The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 305

Chapter 305

As Li Xiaoran guessed before, the Han family is not in charge of Han Zhenming, but Han Zhenming's eldest son, Han Jiakang.

Han Jiakang is more aggressive in doing things and will do anything to achieve his goals, so he will use disgraceful means to compete and exclude his peers.

The things that Chen Xiang said are also true, and did not deceive Luo Cheng.

Of course, it can't be said that Chen Xiang is not careful at all. In fact, he also has the intention of wanting to draw Luo Cheng to deal with the Han family.

Even if you can't win over, let Luo Cheng see the true face of the Han family, at least not let Luo Cheng stand on the side of the Han family to deal with them.

As for Han Zhenming, although he did nothing to hurt Luo Cheng, his intention to bring Han Zheng and Luo Cheng together is true.

Originally, Han Zhenming thought that as long as they worked harder, they would be able to take down Luo Cheng, the golden tortoise-in-law. Who knew that a Li Xiaoran came out halfway.

And by the time they got the news, Luo Cheng had already married Li Xiaoran.

After getting this news, Han Zhenming didn't have other ideas.

However, the arrival of Han Zheng angered Luo Cheng, and finally made Luo Cheng estranged from the Han family at once, which made Han Zhenming helpless.

Han Zheng is naturally not reconciled, so he will find someone to embarrass Li Xiaoran when he is jealous.

What makes Luo Cheng even more angry is that when his people went to investigate, Han Zhenming was actually looking for someone, and wanted to make others humiliate Li Xiaoran's innocence, so that Han Zheng could have a chance to marry Come in.

As soon as Han Zhenming ordered to go down, his people heard about it, so they sent it to Luo Cheng together.

The sheets of paper were tightly squeezed together, and they were quickly crumpled.

"Okay! What a Han family!" Luo Cheng gritted his teeth.

Li Xiaoran saw that Luo Cheng was so out of breath, so he simply took the paper that was crumpled into a ball of paper and looked at it carefully.

Seeing what the Han family did, including what Han Zhenming had ordered, Li Xiaoran was not angry.

Because she had long expected that the people of the Han family would not give up.

Today Han Zheng dares to find someone to frame her, and tomorrow the Han family will definitely come up with other filthy methods to harm her.

Looking up and looking at Luo Cheng, who was already so angry at this time, Li Xiaoran let out a sigh.

To be honest, what the Han family did most hurt was Luo Cheng's heart.

Li Xiaoran knew that Luo Cheng really regarded Han Zhenming as a relative of his uncle, but he did not admit that everything in the past was a purposeful calculation, which made Luo Cheng know the truth How can you bear it!

The elders who were originally admired, changed their faces overnight, and then broke out their many calculations.

Li Xiaoran gave Luo Ziyang a wink, and the two left gently.

"Sister-in-law, do you have any orders for me to come out?" Luo Ziyang asked outside the shop.

When such a thing happened, it also shows that there is a problem with the operation of our shop. Let's think about it together, how to prevent similar things from happening again!" Li Xiaoran said.

Luo Ziyang was reminded by Li Xiaoran, he immediately remembered something, and nodded.

Here, the shops on both sides have resumed normal business, and the customers are almost gone at this time.

Li Xiaoran called everyone together and talked about what happened today.

"We've all seen what happened today, and the occurrence of such a thing will do great harm to our store. This time we were very lucky and found a way to prove the innocence of our store, but next time What? If the other party is more secretive and leak-proof next time? When we can't find a way to expose the other party's true face, what will greet us?"

When they heard Li Xiaoran's words, everyone fell into contemplation.

"Everyone gathered together today because of this store. If the store is good, everyone will be happy, so everyone said, what should we do to prevent similar things from happening?" Li Xiaoran said something again.

At this point, everyone began to think.

"We will assign one person to watch these dining guests!" Li Xiaoqing said.

"Impossible, it's unrealistic for us to separate one more person!" Zhao Xiu shook his head and denied the idea.

Others were also at a loss at this time, and couldn't think of a good way at all.

Luo Ziyang thought about it and said, "It needs to be watched, but it can't be placed on the bright side. If customers find someone watching in the shop, they will feel very uncomfortable after eating. . But we can keep an eye out!"

Li Xiaoran suddenly remembered the camera owned by Hyundai when she heard this.

If you have a camera, you don't have to worry so much.

"Don't worry about this matter, just do your own thing! Just leave these things to me!" Luo Cheng appeared in the shop at this time and said such a thing Come talk.

Li Xiaoran saw that Luo Cheng's emotions had calmed down, nodded at him, and then let everyone do their own things.

Walk over, took Luo Cheng's hand, Li Xiaoran took Luo Cheng to the place behind the shop.

"Xiaogong, let's go outside and breathe!"

Luo Cheng knew that Li Xiaoran had something to say to him, nodded, and then the two went outside together.

Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng walked to the big rock where she used to go with Grandma Jin before, and sat down.

"When I'm not happy, I like to sit alone in an open place, blow the wind, think about the things in my heart, and solve many troubles!"

When Luo Cheng heard Li Xiaoran's words, he sat directly beside her.

"I'm fine! Don't worry! Emotions are temporary, I've adjusted it now! For the Han family, I will teach them a lesson, you don't have to worry about them coming to trouble you again Hand over Han Zheng and that man to me in a while, and I'll handle this matter!"

Li Xiaoran didn't ask Luo Cheng what to do, but nodded directly and said ok.

"If you don't ask, how am I going to teach the Han family?" Luo Cheng suddenly asked.

"No, my husband will do everything well. I don't need to think about this, I just need to trust my husband!" Li Xiaoran explained with a smile: "A person's energy is limited, Someone help me solve it, I am naturally happy!"