The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 288

Chapter 288

"Gao Chen!" Just after Li Xiaoran made the arrangement, the man brought by Mao Dao suddenly said something.

Li Xiaoran was stunned for a moment, then reacted.

"Which is high? Which is morning?"

"The high and the low, the morning in the morning!" Gao Chen replied briefly.

Mao Dao on the side was surprised when he heard Gao Chen's words.

"I said yes! Tall! Yuan Cheng and I have known you for so long, and I asked you your name countless times, but you refused to tell us! Did you report to your house?"

Gao Chen glanced at Mao Dao, didn't answer at all, and turned around arrogantly and went to the kitchen.

When he reached the door, Gao Chen stopped.


When Mao Dao heard Gao Chen's words, he immediately became happy.

"Yes yes yes! I'll start the fire! I tell you, I'm not looking at your face, I'm looking at my sister-in-law's face. Otherwise, you can't let me Set fire to you!"

Two people are noisy and one is quiet, which is surprisingly appropriate.

"Master, what do you think of this person?" Li Xiaoran asked suddenly.

Luo Cheng thought about it, recalled Gao Chen's previous performance, and then said, "It should be the person with two brushes!"

"I'm not talking about his cooking skills, I'm talking about how do you feel about this person?" Li Xiaoran shook his head and explained.

"In such a short time, I can't see it! But with his temperament, it is very suitable to stay here to cook!" Luo Cheng said: "Not much, just do your own thing, you can use it. !"

Li Xiaoran nodded and said: "This Gao Chen has a pure heart, but he should have been hurt emotionally, so he is so cold and cautious."

"Can you feel this?" Luo Cheng asked in surprise.

"Emotions, let's say it's simple, are actually very complicated. Let's say it's complicated, but it's actually a bit simple!" Li Xiaoran said: "Actually, as long as it is distinguished by the situation at that time, it is easy to understand of!"

"This is your ability, others can't learn it! I want to say, the human heart is the most difficult to understand. Emotions also change from time to time." Luo Cheng said.

"My ability is indeed a bit special!" Li Xiaoran smiled and only said this.

In fact, at the beginning, Li Xiaoran realized that he could sense the emotions of others, and when he had the ability to empathize, he was not as skilled as he is now.

Some things, she feels other people's emotions, but she doesn't understand how these emotions come from, and she can't even understand what other people's emotions are.

Later Li Xiaoran went to self-study psychology, and only then did he understand what those emotions were, and only then could he have a strong emotional and emotional resonance with others.

So, don't underestimate the dedication of some special skill owners.

Nothing is given for nothing, some opportunities or good things are given to you, whether you can seize it is the most important.

Li Xiaoran is a person who has grasped the ability of empathy, so he can easily sense what other people's emotions are.

Between the two of them talking, Gao Chen in the kitchen looked at the ingredients, picked some random things, and started to fry them.

Gao Chen also knew about this shop near Guandao before, so he directly took the meat and sliced it, and then began to prepare dishes.

Because it is a new stove, there is no firewood in it, so Maoda has to go outside and bring some firewood in.

When Maodao raised the fire in the stove, Gao Chen was also ready.


"Make the fire bigger now!" Gao Chen said.

"Got it!" Mao Dao responded and hurriedly added two pieces of firewood.

It didn't take long for a stir-fried shredded cabbage, a stir-fried cabbage moss, and an egg shepherd's purse soup to be ready.

The three dishes were served, Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng each took a pair of chopsticks.

Li Xiaoran scooped some shepherd's purse egg soup into a bowl and tasted it twice.

Afterwards, Li Xiaoran tasted the chopsticks of vegetable moss, and finally went to eat a mouthful of fried shredded pork with cabbage.

After the three dishes were eaten, Li Xiaoran put down his chopsticks and took a sip of water.

Here, Luo Cheng also finished three dishes and put down his chopsticks.

"What do you think of this craftsmanship?" Li Xiaoran looked at Luo Cheng and asked.

Luo Cheng raised his head and looked at Gao Chen.

"Your craftsmanship, let you be a cook here, consider it a talent!"

Gao Chen just pursed his lips, did not speak, and did not have a happy look on his face.

When Luo Cheng saw this, he just raised his eyebrows, said nothing, and was not angry.

Li Xiaoran looked at Gao Chen, thought about it, and said, "This craft is really good, you can be a chef in a restaurant! But my shop is for fast food, so right The chef also has some requirements! How strong are you? Also, can you cook a large pot of dishes that are delicious?"

Gao Chen frowned when he heard Li Xiaoran's words.

"What is cauldron?" Mao Dao asked curiously.

"Do you know those cooks who travel around in various villages to make rice noodles? The kind that cooks more than a dozen tables at a time!" Li Xiaoran thought for a while and explained.

When Gao Chen heard Li Xiaoran's words, he seemed to understand something.

"No problem!" Gao Chen replied.

"Are you sure there is really no problem? This is not one dish, two dishes! There may be ten dishes a day, and then each dish is sold out and continue to fry, so this job It's not easy, are you sure you can handle it?" Li Xiaoran confirmed again.

"No problem, I can! You can pay for the salary, but can you let me live here too!" Gao Chen suddenly said such a sentence.

Li Xiaoran didn't expect Gao Chen to want to live in the shop, so he glanced at Luo Cheng subconsciously.

"No problem, there is an empty room next to Yuan Cheng, you can live in it! But you have to abide by the rules here and protect this shop!" Luo Cheng said said.

"No problem! I'll do it well!" Gao Chen nodded, looking at Luo Cheng and assured.

"You really don't ask how much your wages are? Are you not afraid that we won't pay you wages and will trap you?" Li Xiaoran couldn't help asking.

"You are not that kind of people!" Gao Chen said: "Besides, it's okay to not pay wages, as long as I have enough food, warm clothes, and a place to live!"

Li Xiaoran didn't expect Gao Chen to trust the couple so much, so he smiled.

"Let's do it! Your minimum salary is also 80 cents. If you make a lot of money every month, you will be rewarded with 20 cents. Of course, the 20 cents depends on you. The performance depends on your workmanship!"