The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 229

Chapter 229

I have to say that everyone has hidden cooking skills.

In addition to Li Shun, Luo Ziyang also brought surprises to everyone.

After Li Xiaoran made boiled fish before, Luo Ziyang liked to eat fish.

No, as long as it is a fish, it will not escape Luo Ziyang's hand.

Big fish, small fish, more thorns, less thorns.

Boiled, fried, dried.

Sliced, diced, whole.

There is nothing Luo Ziyang can't do, only what he can't think of.

Today there was a large plate of crispy dried fish on the table.

Surprisingly, this crispy little dried fish is not fried at all, but baked.

Sprinkle a layer of dry chili noodles, eat it in your mouth, crunch.

This kind of dried fish was loved by everyone as soon as it appeared, even the furry kids around the table liked it very much.

"Brother, you can see that this dried fish I made can be used as dry food! If it is not convenient to eat in the future, I will take some dried fish and eat it anytime, anywhere. You don't need to spit out the fishbone, just chew it into pieces and swallow it!" Luo Ziyang said happily looking at Luo Cheng.

Luo Cheng looked at the dried fish in his hand, thinking about the taste he had eaten before, and looked at Li Xiaoran again.

"Looks like we're going to do a lot of business again! It's not just hot pot fish, as long as it's fish!"

Li Xiaoran naturally understood what Luo Cheng said, smiled and nodded in agreement.

"That's a good idea! It's just that this fish is not good!" Luo Ziyang frowned and said the difficulty.

"Don't worry! I have already arranged for people to come and raise fish!" Luo Cheng said with a smile.

As soon as Luo Ziyang heard this, he did not continue this question.

After lunch, dinner is the highlight.

The dishes are all put in the evening.

It's just that the busyness of the morning has prepared everything, and now you only need to wait until it is time for dinner to start cooking.

So, during these two hours, everyone can take a nap and relax.

Li Shun and Zhao Xiu rarely relaxed, and went straight to the village to talk to someone they knew.

Li Xiaoqing went to Xiaohuzi and his group of friends to play with.

Luo Ziyang took Rhubarb and his furry children out to scatter in the fields.

It has been a long time since I took a few furry children out to have fun. I just have time today, so I will take them out to play.

Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran were left in the whole house.

Li Xiaoran takes a nap every noon, so when she wakes up from her nap, the whole house is quiet.

Out of the room, Li Xiaoran called Luo Cheng's name.

The strange thing is that Luo Cheng didn't answer Li Xiaoran.

I looked around in the house, but Li Xiaoran didn't see anyone.

At this moment, Li Xiaoran suddenly sensed a sad emotion coming from the corner, and at the same time, he could vaguely hear the cry of a little girl.

Li Xiaoran thought for a while, grabbed some candy from the main room, put it in his pocket, and walked towards the place where the crying sound was heard.

Walking in and looking, Li Xiaoran saw a little girl curled up in the corner crying.

Maybe she was too sad, so she buried her head between her hands and didn't notice Li Xiaoran's approach at all.

Feeling the sadness and despair of the little girl, Li Xiaoran didn't know why, but her heart was a little sour, as if she saw the original owner she didn't come across.

Taking a piece of candy out of her pocket, Li Xiaoran softened her voice and tried her best to say in a kind tone: "Do you want to eat candy? I have one here! Sugar, it's delicious!"

The little girl raised her head and looked at her when she heard Li Xiaoran's voice.

The long eyelashes were also stained with crystal tears, and a pair of eyes were already crying red.

"Can I really eat?"

"Yes! But you have to tell me, why are you crying?"

The little girl hesitated for a while, and finally said nothing.

"Look, I like listening to stories the most. You tell me your story, and as a reward, I'll give you six candies!" Li Xiaoran said, and put the He took out the candy, counted six in total, and put it on his palm.

Maybe she wanted to taste the sweetness of sugar too much, the little girl finally nodded and agreed.

Li Xiaoran took out a candy and handed it to the little girl.

"You taste it first, and say it while you taste it! Someone once told me that eating sugar will make you happy when you are sad! Because sugar is sweet, eat sweet Makes people happy!"

The little girl seemed to be seduced by the beautiful feeling Li Xiaoran said, she reached out and took the soup and put it in her mouth.

Don't look at the little girl's clothes that look dirty, but her hands are very clean.

Carefully added the candy with her tongue, and the little girl's little face suddenly showed a smile.

"It's sweet, sweet candy is delicious!"

"Look, I didn't lie to you! Hurry up and eat! You will be happy after eating!" Li Xiaoran said with a smile, looking at the little girl.

The little girl nodded, put the sugar in her mouth, and ate it.

With the previous foreshadowing, Li Xiaoran felt that she had won some trust and goodwill from the little girl, so she directly handed over the remaining five candies.

"Here, this is the candy promised to you, take it!"

The little girl nodded, carefully collected the five candies, and put them in the pocket of her clothes.

After the sugar was collected, the sweetness in the mouth also entered the tongue, and the little girl's mood became better.

"They don't play with me! Obviously Xiaoyu and I had a good time, but when Koizumi came, he wouldn't let Xiaoyu play with me. Koizumi said to Xiaoyu, Yu is her friend and can only play with her. If Xiaoyu plays with me again, she will not play with Xiaoyu. Then Xiaoyu will really not play with me!" The little girl remembered her promise at this moment. things, his eyes became sad.

"Then do you have any other friends?" Li Xiaoran heard this and asked a sentence.

The little girl shook her head, and then said: "Others do the same, they want to bully me. My mother made me delicious food, and if they saw it, they would rob me Food. If I don't give it, they will scold me. I'm stupid, but I can't speak to them. A sister who is older than me said that I deliberately tripped her with her feet. But I didn't have it, and she stretched out her hand to trip me. But no one listened to me, everyone said that I tripped that sister on purpose!"

Speaking, the little girl's tears fell down again.

"Apart from these, are there other things that make you sad? How did they bully you?" Li Xiaoran had realized something and asked seriously.