The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 202

Chapter 202

To be honest, Mrs. Jin was the one who came across from Li Xiaoran, and she was the first to feel the care from her elders.

"Since you like Grandmother Jin, then let's recognize your relatives! I think, after this incident, Grandma Jin will definitely take action!" Luo Cheng looked at Li Xiaoran like this, and said with relief road.

Acknowledge or deny, everything is based on Li Xiaoran's wishes.

Li Xiaoran likes Mrs. Jin, and Mrs. Jin is also good to Li Xiaoran, so Luo Cheng will naturally not object.

However, after Mrs. Jin wakes up, if she doesn't give an explanation, she won't even recognize her!

"Let's wait and see! I'm a little confused at the moment, I don't have to think about everything, maybe after I calm down, I'll know what I want!" Li Xiaoran thought for a while , said so.

"Okay, think about it, tell me when you're done!" Luo Cheng stretched out his hand and touched Li Xiaoran's head.

Compared with when I first met Li Xiaoran, the hair on this head has changed a lot.

The previous hair was dry and frizzy due to lack of nutrients.

The hair feels very smooth now, and it is all black and bright, and there is no yellowing at all.

"Your hair is well maintained, what kind of shampoo did you use?" Luo Cheng asked curiously.

"Saponin! My mother boiled it for me. My sister and I are both washing our hair with saponin water. After using it, our hair has become much better!" Li Xiaoran thought of something and laughed He said, "Speaking of which, let's go and collect some saponins when we have time in the future! The previous saponins were brought to us by Aunt Hui, and they are almost used!"

"Since this saponin is so easy to use, we will buy some more and put it back when things are settled here. In the future, we will buy some and save it every year, so that you can always use saponin Boil water and wash your hair!" Luo Cheng said generously.

"Okay! In the future, not only my sister and I will use it, but everyone in the family will use this saponin to boil water to wash their hair! Good things, I want to share with my family!" Li Xiaoran said with a smile.

Compared with Li Xiaoran's happiness, Li Yan was very unhappy at this time.

"Father, mother, do you want to swallow my money too? You all know what happened to me when I got married. Not only did you not prepare a generous dowry for me, but you even swallowed my dowry money. , are you still my parents? Do you think of me as your biological daughter?" Li Yan stared at his parents angrily and asked.

Li Qiang glared at Li Yan when he heard Li Yan's words.

"This is a dowry, it was given to us by Pei Xuanxin, to honor us. Your mother and I have raised you for so many years, and we have worked hard to raise you, so what if we take some of your dowry money? Besides, you are going to marry Pei Xuanxin yourself, and you will have to bear it for whatever life after you marry. Hmph, if I hadn't listened to you fooling around, I would have rejected the son-in-law made of gold. Yet?"

"That's right! Yan'er! You said that you dreamed that Pei Xuanxin would become a high-ranking official, but look, now his family is too poor to open the pot. I was discussing with your father originally. Now, do you want to quit this marriage and choose a better one again. Who knows that you have to get married in advance. Now that the Chinese New Year is coming soon, the family's money is spent on preparing the New Year's goods, where is there any spare money to give? You buy a dowry! Or, do you want Pei Xuanxin to wait and get married in a few months?" As a mother, Wang Ying told her difficulties.

Li Yan sneered when she heard this.

"My father and mother raised me, who did I rely on? It was the hard work of the third uncle and the third aunt. Don't say it was me, just a group of children from our old Li family, almost They are all raised by three uncles and three aunts. I don't know what kind of hard work your father and mother have spent?"

Li Qiang and Wang Ying did not expect that their daughter, whom they had raised for so many years, dared to speak to them like this, it was a shock.

"Li Yan, don't think that you are going to marry, you can be defiant and dare to mock me and your mother. Even if we are wrong, we are still your parents. Believe it or not, I will go to Pei Xuanxin now If you quit this marriage, I see how you can marry!" Li Qiang glared at Li Yan several times and put down the harsh words.

Li Yan felt desolate when she heard this.

Sure enough, although she did not marry Luo Cheng as a shield in this life, she still could not escape the fate of being calculated by her parents.

Alright, take this opportunity to jump out of this fire pit!

"Okay, it's okay not to give the dowry, I hope you will not regret it in the future!" Li Yan said this and went back to her room.

My parents are unreliable, so she has to find a way by herself.

By the way, what about Lingzhi?

Pei Xuanxin has the money to use it as a betrothal gift, has he found Ganoderma lucidum?

Thinking of this possibility, Li Yan felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.

If Pei Xuanxin really found Ganoderma lucidum, why did he never tell her?

If you can't find it, where did the bride price money come from?

Li Yan thinks of this, and can't wait to ask Pei Xuanxin immediately.

But just as she was about to stand up, she stopped.

At this moment, Li Zhan walked in from outside and walked straight towards Li Yan's room.

There is a knock on the door.

"Sister, open the door! It's the big brother!" Li Zhan said.

Li Yan heard Li Zhan's voice, thought about it, and walked over to open the door.

Li Zhan took a few steps towards the room, and then stuffed a bag for Li Yan.

"This is the dowry given to you by the eldest brother, you can keep it yourself! Don't be seen by your parents!"

Li Yan felt the weight in her hand, understood something, and looked at her elder brother in disbelief.

"No matter what, you are the elder brother's sister. When you get married, the elder brother will naturally express it! Don't worry! On the day of your marriage, the elder brother will give you a dowry. Although not much, but It's also my big brother's heart. But don't tell your parents about this, I'm afraid I won't have your share if I take it back first!" Li Zhan said.

"Brother, where did you get the money?" Li Yan was still moved.

At least her eldest brother is good to her in this life.

Li Yan looked at the distant back of her eldest brother, pinched the things in her hand, and her face was both moved and puzzled.

Close the door again, Li Yan opened the thing in her hand, and saw twenty taels of silver.

At this moment, Li Yan's heart became warm.

At the same time, after Li Zhan walked out of the old Li's house, he went straight to the outside.

Not long after walking, I saw a few young men in brocade clothes.

"How is it? Did you give the money to your sister?"