The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 209

Chapter 209

Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng had just returned home and were about to go out to buy New Year's goods when they saw Qin Meizhen coming again.

As soon as Qin Meizhen saw Li Xiaoran, she ran over excitedly.

"Li Xiaoran, have you made up your mind?"

Li Xiaoran couldn't help laughing at Qin Meizhen's anxious look.

"I think about it, but I'm just making some suggestions, in the end it's up to you to make up your own mind!"

When Qin Meizhen heard this, she nodded: "This is natural, after all, it is my own life-long event, and I will definitely not be careless! Since you agreed, let's go now!"

"Now? Are you sure it is now? Wouldn't you take me to see them one by one?" Li Xiaoran asked in surprise.

"No, no, now those few people are gathered together, I'll take you to see, you can help me see!" Qin Meizhen said with a smile.

Li Xiaoran didn't expect Qin Meizhen to be so anxious, so she looked at Luo Cheng.

"Go! Miss Qin doesn't mind if I go with me! After all, my wife is so good, I'm afraid some unsightly people will bump into her!" Luo Cheng said.

Qin Meizhen naturally had nothing to refuse, so the three of them got into Qin Meizhen's carriage together, and then went out again.

Fortunately, the place to go is not far, just outside the town in a manor.

"The manor here, you can see flowers all year round, is divided into four gardens of spring, summer, autumn and winter. Today we are going to see the autumn garden. I tell you, this autumn garden The scenery inside is very good, and you can see many flowers blooming in autumn." Qin Meizhen introduced Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng while leading Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng inside.

"Looking at you, do you often go there?" Li Xiaoran asked with a smile.

"Yeah! My uncle opened this garden, so of course I go there often!" Qin Meizhen blinked and said with a smile.

When Li Xiaoran heard this, she smiled dumbly and immediately understood.

No wonder Qin Meizhen put the meeting place here, it turned out to be her own place!

"Is there only a few of us in Qiujingyuan today?" Li Xiaoran suddenly thought of something and asked.

"Naturally not, if there are only a few of us, how can we see each other?" Qin Meizhen shook her head and said.

"How many people do you know?" Li Xiaoran asked again.

"Naturally I don't know each other, but the four people who came today all have their marks. They use plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum as the agreed pattern. Just see the person who has this pattern on their clothes! Qin Meizhen said what was agreed before: "By the way, my uncle also sent people to follow me. The people sent are those who know the four people, so don't be afraid to admit their mistakes!"

Li Xiaoran finally felt relieved when she heard this.

Thinking of his own abilities, Li Xiaoran thought about it and said: "Since you asked me to help you, and you are looking at yourself, why don't you go up and take a closer look, and then chat a few words. Otherwise, I can't see any difference just by looking at it!"

Qin Meizhen nodded and said in agreement, "I think so too, but I'm a girl, and it's a little inconvenient to go forward alone, so I asked you to come together!"

Li Xiaoran nodded and said, "It's not too late, let's find someone first!"

Qin Meizhen nodded, then took Li Xiaoran's arm, and the two walked in front.

Seeing this, Luo Cheng didn't say anything, just followed closely behind Li Xiaoran and silently protected her.

Soon, the three met a young man wearing a robe embroidered with orchids at the corner of the water pavilion.

Qin Meizhen carefully looked at the other party, looked from the side, and then pulled Li Xiaoran forward.

"Excuse me, what's the name of the young master?" Qin Meizhen took out a handkerchief with an orchid and walked up to ask.

The other party turned around when they heard the sound.

When he saw the handkerchief in Qin Meizhen's hand, he immediately understood.

It seems that the woman with the orchid veil in front of her is the Qin Meizhen he wants to see today.

"Guo Mingliang, I don't know that the girl is Qin Meizhen?"

Qin Meizhen nodded and replied with a smile: "It turned out to be Mr. Guo! I am indeed Qin Meizhen! It's not easy to meet today, so please forgive me for asking. Why do you want to marry me?"

Guo Mingliang didn't expect Qin Meizhen to ask such a topic directly, thought about it carefully, and then replied, "Of course it's because the girl is worth it!"

Qin Meizhen raised her eyebrows when she heard this.

"Worth it? In what way?"

Guo Mingliang frowned slightly when he heard Qin Meizhen's words.

"Worth everything!"

When Qin Meizhen heard this, her smile faded, and she bowed to Guo Mingliang.

"Thank you, Mr. Guo, for clarifying my doubts! The little girl has something to do, please retire first!"

Speaking, Qin Meizhen bowed and walked towards Li Xiaoran who was standing not far away.

Soon, the three left in the other direction.

Guo Mingliang looked at the scene in front of him, his face did not change, but after watching the three people leave, he turned and left.

Li Xiaoran turned around and glanced at Guo Mingliang's distant back, thoughtful, but didn't say a word.

"Hmph, this Guo Mingliang said that I was worth it, but he couldn't say what I was worth, and said that I was worth it in every way. Looking at a serious person, who would know that he is such a greedy person People!" Qin Meizhen muttered as she walked away.

Li Xiaoran just smiled and didn't answer.

A lot of things can't just be seen on the surface.

Soon, they were in a bamboo forest and saw a scholar sitting there reading a book.

The scholar just happened to have embroidered a cluster of green bamboo patterns on his body, which was exactly what Qin Meizhen was looking for.

Li Xiaoran thought about it and said, "This time, let me and my husband test it, you stand aside and take a look and come back!"

Qin Meizhen nodded and let the guards around her protect her, and then watched Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng walk over.

"I just need to keep a straight face?" Luo Cheng asked after thinking.

"Yes!" Li Xiaoran nodded.

"That's fine, I'm good at this!" Luo Cheng said, and began to play.

Seeing this, Li Xiaoran forcibly restrained his smile, and then motioned for Luo Cheng to go first.

Just as Luo Cheng was approaching the scholar, Li Xiaoran chased after him.

"Xiang Gong, Xiang Gong, wait for me!"

Speaking, Li Xiaoran fell down, pretending to twist her foot.

"Master, my foot is twisted, come and carry me home!" Li Xiaoran shouted loudly.

Luo Cheng turned around with a displeased expression on his face, neither stepped forward to carry Li Xiaoran back, nor said a word.

"Xiang Gong, my feet hurt!" Li Xiaoran said, her eyes were red and tears were dripping down.

Seeing this, Luo Cheng was stunned!

Is this an act or real?