Later, although he trusted Li Xiaoran, he was unwilling to involve her in these things, and only hoped that she could do something she liked every day.

But according to the current situation, the danger of her being kept in the dark is more dangerous than the danger of knowing his background, so it is better to explain everything!

After making up her mind, Luo Cheng put away the crystals and pearls.

"Miss, come with me to the study!"

Li Xiaoran nodded and left the yard with Luo Cheng.

Back in the study, Luo Cheng took out a medium-sized wooden box, then put those crystals and pearls in the box, and then began to fiddle with something quickly.

That technique is so fast that people cannot see clearly, only some afterimages can be seen.

Li Xiaoran kept staring at Luo Cheng's hand, but he was thinking about why he didn't bring a set of high-tech camera equipment when he traveled.

If you have camera equipment, these fast movements can also be played in slow motion, cracking the way the box opens in minutes.

After Luo Cheng fiddled with the wooden box, he saw Li Xiaoran staring at his hand, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Did you see clearly?"

"Ah?" Li Xiaoran suddenly came to his senses, a little confused, then remembered something and shook his head.

"I didn't see it clearly, I looked hard enough, but it's a pity that your speed is too fast, I only see an afterimage!"

Luo Cheng laughed when he heard this.

"This is a special wooden box that cannot be opened without a special method. There is a special thing on the wooden box, no matter where the wooden box is taken or hidden. , can be easily found by the owner of the box!"

When Li Xiaoran heard this, she didn't think it hard.

Most of the current tracking is based on fragrance. As long as it is sealed and does not emit fragrance, it will naturally be lost.

However, Li Xiaoran just thought about these thoughts in his heart and did not say them.

Luo Cheng saw Li Xiaoran's disapproval, but didn't say anything more, he put the wooden box in the cabinet, washed his hands, and made a pot of tea.

Soon, the fragrance of tea overflowed, and the whole study was filled with the fragrance of tea.

The teapot was brought over, filled with two cups of tea, and Luo Cheng put the teapot down.

"There is something I didn't plan to tell you before, but so many things have happened recently, so I think I should tell you!" Luo Cheng suddenly said such a Come talk.

Li Xiaoran suddenly understood something when he heard Luo Cheng's words.

For some reason, when the truth was about to be solved, Li Xiaoran suddenly became a little excited.

But at this moment, He Houfa knocked on the door and walked in.

"The cook was found, but the man is dead!"

When Luo Cheng heard this, he immediately stood up.

"I'm going to have a look first, ma'am, stay at home and don't go out. I'll tell you what I was going to say just now after I've dealt with the matter here!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Chengcheng and He Houfa hurried out together.

Li Xiaoran looked at the two cups of tea in front of him, thought for a while, then picked up a cup and drank it.

"Well, that's really good!"

After drinking, Li Xiaoran got up and left the study and went back to his room.

Luo Cheng went to deal with things, while Li Xiaoran remembered how to deal with crystals and pearls.

According to Luo Cheng's words, these crystals and pearls are very precious, and the top priority is to return them to their original owners and give them to those in Zhulan.

How to send it? Just send these things back without knowing it?

Thinking of this, Li Xiaoran's eyes lit up.

Yes! Others are all trying to send it to them without knowing it, so they should follow the same way, and send it back without knowing it!

So Li Xiaoran had nothing to do, so he racked his brains to think about how to send it back.

Thinking about it, Li Xiaoran suddenly thought of the anti-drug films and news she had seen in modern times.

Many drug dealers try to hide drugs and try to get through the inspection. All the methods in it can actually be used for reference.

Yes, those people can hide these things in pork and eggs, why can't she learn from it?

In addition to pork and eggs, other things can be hidden.

For example, some furniture.

Thinking of this, Li Xiaoran's eyes lit up.

Her father makes furniture, when the time comes, ask his father to do something, then hide these things in it, and then repair it, wouldn't it be unknowing!

Thinking of this, Li Xiaoran smiled.

Sure enough, there are more solutions than difficulties in this world, and there is no trouble that cannot be solved.

However, when Luo Cheng went and came back, it was the next morning.

When Li Xiaoran woke up, the vegetable seedlings and seeds they were going to buy had already been delivered.

Luo Han and Luo Cheng came back together.

The two of them didn't seem to sleep well all night, and they looked very tired.

"Have you eaten breakfast? I asked someone to make steamed dumplings and gruel, let's eat together!" Li Xiaoran said after seeing the two of them.

Luo Cheng and Luo Han didn't feel it before, but when they heard Li Xiaoran's words, they immediately felt hungry.

The two of them simply went to wash up, then sat around the dining table with Li Xiaoran and Changsheng, and had breakfast.

"Hey, your breakfast here is delicious! These dumplings are delicious!" Luo Han praised while eating.

Li Xiaoran saw that the two of them had eaten a lot, so she ordered the people to make some more fried dumplings.

Two hungry people, plus a child who hadn't eaten enough before, and a foodie who likes to eat delicious food, this breakfast, but the people in the kitchen are very busy .

After all, the cook ran away, and the people in the stove could only cook some simple meals.