The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 313

Chapter 313

The night before departure, Pei Xuanxin was always having a dream.

He dreamed that he was married, and his wife was also very virtuous and hardworking.

I not only take good care of him every day, but also take good care of his mother.

Just don't know why, every time he wants to look at his wife's face, all he sees is blurry, nothing can be seen clearly.

But Pei Xuanxin can be sure that the virtuous and capable wife in the dream is definitely not the wife Li Yan he married now.

Because the voices of the two people are different, the speed of speech is different, and even the way they speak and do things are different.

After waking up, before dawn, Pei Xuanxin just opened his eyes in the dark, recalling everything in his dream.

Is he a little stunned!

How can you have such a strange dream at this time?

After calming down, Pei Xuanxin turned over, faced his wife, and went back to sleep.

After dawn, Li Xiaoran opened his eyes habitually.

Looking at the sun with her head out of the window, Li Xiaoran smiled.

"It seems that today is another good day with the sun shining!"

After stretching, Li Xiaoran went to wash up.

Yesterday Li Xiaoran originally planned to ask her parents what they thought about their future life.

As a result, it was a busy day yesterday, and there was an endless stream of customers in the shop, so Li Xiaoran didn't get out.

Even Li Xiaoran didn't have time to cook the stinky food that Mrs. Jin asked for.

There was no other way, Li Xiaoran could only have someone call Mrs. Jin and said that she would bring something to cook for her in two days.

Why a few days?

Because today Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng are taking Changsheng to the town to buy clothes.

At the same time, they have to buy more clothes for their families.

As spring approaches, the weather in Hele Village is getting hotter day by day, and I can no longer wear winter clothes.

I want to change spring clothes, but my family's spring clothes are all old clothes, which have been sewn and mended for many years, and they can't be worn at all.

In this way, Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng's task today is to take Changsheng to buy clothes for spring and summer.

Because spring is here, will summer be far behind? So it's better to prepare it all at once while you have time now.

Li Shun doesn't make furniture, so he took advantage of this time to plant the land that was vacated before.

The person who was recruited last year called back at this time, and a group of people started to work.

So Li Shun didn't go to the shop, but was busy in the field.

A group of people ate breakfast together, then separated and went to their own business.

Li Xiaoran called Changsheng, and the two sat on the ox cart together.

Luo Cheng was sitting in front, and after telling the two to sit firmly, he rushed towards the town.

Changsheng went to town for the first time, so he looked around and looked very happy.

"Has Changsheng never left the village?" Li Xiaoran asked.

Changsheng tilted his head and thought for a while, then said: "I left! The first time I remarried with my mother, the second time I came out with my mother this time!"

Speaking of this, Li Xiaoran remembered.

"Why are you all on the official road? Where are your mother and the Zhu family going?"

Changsheng shook his head, saying that he didn't know why, only that her mother suddenly woke him up and asked him to follow him, and said nothing else.

The reason why he went back to grab his brother's food that day was because he was really hungry.

"Then how many days have you been with your mother?" Li Xiaoran thought of something and asked again.

Changsheng calculated it carefully, and then replied: "It should be three days!"

"You haven't eaten for three days?" Li Xiaoran asked in disbelief.

"Yes, some dark stuff, but only one or two mouthfuls, I'm not full!" Changsheng thought of what it was like to be hungry at that time, and said with a bitter face: "No way, I'm hungry. I can only see if there is water on the side of the road. If there is water, I will go drink it!"

Looking at the uncomfortable appearance of longevity, Li Xiaoran reached out and touched his head.

"Don't think about it, it's over! I won't be hungry again!"

Changsheng nodded, thinking that he had eaten enough these days, his face was full of happy smiles.

"Yeah! I still feel like I'm having a sweet dream! I can eat enough every day and eat such delicious food, I'm so happy! I wake up every day, I touched Brother Ziyang's face, and I was happy when I felt the warmth! Because it means that everything is not a dream!"

Hearing Changsheng's words, both Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng had smiles on their faces.

Just a child! As long as you have a full meal, it is the most satisfying thing!

It makes me feel a little bitter!

Soon, the ox cart arrived in the town, and then drove into a large mansion.

"Sister Xiaoran, is this house really big?" Changsheng said with wide eyes.

In the past, when he saw the best house in the village, he was very envious, and he didn't dare to enter it.

I didn't expect that he would enter a mansion that was bigger and better than the big mansion in the village today.

"This is our home. When you grow up, you can choose a room you like and live here. You can arrange it however you want!" Li Xiaoran pulled Changsheng hand, said to him.

After Luo Cheng told his servants to park the ox cart, he also followed.

"Choose it today! I will send someone to sleep with him at night. I can't let him sleep with me!" Luo Cheng said after hearing Li Xiaoran's words.

"Also!" Li Xiaoran felt that Luo Cheng was right, so he looked at Changsheng: "Then Changsheng, take a look and see which room you like!"

Changsheng widened his eyes, looked at Li Xiaoran, and then looked at Luo Cheng.

"Sister Xiaoran, brother Luo Cheng, can I really have a room by myself?"

"My sister Xiaoran and I both said it personally, can there be a fake?" Luo Cheng smiled when he saw the child's surprise.

"Oye, that's great!" Changsheng cheered, jumped twice, then thought of something, bowed to Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng to thank him.

"Thank you, sister Xiaoran and brother Luo Cheng!"

"No thanks! Let's go! Let's choose now!" Li Xiaoran said with a smile, and led Changsheng into the inner house.

Luo Cheng saw that the two were going to choose a room, but he turned his head and went to the study, asking someone to call back Uncle He, the shopkeeper of the restaurant in front.

He Houfa learned that Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran were coming, and immediately ran back happily.

"Young master, don't you know that our restaurant is doing better and better now. The two-story shop on the other side has also been repaired and dressed up. When you choose a good time, our restaurant will be able to expand its business!"