The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 307

Chapter 307

When Mrs. Jin heard Li Xiaoran's words, she suddenly thought of her sons.

To be honest, Mrs. Jin is already very disappointed with her sons.

So, she decided to divorce because she wanted to live the life she wanted.

Easy, don't get entangled!

Of course, Mrs. Jin also knows how shocking she is when she does this, and how much inhuman comments she will make her children suffer.

It's just that she doesn't have many years to live.

In the past, she endured humiliation and burdens for her children, forced a smile every day, and shouldered all the burdens.

But the children have grown up and have their own homes, but she has become the most redundant person.

Since ancient times, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have been enemies. Either the east wind prevails over the west wind, or the west wind prevails over the east wind, and few live in harmony.

In fact, Mrs. Jin thinks that she is already a very enlightened mother-in-law, but she can't stand a few daughters-in-law to toss!

In the past, she had to take measures to discipline her, but later found that even her son felt that she should not stretch her hands too long, so she didn't care.

Now hearing Li Xiaoran's words, Mrs. Jin suddenly understood something.

Perhaps she did it wrong from the start.

From the day her daughter-in-law married, she should let go and live the life she wanted.

Of course, it's not too late to let go, anyway, she still has a few years to live happily.

"You girl is right, everyone has their own way to go, you can't make decisions for them. Your parents have their own ideas, and you want your own life, This is the best thing for everyone to be safe. Anyone who encounters difficulties can help if they can! But don't do everything. Having said that, I just want to remind you of one thing! In the future Don't interfere in your sister's affairs, let your parents and her make up their own minds!" said Mrs. Jin.

Li Xiaoran looked at Mrs. Jin, not understanding why she suddenly said this.

"You kind-hearted girl, do you plan to give your parents and your sister to do business with those two shops on the side of the official road?" Mrs. Jin's eyes were burning like a torch, and at a glance I could see Li Xiaoran's plan.

Li Xiaoran was a little surprised to hear Mrs. Jin's words.

"Grandma, how did you see that?"

"How can you not see such a simple thing! Girl, you have to remember, fight with rice to raise kindness, and share rice to raise revenge. This is the same for your own relatives. If you are true For the sake of your parents and your sister, you shouldn't give these shops and businesses directly to them. Don't underestimate people's inertia and greed. You can give them these shops now, and next time they need them again A restaurant, did you help them prepare it? It is better to teach a man to fish than to teach a man a fish." Mrs. Jin said earnestly.

"What's more, as relatives, they should not be your hindrance, they should be a help. Relationships must be paid and responsive to go for a long time. You can get better and better, and the same goes for your loved ones! If you just give, they think they only know how to take it, then one day you will feel tired too! Don't make your relatives into rice bugs, but let them become Your help. Even if you fall into the quagmire one day, they will at least have the ability to save you, not that you can't count on anyone!"

Mr. Jin's remarks are summed up from her whole life experience.

She just gave too much to her children, so they all ignored her hard work and made everything a matter of course.

And her dedication to others is appropriate.

With her help, her friends developed step by step and became reliable existences.

So when she wanted to divorce, her friends immediately helped her to have a smooth divorce and leave her husband's house.

Ms. Jin really loves Li Xiaoran, so she taught her the experience she had gained in half a lifetime.

When Li Xiaoran heard Mrs. Jin's words, he felt as if his brain was opened by a key, and he realized a lot of things at once.

"Grandmother, I understand what you said, but I have to take care of it!" Li Xiaoran said.

"The reasoning is right, don't worry, you are still running the shop anyway. By the way, you'd better ask your parents and your sister what they think, What do you want to do! You can't help them make decisions just because you think I'm good for them, do you understand?" Mrs. Jin added another sentence.

Li Xiaoran nodded and took Mrs. Jin's words to heart.

"Okay, don't think too much now, let's see how my house is!" Before they spoke, the two of them arrived at the place where Mrs. Jin lived.

This house is very well built, a typical second yard.

Because Mrs. Jin lives alone, she has no plans to build it.

There is a yard and a vegetable field at the back.

At this time, the house was cleaned up inside and out, and people began to plant flowers and trees in it.

When Li Xiaoran walked in, the yard was already full of flowers, and it looked very comfortable.

"Grandmother's house is well-built, and living here is bright! There is a long wooden table in this yard. When the sun comes out, it's good to bask in the sun and drink tea." Li Xiaoran He looked around and said this.

Mr. Jin thought about it and thought it was a good idea, not only drinking tea, but also sitting here when she had nothing to do.

Afterwards, Li Xiaoran visited Mrs. Jin's room again. Seeing that a long time had passed, he proposed to go back to the shop.

Mr. Jin also knew that Li Xiaoran was a busy person, so she nodded and asked someone to take her back.

"Luo Cheng told me that he must send someone to take you back! Besides, I'm not at ease, after all, this is the official way, maybe there will be some danger, someone Protecting you will save you some trouble!" Mrs. Jin urged.

Li Xiaoran also knew that Mrs. Jin was kind, nodded and left.

On the way back, Li Xiaoran took a look at the food stalls along the official road.

I have to say that more and more people come to this stall.

I didn't eat a lot in the past, and now there are more and more tricks.

No, there are still people selling fried crispy meat.

Although most of the customers passing by will not stop to buy, but some customers can't stand it.

Some children will be so greedy that adults buy them for them when they smell the fragrance of crispy meat.

After all, most of them eat dry food when they are on the road, and they rarely taste meat.

Unfortunately, when a child was about to eat a piece of crispy meat in his hand, he was pushed down by another child.

The child fell, and the crispy meat in his hand fell directly onto Li Xiaoran's clothes, and was caught by Li Xiaoran's hands subconsciously...