The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 220

Chapter 220

Qu Daren couldn't move at this time, the words he heard in his ears, the expressions of others in his eyes, and his face gradually lost its blood.

At this time, the people in the yamen will not let the Qu family continue to argue, if they directly bring the Qu family to the yamen, they will be interrogated one by one.

This time, when the news that the Qu family was taken away came out, most of the people in the village ran out and applauded.

There are also many people who have suffered a great loss from the Qu family, and now they have also found the yamen to file a complaint.

Therefore, one case has become many cases, and the crimes that the Qu family did in the past have finally been retributed this time.

Li Xiaoran did not participate in the latter matter, but handed it over to Luo Cheng.

When Luo Cheng came back at night, it also brought the follow-up results.

None of the Qu family members are clean, and they have committed a lot of things.

Especially that Qu Xiaohua, who actually killed someone.

As soon as this happened, the people who followed in the village were stunned.

The person who was killed by Qu Xiaohua was the little granddaughter of a family in the village.

Because the family's little granddaughter's uncle gave her a silver lock, Qu Xiaohua secretly saw it.

Afterwards, Qu Xiaohua went to the little girl to ask for a silver lock. The little girl said she didn't have it, it was with her mother.

Qu Xiaohua was not reconciled, so she **** the little girl, and then wanted to make the family send money.

Who knew she was too heavy, and accidentally pushed the little girl to the ground.

The little girl was unlucky, her head hit a sharp spot, and she lost her breath.

Qu Xiaohua was taken aback and hurriedly pushed the little girl into a cold cave, then she pretended nothing happened and went home.

Luo Han also has rich experience in trial cases. When interrogating other things, someone suddenly talked about what Qu Xiaohua and the little girl saw that day.

Luo Han saw that Qu Xiaohua's face was wrong, so he began to deceive her, and Qu Xiaohua was so frightened that she said what she did when she was in a trance.

In addition, other people in the Qu family did a lot of evil things.

Before everyone endured Qu Jia, so it was not revealed.

Nowadays, everyone comes out to report the things that the Qu family did. Many things simply cannot stand scrutiny. A little straightening can restore a lot of truth.

"The most surprising thing is that the people of the Qu family have actually abducted and sold people! Women, girls, children, all have been abducted and sold. So this time, the Qu family is really planted and doing evil Those who want to be beheaded, those with a lighter plot will be exiled!" Luo Cheng finally said.

Li Xiaoran was shocked when she heard these things.

She never imagined that in such a place so close to her, there are people with such vicious thoughts.

The devil is around, this is really true.

Some demons wear human skins, but secretly do evil deeds to hurt others.

Recall carefully, the people of the Qu family have contacted the original owner several times before, but although the original owner did not speak much, he was very stubborn. The people of the Qu family wanted to arrest her, but they never succeeded.

Li Xiaoran dare not imagine that if the original owner is really captured and sold by the Qu family, what will happen to her life waiting for her?

Thinking of this, Li Xiaoran shuddered and said that he deserved the final fate of the Qu family!

The Qu family was punished, and a big tumor was removed in the village, and there was a lively discussion in the village for a long time.

Some people applauded, some bought firecrackers to celebrate, and some even cried with joy.

The business of Luo's shop also exploded.

In order to thank Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran, many people came to the shop to eat noodles and take care of business.

As a result, Li Xiaoran and the others, who were only doing business at noon, were forced to open until the evening.

Fortunately, in those few days, everyone returned to rationality under the persuasion of Li Shun and others, and Li Xiaoran and his group got a rest.

At this time, it is already the twentieth of the twelfth lunar month.

Ten days until the Spring Festival!

The things that should be prepared for winter are almost ready.

Even the firewood, also prepared a large room, enough to burn this winter.

As the Spring Festival approaches, the day is getting colder and colder.

Luo Cheng thought about it and decided to go up the mountain to hunt for the last time, and come back with some game. It would be better to have a good year.

Although there are bacon, fresh meat, chicken, duck and fish at home, Luo Cheng still wants to go up the mountain to hunt some hares, pheasants, etc.

Li Xiaoran originally wanted to go with her, but Luo Cheng said that it was too cold on the mountain, she would get cold if she followed, and she might freeze and get sick.

For the sake of Li Xiaoran's safety, Li Xiaoran could only stay at home amid the opposition of the whole family.

Not long after Luo Cheng left, Li Xiaoran felt a sense of unease in his heart.

I don't know why, this time is the same as the last time I met those Seven Demons.

Li Xiaoran, who was restless, found Luo Ziyang directly.

"Ziyang, do you know how to find your brother?"

"Looking for your brother?" Luo Ziyang immediately refused when he heard Li Xiaoran's words: "Sister-in-law, but brother told you to wait for him at home, don't you mess around?"

"Ziyang, I'm not going to run out willfully, I just have a bad feeling. This feeling is getting stronger and stronger, your brother should be in danger!" Li Xiaoran said anxiously.

Luo Ziyang looked at Li Xiaoran's anxious look and could tell that Li Xiaoran didn't want to lie to him.

"Sister-in-law, to be honest, if my brother goes out hunting, he won't tell me where he will go! If this were the case before, we could still follow in the footsteps of my brother to find it. But now, Look outside, it's already snowing outside. Any traces will disappear, and I can't find my brother!"

Li Xiaoran was even more worried when she heard Luo Ziyang's words.

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, my brother didn't go out alone! You also know that there are secret guards around my brother. So, no matter what happens, my brother can solve it himself! The only thing we can do Yes, just stay at home and wait, not to cause trouble for your brother!" Luo Ziyang persuaded.

Li Xiaoran nodded when she heard this, and could only go back to her room.

Because the Spring Festival is approaching, the knife-cut noodles at the shop at noon are not sold, only Yuan Cheng makes some steamed buns and steamed buns to sell there.

Of course, because it will be very cold to travel in winter, so the shop prepares a large pot of bone soup every day.

When guests need it, they can come in and drink a large bowl of bone soup for free.

So, Li Xiaoran and the others don't have to go to the shop these days until the fifteenth day of the new year.

Li Xiaoran anxiously returned to the stove, and while suppressing her inner anxiety, she stretched out her hand to bake.