The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 152

Chapter 152

Li Yan recalled carefully, and then said: "No matter what I say, you won't believe it, but I can prove it! In the dream, just a few days later, the man in the village was told by everyone He Hui, who died of a man, actually has a son, and it was his man Guan Dongshan who brought his son back! Many people say that her son was born by Guan Dongshan and others!"

As soon as these words came out, Li Qiang and Wang Ying were suspicious.

"Let's take a look first! If the girl's dream is true, we will be able to verify it in a few days! Anyway, the other party didn't say it, will they wait for us to reply? We will consider It's normal for a few days!" Wang Ying said.

Li Qiang is also a little loose.

After all, no matter how rich this family is, it can't compare to the prestige of an official son-in-law!

At that time, they will be able to follow along!

If nothing else, at least in the village in the future, the two of them can walk sideways!

When I think of this picture, Li Qiang's heart is hot.

He likes the feeling of walking sideways in the village and no one dares to trouble him.

If this is the case, who will dare to look down on him, Li Qiang!

"Okay, let's wait a few more days to see!" Li Qiang finally agreed.

Seeing that her father was relieved, Li Yan let out a sigh of relief.

As long as her parents are willing to believe in this dream, then she will be able to marry Pei Xuanxin smoothly.

After Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng had enough to eat and drink, they went out to dig up the last herb after the rain stopped, and then went back to the stone house to sort things out.

The harvest was very rich this time, so the two left some pickled game to hang in the stone house, and then took everything else back.

On the way down the mountain, Li Xiaoran suddenly remembered something.

"Xiang Gong, didn't you say you wanted to take me to the wine cellar?"

Luo Cheng laughed when he heard Li Xiaoran's words.

"Please rest assured, my wife, what my husband said, naturally counts. But this wine cellar is not in the deep mountain, you have to go down the mountain to see it!"

Li Xiaoran was stunned for a moment, then understood.

It turned out that she was wrong from beginning to end, and the wine cellar was not on the mountain at all.

"Then why didn't you say it earlier!" Li Xiaoran pouted, a little angry.

"It's not too late for me to say it now! As an apology, how about I present a jar of fruit wine to the lady?" Luo Cheng said with a smile.

"Keeping my wife satisfied!" Luo Cheng said confidently.

Li Xiaoran complained in her heart: It would be difficult to satisfy her, after all, she has drunk so many delicious drinks in modern times. It's still a bit difficult to make her feel good.

It turns out that Luo Cheng really has two brushes.

The wine cellar is actually in a cave not far from Luo's house.

This cave was dug by Luo Cheng himself, so few people know about it.

When Li Xiaoran saw that the cave was filled with large and small wine jars, he was shocked.

"There are so many wines? My God, no wonder you want to open a wine shop!"

Li Xiaoran roughly counted, there are definitely tens of thousands of wine jars stored here.

"This is just one wine cellar, I have several more!" Luo Cheng couldn't help showing off Li Xiaoran's surprised expression.

"Hey, what a pity, I'm not a wine lover, otherwise I would be very happy!" Li Xiaoran couldn't help sighing when he saw so many wine jars.

"It doesn't matter, I will brew a lot of delicious fruit wine for the lady to drink in the future, so the lady will be very happy!" Luo Cheng stepped forward, took Li Xiaoran's hand and promised.

"Let me taste your fruit wine first!" Li Xiaoran thought about it and said this.

The corners of Luo Cheng's mouth twitched upwards slightly, and then he went to the wine cellar to find two jars of wine.

"Let's go! We're going home now! When I get home, I'll let my lady taste the good wine I brewed!"

Li Xiaoran didn't say anything, and then left the wine cellar with Luo Lou.

Seeing that their daughter and son-in-law returned safely together, and brought back a deer and a lot of game, Li Shun and Zhao Xiu became more at ease.

"It rained heavily when I went up the mountain yesterday?" Li Shun stepped forward to take everything and asked with concern.

"Yes! Fortunately, my husband has a stone house on the mountain and a kang that can burn wood, so we escaped the storm!" Li Xiaoran said briefly.

"That's exactly what Ziyang said! Thank God, you'll be fine!" Zhao Xiu said happily.

"Father, mother, I'm sorry for making you worry! We also wanted to come back early, but the wind and rain on the mountain were heavy, and it was too dangerous for us to rush down the mountain, so we stayed on the mountain!" Li Xiaoran I also knew that my parents would worry about her, so I said apologetically.

"What are you talking about! In that case, you must focus on your own safety!" Li Shun said disapprovingly.

"That's right, your father is right, everything depends on your safety! As long as you are all right!" Zhao Xiu also quickly echoed: "You don't know, you went to the mountain , even took Li Yan to the mountain, and didn't go back all night, and only ran back this morning. Li Qiang saw that Li Yan was missing, and he brought someone to us to ask for someone, but fortunately, Ziyang was sent away!"

When Luo Cheng heard this, his face suddenly sank.

"Ziyang, what the **** is going on?"

Luo Ziyang didn't hide it, he told what happened this morning.

Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran sneered on their faces after listening.

"This is really a thief shouting to catch a thief! When I went up the mountain with Xianggong, I felt that someone was behind. Later, I found out that it was Li Yan and a man who had not seen before. After throwing these two people away, they are no longer being followed by them. It's good here, but Zhu Bajie has been beaten up and turned into a husband who has arrested Li Yan!" Li Xiaoran laughed angrily: "I knew that the Li family was like this. , I should have given Li Yan a few more slaps last time!"

"Sister, did you slap Li Yan?" Li Xiaoqing asked excitedly when she heard something.

"No, last time I was making braised vegetables at home, I came out to see how our land was going to be planted, and met Li Yan in our orchard. Don't you know, Li Yan said The inside and the outside are trying to provoke our family's feelings. And when Li Yan appeared, it reminded me that when I bumped my head, I was slapped by Li Yan, so I gave her a few slaps when I was too angry. !" Li Xiaoran nodded and said.