The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 178

Chapter 178

"Don't worry, I will never regret it!" Luo Cheng said confidently.

Li Xiaoran just laughed and didn't say anything else, and then the two of them earnestly looked for winter bamboo shoots and dug them.

By the time the sun went down, Li Xiaoran had already dug up a basket of winter bamboo shoots.

Li Shun also dug up a lot of winter bamboo shoots, and most of them were packed in a basket.

It looks like a lot, but when I go back and peel it off, there is not much.

"This winter bamboo shoot is also delicious for stewing soup!" Zhao Xiu looked at these winter bamboo shoots and said with some emotion: "When I was young, I saw my parents put the winter bamboo shoots in the soup. The soup is so delicious that I will remember it for the rest of my life!"

"Mother, if you want to eat it, just cook it and eat it! Don't reminisce, you can't treat our body any wrong!" When Li Xiaoran heard his mother's words, he immediately picked up a few A winter bamboo shoot came out and stuffed it into Zhao Xiu's hands.

Zhao Xiu smiled at the winter bamboo shoots in her hand.

"Okay, I'm going to cook and eat the winter bamboo shoots! I'll let you drink a delicious soup tonight!"

After speaking, Zhao Xiu happily ran towards the kitchen.

"Since this winter bamboo shoot is so delicious, let's go out as a family to dig tomorrow!" Li Xiaoqing thought of something and said this.

"This winter bamboo shoot is not easy to dig. Most of them are buried in the soil. It is really difficult for inexperienced people to find it! I will go and see it tomorrow! It is estimated that the bamboo forest I went to earlier It's almost been dug up, so we have to find another bamboo forest! Li Shun thought of something and said this.

Speaking of the bamboo forest, Luo Cheng thought of a place.

"I know there is a bamboo forest, and few people go there! Why don't I go there tomorrow with my lady!"

"I think so! Tomorrow, Dad will go to the bamboo forest today to look for it, and Xianggong and I will go to the mountains to look for it!" Li Xiaoran readily agreed.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Is Luo Cheng at home?"

As soon as Li Shun heard the voice, he immediately recognized who was coming and ran over quickly.

"Brother Guan, why are you here now?"

As soon as she opened the door and saw that it was really Guandong Mountain, Li Shun asked with a smile.

"I came to Luo Cheng for something, is he back?"

"Come back, come back, come in quickly!" Li Shun replied while letting Guan Dongshan come in, but he closed the door.

As soon as Guandong Mountain came in, he saw Luo Cheng, and after thinking about it, he said, "Luo Cheng, can you take a step to speak!"

As soon as Luo Cheng heard the words of Guandong Mountain, he glanced at him, guessing the purpose of Guandong Mountain.

"Okay, Uncle Guan, go to my study!" Luo Cheng thought for a while and nodded.

After that, the two left in tandem.

Seeing this, Li Shun came to Li Xiaoran.

"Daughter, what do you think you are looking for Luo Cheng?"

"80% has something to do with Guan Kang!" Li Xiaoran thought about it and said this.

"I guess so!" Li Shun thought so too.

He couldn't help, so he didn't follow to make trouble.

So, after saying this, Li Shun didn't say anything, but went to the kitchen to help Zhao Xiu cook.

Here, after Luo Cheng sat down with Guandong Mountain, he poured a cup of tea.

"Uncle Guan is here for your son?" Luo Cheng asked.

Kan Dongshan nodded, and simply explained his purpose.

"You know about Kang'er's situation, Luo Cheng! I can guarantee that Kang'er's blood really doesn't have the effects of outside rumors. It's just that many people don't want to believe it. You see it too , If everyone comes to get some Kang'er's blood, I'm afraid my son will not live long! So I want to ask you to protect my family Kang'er! As long as you protect Kang'er, I am willing to exchange a silver mine! "

Luo Cheng was taken aback when he heard Guan Dongshan's words.

"Uncle Guan, do you know what you're talking about?"

"I know exactly what I'm talking about!" Guan Dongshan smiled bitterly and said, "I won't hide it from you now! In fact, my ancestors discovered a silver mine a long time ago. It's just that my ancestors also knew that it would bring disaster if it was spread, so they kept it a secret and passed it on from generation to generation. I don't know what happened. When it reached my father's generation, something went wrong and the news was leaked. Going out, many people are secretly inquiring about the news of this silver mine!"

"In order to protect me, my father pretended to turn his face with me, drove me and my wife out of the house, and let us leave the house and settle in Hele Village. Fengyun, first my son was weak in his mother's womb and almost couldn't survive. Now I have finally rescued my son, but he is in danger again! I think about it, I can only turn to you!" Shan said.

Luo Cheng suddenly said something when he heard Guan Dongshan's words.

"Dare to ask, what does Guan Yongming have to do with you?"

When Guan Dongshan heard Luo Cheng's words, his eyes suddenly widened.

"That's my uncle! How do you know him, Luo Cheng? It's just that my uncle has been missing for decades. Have you seen him anywhere?"

Luo Cheng fell silent when he heard Guan Dongshan's question.

At this time, the study was silent, only the breathing of two people could be heard.

After a while, Luo Cheng said: "You send Guan Kang to me to live here! As long as he doesn't leave my house, everything will be fine. As for the silver mine, I Even if I haven't heard it, you will keep your mouth shut from now on! You don't want to bring disaster to your family, so you keep your mouth shut from now on. Even if you die, you can't confide in a single word!"

Guan Dongshan didn't expect Luo Chengzhen to agree, and warned him not to talk about the silver mine.

At this time, he still understood that the reason why Luo Cheng did this must be related to his uncle Guan Yongming.

"How is my uncle now?" Guan Dongshan suddenly asked such a question.

Luo Cheng was silent, and finally only said three words.

"He's dead!"

As soon as these words came out, the face of Guandong Mountain was bloodless, and the whole person was not well.

"How? How?"

Luo Cheng looked at Guandong Mountain and let out a sigh.

"Your uncle is an upright man, and a man of love and righteousness! I owe him a favor, so it is still on your son today! As for other things, Uncle Guan, you will Don't ask! Don't talk about your uncle in the future!"

Guan Dongshan nodded, although he understood why, but he could keep it a secret and not mention it, which means that there must be a lot of things involved.

Once these things are exposed, there will be no peace for him.

So, out of this door, he should forget everything he knew before.

"Don't worry, I will keep my mouth shut! In the future, my Kanger will ask you!" Guan Dongshan finally made a choice.