The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 196

Chapter 196

"Who said you can't do business with one dish! We rely on this dish to do business. In fact, after doing this business, we can feed a large number of people! Xianggong said before You can place a lot of those people in your life!" Li Xiaoran said more and more excitedly.

"Look, sir, I will sell fish and open a shop, which will attract many customers. But now fish are caught in rivers and lakes. These fish alone are not enough. We are in business. We can do business by raising fish ourselves. Fish farming requires people, and people are needed to grow grass for fish to eat. Fish ponds can also grow lotus roots. Once the fish is raised, they can be sent to the store to kill the fish. , slicing fish, cooking, serving, all these need people!" Li Xiaoran explained the whole idea.

Luo Cheng still didn't understand what Li Xiaoran said.

Boiled fish is indeed delicious, but it will not be so delicious that many people are willing to eat such a dish!

Looking at Luo Cheng frowning and not speaking, Li Xiaoran felt that Luo Cheng didn't understand if he said too much, so it was better to do it directly.

"Let's do it! Mrs., let's go buy some fish and come back, and then I'll show it to you, and you'll understand!" Li Xiaoran said after a while.

Luo Cheng didn't speak yet, He Houxue spoke first.

"Fish, yes! You don't have to buy it, someone from the kitchen delivered several fish today!"

Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng heard this and looked at He Houxue.

"Master, who is he?" Li Xiaoran realized that there was another person in the study, and asked.

"Forgot to introduce! Uncle He, this is my wife Li Xiaoran." Luo Cheng said, and looked at Li Xiaoran again: "Miss, this is Uncle He, whose name is He Houran. It's our restaurant. The housekeeper is also the chief steward of our house!"

Li Xiaoran immediately confronted the master, so he smiled and nodded: "Hello Uncle He!"

"No, no, He Houran has seen his wife!" He Houran quickly waved his hand and said.

"Uncle He, don't be so rude, just call Xiaoran!" Luo Cheng joked with a smile.

"Yes, Uncle He, just call me Xiaoran!" Li Xiaoran also said kindly.

"Fine, that's what I call when no one is there!" He Houran said with a smile.

"Uncle He, did you just say you bought fish today?" Li Xiaoran didn't force it, so he asked about the fish.

"Yes, yes, today I met two teenage children selling fish outside. I thought they were pitiful and bought them all!" He Houran said with a smile.

"That's right, let's go get the fish now, and let me see what dishes are there!" Li Xiaoran said: "Let's go, Xianggong, go with you, you will know why I do it It's a business!"

"Can I follow along?" He Houran asked.

"Of course, Uncle He!" Li Xiaoran smiled and nodded.

Soon, the three of them went to the stove together.

Seeing three big bosses appearing together, the two people in the kitchen were shocked.

He Houran hurriedly told them to do their own thing, and the two people let out a sigh of relief.

Li Xiaoran saw that the fish had been killed and cleaned, so he took out two big ones.

This time, Li Xiaoran did not divide the fish into bones or slice the taro, but directly cut the fish into pieces.

After the fish was cut, Li Xiaoran added salt, cooking wine and green onion and ginger.

While waiting for the fish to taste delicious, Li Xiaoran occupied another pot, and at the same time asked people to prepare a large casserole.

Various seasonings are fried in order, and a pot of red soup is quickly cooked.

Li Xiaoran put the boiled red soup in the casserole, and then put the casserole on the small stove on the side.

The small stove and casserole were sent to the courtyard with the best view. Li Xiaoran put the marinated fish and some of the ingredients she had taken before into the food box.

Soon, a variety of ingredients were placed on the table over the yard.

The small stove was placed on the table at this time, and a casserole was placed on the stove.

Soon, the red soup in the casserole tumbled, and Li Xiaoran took the marinated fish and put it directly into the red soup.

While cooking the fish, Li Xiaoran took out three bowls and put some seasonings and sesame oil in the bowls at a time.

"You still have to eat the dipping sauce! With the dipping sauce, the fish tastes even better!" After speaking, Li Xiaoran put the prepared dipping sauce on everyone in front of.

Fish is easy to cook, just let it cook for a while and it will be cooked.

Li Xiaoran took a piece of fish and looked at it, and determined that the fish was edible, so he greeted Luo Cheng and He Houran to use chopsticks together.

I have to say that it is a pleasure to dip the fish in the dipping sauce in the bowl and then eat it in your mouth.

Luo Cheng ate this fish, and compared it with the boiled fish he ate before, he found that the taste is similar and different.

In general, the fish with this flavor is also delicious.

He Houran ate fish in this way for the first time, and was naturally attracted by the deliciousness of the fish.

Eating and cooking, soon two fish were eaten by three people.

"Hey, I feel like I just ate a little bit, and I'm not full yet!" He Houran said still.

Luo Cheng nodded, also feeling the same.

"Don't worry, we have a table of dishes over there!" Li Xiaoran said, and went to get the dishes on the table, put them in the red soup in the casserole, and continued to cook.

This time I cooked pork ribs, meatballs, and some vegetables.

I have to say that these things taste very good after cooking.

"By the way, chicken feet, chicken gizzards, chicken intestines, chicken blood, duck blood and pig blood can all be boiled and eaten here. Xianggong, Uncle He, what do you think? "Will anyone come to eat such a meal, such a dish?" Li Xiaoran asked while eating.

"There must be! If it were me, I would definitely come here often! According to this consumption, the demand for fish meat will increase greatly in the future, and indeed many people are needed to raise fish!" He Houranben It is a business person. At this time, he has understood what Li Xiaoran means and is very confident in this business.

Luo Cheng also understood what Li Xiaoran meant and was thinking about something.

"In fact, the best part of this business is that you don't choose a place! You can do it here, you can do it there, and you can do it in other places! In this way, no matter where you are, you can With this business, many people can be settled!" Li Xiaoran threw out another benefit.

"However, this kind of food can easily be followed by others!" Luo Cheng said.

"Xiaogong, I still say that, we just need to control the taste and the quality of the fish! As long as our taste is good, we are not afraid that no one will come!" Li Xiaoran said.