The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 193

Chapter 193

Luo Cheng heard Li Xiaoran's words, so he looked over.

"My lady, I found that the business ideas in your mind are really one after another. You are really a natural businessman!"

Li Xiaoran laughed when she heard this.

She is such a talented person in business! She's just picking up people's teeth. After all, these things were all things she had experienced in the modern age, and now they are just copied!

Sure enough, standing on a giant has many benefits!

However, it is fortunate that she met Luo Cheng. If it were someone else, she might be squeezed or used as a cash cow.

Thinking of this, Li Xiaoran remembered the truth that a big tree attracts the wind, and decided to hide his ability for a while in the future!

The business of the restaurant outside is good, Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran were happy and didn't pay any attention.

Into the back house, everything inside is tidied up properly.

Luo Cheng doesn't like too many people, so in addition to the people who guard the house, there are only four rough women in the house.

The daily things of these women are very simple, just keep the house clean and tidy.

So when Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran got to their room, they didn't have to do anything, just stay there.

"Master, should we prepare something for gifts when we go to Mrs. Jin's place?" Li Xiaoran thought of something and asked.

"You're still called Mrs. Jin, you're going to be called grandma!" Luo Cheng joked when he heard Li Xiaoran's name.

"Ah? Hasn't this changed?" Li Xiaoran was stunned for a moment, and asked stupidly.

After all, there is no marriage ceremony, is it appropriate to change it now?

"Although she did not recognize her relatives, Mrs. Jin has recognized you as her god-daughter, so you should call her grandmother. Otherwise, it will hurt her old man's heart! As for this I've prepared what I bring to the door. Don't worry about it!" Luo Cheng replied.

"Then what did you prepare? Tell me too! Otherwise, how should I answer if someone asks? Don't I know the gift I gave myself?" Li Xiaoran asked.

Luo Cheng thought for a while, then said, "You know, for the elderly, health is the most important thing! So I gave her a box of two life-saving medicines!"

Since he said the gift he prepared, Luo Cheng simply said more carefully.

"You also know that Grandma Jin is getting older, and her health is naturally not as good as that of young people. A sudden and serious illness such as a stroke often occurs. There are also many elderly people who are angry with their children and descendants. The anger attacked the heart, and he died immediately. The two pills I prepared are for this situation!"

"It's really Niuhuang Wan, but where does the word Angong come from?" Luo Cheng asked in confusion when he heard Li Xiaoran's words.

"Hey, don't care how you got it! This medicine is a good medicine!" Li Xiaoran said with great interest.

You know, in the materialistic modern age, it is not easy to buy Angong Niuhuang Pills, let alone now.

More importantly, her husband Luo Cheng actually has such a good medicine in his hand.

"Master, this medicine can be regarded as a magic medicine, where did you get it?" Li Xiaoran asked curiously.

Luo Cheng raised his eyebrows looking at Li Xiaoran's expression.

"I didn't expect that my wife also knew that this was a magic medicine? But how did you know, my lady?"

"The lady don't ask my husband how this bezoar pill came from, I know how it came from anyway!" Luo Cheng raised his eyebrows and turned the first army.

Li Xiaoran was stunned by Luo Cheng's operation, and then realized something.

Since Angong Niuhuang Pills are so rare, the source must be kept secret, so Luo Cheng should hide it from her.

Thinking about all this, Li Xiaoran stopped asking.

"It's my fault, don't worry, I won't ask in the future!" Li Xiaoran said with a sensible look.

Luo Cheng: "..."

"My wife is so sensible!" In the end, Luo Cheng only said this.

"That's right! I know how to measure!" Li Xiaoran said proudly: "By the way, Xianggong, when will we go to Grandma Jin's?"

Li Xiaoran also followed Luo Cheng and changed her mouth, calling Mrs. Jin the grandmother of Jin.

"I'll ask someone to send a message to Grandma Jin first! We'll decide when the other side responds!" Luo Cheng thought about it and said.

"Okay, it's all according to your arrangement!" Li Xiaoran didn't understand these etiquette rules, so he just had to do as Luo Cheng said.

Seeing Li Xiaoran like this, Luo Cheng suddenly had an idea in his heart.

Should he ask someone to teach Li Xiaoran the rules of some big families?

Thinking about this, Luo Cheng also asked.

Li Xiaoran thought about it and asked, "Can you find a good master to teach me etiquette?"

As soon as these words came out, Luo Cheng was stunned.

It seems that the people he knows are really not good at this.

Li Xiaoran understood Luo Cheng's face instantly.

"It doesn't matter, I'll mention this to Grandma Jin when I see her later! I'm sure Grandma Jin will know someone in this area."

"Xianggong!" Li Xiaoran interrupted what Luo Cheng wanted to say, and said very seriously: "It's true that there are no rules and no circles! I used to be just a wild girl in the countryside. Because I can't use it. Now that I recognize Grandma Jin as a relative, I will definitely need to use etiquette and rules many times in the future. For me, learning more things will benefit me without harm. You don't have to worry, I will eat No hardship! Our country girls can eat all kinds of hardships!"

Hearing Li Xiaoran's words, Luo Cheng finally swallowed the words that reached his throat and nodded.

"Okay! It's good for you to understand this! Although it's a little bitter, as long as you grit your teeth and persevere, it will be very useful in the future!"

"Mmmm! I know!" Li Xiaoran smiled and nodded.

Soon, Luo Chengcheng arranged for someone to send the message to Jin's house.

When the post was delivered, Mrs. Jin glared angrily at two people not far away.

These two are none other than Mrs. Jin's eldest son and third son.

"Mother, you want a granddaughter, there are many well-behaved and sensible little girls in the back of our Jin family. Why do you choose not to choose your own juniors, and have to recognize a country girl For the granddaughter?" Jin Dawei persuaded bitterly at this moment.