The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 226

Chapter 226

Li Xiaoran smiled dumbly, then sat beside Luo Cheng.

"The more you think about things in this world, the more complicated it is, but the more complicated you think about solving problems, the more useless you are. Thinking too much will tie your hands and feet and make you dare not do it. This, dare not do that!"

"The reality now is that you and I have walked together. You and I have mutual affection and agreed to be together for a lifetime. Therefore, instead of worrying about the past that is impossible to change, it is better to look forward. People Going through the world, it will not always be smooth sailing. Ups and downs are the norm in life. At least now I am much happier than before! At least my family has been able to eat more than before. Rice, put on warm clothes! As for the future, let's talk about it when we meet!"

When Luo Cheng heard Li Xiaoran's words, he suddenly stretched out his hand and held Li Xiaoran's hand.

Li Xiaoran groaned in pain, and Luo Cheng noticed that Li Xiaoran's hands were frostbitten.

"Did you get frostbite while saving me?" Luo Cheng's eyes became deep and he asked distressedly.

"It's alright, I'll be fine in a few days after rubbing the medicine! It's just that I'm afraid I won't be able to do anything in the past few days. It hurts when I touch anything!" Li Xiaoran said indifferently.

"You! Say it when it hurts, and I won't laugh at you! I heard that your stomach hurts from being frozen!" Luo Cheng talked about this.

This topic, and then turned to that matter, Li Xiaoran was a little shy, and her face suddenly turned red.

"It's all right! The medicine given by Ziyang works well!" Speaking of this, what did Li Xiaoran think of: "You all know medical skills?"

Luo Cheng couldn't help laughing when he looked at Li Xiaoran's curious look.

"Actually, I am very skilled in medicine!"

"It's no wonder I believe you!" Li Xiaoran thought Luo Cheng was joking, but didn't believe it at all.

"How come you don't believe me when I tell the truth! Even Ziyang's medical skills were taught to him by me. If you don't believe it, you can ask Ziyang!" Luo Cheng said eagerly .

Li Xiaoran looked at Luo Cheng eager to prove, and suspected that he was lying.

"I don't believe that Ziyang will definitely tell you!"

Luo Cheng smiled bitterly at this moment, it seems that he did not understand clearly.

That's all, that's all, in the future, my wife will understand that what he said is true.

"Forget it if you don't believe it! Don't touch your hands in the past few days. It's best to let Xiaoqing feed you when you eat! No way, you are like this, touch It will hurt a lot when you get it!" Luo Cheng started talking about Li Xiaoran's hand in a blink of an eye.

"Isn't that Ziyang's hand the same?" Li Xiaoran remembered something: "By the way, there is rhubarb! I don't know what happened to Dahuang's claws?"

"You still worry about yourself! Rhubarb's side doesn't have to get up and walk, he can eat while lying down. As for Ziyang, he is a martial artist, and his hands are not as delicate as yours. , even if you are frostbitten, you are not as bad as you, so the person who suffers the most in the family is only you!" Luo Cheng reminded Li Xiaoran both funny and distressed.

Li Xiao then realized that he was indeed the worst one!

I was frozen, my menstrual period came early, and I was tortured by my aunt.

Now my hands are frostbitten, I have to be fed by others, try not to touch water!

However I think, I feel miserable!

"Don't worry, there will be no next time!" Luo Cheng said with a very serious expression.

His woman, once wounded for him is enough! There must be no second time!

"This is what you said, pay more attention to safety in the future!" Li Xiaoran took the opportunity to exhort.

Luo Cheng nodded, assuring that he must pay more attention to safety in the future.

Luo Cheng's injury, except for the people at home, no one outside knows.

Li Yan wanted to see the jokes of Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng, but she was looking forward to it for several days without waiting for any news.

No way, she is married now, and it is impossible to return to her parents' home often.

So her thoughts at this time can only be placed on Pei Xuanxin.

Speaking of Pei Xuan Xinlai, Li Yan was very proud.

As expected of the person who let Li Xiaoran live a good life in the last life, at this time, he has already shown the edge when he studies seriously.

Have not yet participated in the test, many people want to benefit from him.

No, the few people standing outside the door at this time are coming for their husband, Pei Xuanxin?

"Several young masters, you are here! The husband is already waiting in the study! It's just a humble house, and the conditions are a bit more difficult. Please forgive me a few sons!" It looks like he welcomes people in.

When Qi Fei heard this, he immediately said to a steward behind him: "Go, bring in everything we brought!"

Soon, the person in charge walked in with several servants and two large cars.

"We are here to review our homework with Pei Xuanxin, and we are already very tired, how can we let the Pei family spend money! How can I bother my sister-in-law to do things for us. Here are a few servants we brought From today onwards, Brother Pei's family and our food are covered. If there are any disturbances, please also ask Haihan!"

As soon as Li Yan saw the contents of these two carts, she packed their family's food, and she didn't need her to serve. Such a good thing is really like a pie falling from the sky.

So Li Yan greeted her with a smile and hurriedly welcomed a group of people into the inner room.

In this way, Qi Fei and his sons rented a house nearby. They came to Pei Xuanxin's house every day to review their homework, and by the way, they provided food for Pei Xuanxin's family.

Originally, Pei Xuanxin was unwilling, but when he saw that his mother and wife were very happy, he had no choice but to accept it.

Fortunately, after this, he doesn't have to worry about the situation at home, but concentrates on reviewing his homework, and he can go to the capital to participate in the test next spring.

This time, he must do it in one fell swoop, improve the life of the family, and lead a good life with his mother and mother.

Since it snowed on the day Luo Cheng was injured, the weather has been getting colder every day.

In the blink of an eye, it will be New Year's Eve.

Li Xiaoran's frostbitten hand has finally returned to normal under the careful care and care of the family, so she doesn't need to be a semi-crippled person.

The first menstrual period was not enough because of the lack of qi and blood, so it was over after only three days.

So, without physical pain and trouble, Li Xiaoran felt that she was finally relaxed.

New Year's Eve is naturally a time for family reunion.

Even Luo Han was called back by his mother this year, and went back to the capital to celebrate the New Year.

Guan Kang's side, after more than half a month of observation, confirmed that no one came to trouble him, and happily followed his parents home for the New Year.