The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 146

Chapter 146

Li Xiaoran looked at Luo Cheng with a look of regret, thinking that he must have caught those fish a lot.

"This valley is so special, the fish must be special too!" Li Xiaoran said with a smile.

"When I'm free, I'll make a fishing net to catch it! I don't believe it anymore, I can't catch a single fish!" Luo Cheng said unwillingly when he thought of this.

In this way, the two of them were talking and laughing, and they went out of the valley again.

Walking into the forest outside, Li Xiaoran felt a little colder.

After all, it's still warm in the valley, and there is a temperature difference when you walk out.

Luo Cheng shivered when he saw Li Xiaoran, quickly took a piece of clothes from his bag, and put it on Li Xiaoran.

"Hey, why did you bring your clothes?"

"In the mountains, the weather is changeable, so I will carry some clothes on my back. Don't underestimate this bag, it is a bag made of cowhide that I collected in many computer rooms, and it is waterproof It works. Even if it rains in the mountains, you can change into dry clothes when you get to the stone house!" Luo Cheng patted the bag he was carrying and explained.

Seeing this, Li Xiaoran agreed and said: "Sure enough, he is an old hunter, all these have been considered carefully! Then why don't you ask me to bring some clothes?"

Seeing Li Xiaoran's sudden attack, Luo Cheng rarely showed a proud smile.

"How does the lady know, I'm not prepared?"

Li Xiaoran was dumbfounded when she heard Luo Cheng's words.

"You really prepared my clothes? Where did you get them?"

"Don't worry, it's two brand new clothes! I asked someone to make it for you before, but I forgot to give it to you after I got it back. Put it in the bag!" Luo Cheng said.

Li Xiaoran looked at Luo Cheng without saying anything, but was moved by Luo Cheng's thoughtfulness.

In fact, the other party doesn't care about you, not how much he can say to you, but how much he can do for you.

Details show affection, in this regard, Luo Cheng has always done a good job1

"Xiang Gong, I feel so happy to marry you!" Li Xiaoran suddenly said to Luo Cheng.

Luo Cheng stretched out his hand and took Li Xiaoran in his arms.

"Because you deserve it!"

At the same time, Li Yan and Pei Xuanxin fell into a mountain stream, and they were all soaked.

Pei Xuanxin swallowed saliva when he saw that all the curves on Li Yan's body were exposed.

"Miss Li, you just got hurt and got wet again, let's find a cave or something, and go make a fire to dry your clothes! Otherwise, you will get sick Yes!" Pei Xuanxin said, looking away now.

Li Yan also knew that she could not go on like this, after all, she was still injured.

Besides, wouldn't it be better for the two of you to go to the cave now!

Both of them are wet and it is normal if something happens.

With such thoughts in mind, the two quickly looked around.

Sure enough, in a place not far away, I finally found a cave.

It seems that people come to this cave every day, and some firewood is stacked inside.

The two of them couldn't care about anything else at the moment, and quickly raised the fire.

Pei Xuanxin is a decent gentleman, and directly raised two fires.

One is in a place near the entrance of the cave, just enough to keep out the wind, but you can't see the inside of the cave.

The other is in the cave, leaving Li Yan to bake clothes.

Li Yan baked it first, and dried the clothes on her body a little, and the people were not so cold, and then she began to calculate.

She and Pei Xuanxin walked for so long today, and she didn't see the shadow of Ganoderma lucidum.

Her current body, she is very clear, after falling into the water today, it is definitely impossible to go up the mountain in the next few days.

She doesn't care whether Pei Xuanxin's mother can be cured or not. On the contrary, she wants to marry Pei Xuanxin more urgently.

This is the best opportunity, if she hesitates, she will miss an opportunity.

Thinking of this, Li Yan made up her mind.

In order to live a good life in the future, in order to live as beautifully as Li Xiaoran's last life, she can do anything.

"Miss Li, are you feeling better now?" Pei Xuanxin didn't hear any movement in the cave, so he asked.

Li Yan didn't speak, just quietly roasted the fire.

"Miss Li? Miss Li? You answer me!"

In the cave, there is still silence, only the sound of burning wood.

Pei Xuanxin thought of a possibility, panicked and ran in quickly.

Sure enough, Li Yan had passed out by the fire at this time.

Pei Xuanxin ran over to take a look, and found that the other party was actually hot all over at this moment.

"Miss Li, Miss Li, what's wrong with you?" Pei Xuanxin stretched out his hand and shook Li Yan.

At this moment, Li Yan finally opened her eyes.

"Pei Xuanxin, I'm a little uncomfortable!"

Li Yan struggled to sit up.

It's just that she struggled several times, but she didn't get up in the end.

Pei Xuanxin wanted to help, but was afraid to make any move due to the impediment of men and women.

When Li Yan saw it, she felt hatred in her heart, she simply used some strength, and then supported her body towards Pei Xuanxin.

Only halfway through, Li Yan let go of her strength and fell directly towards Pei Xuanxin.

This time, Pei Xuanxin instinctively reached out and hugged Li Yan.

"Li Gongzi, I feel a little uncomfortable and I have no strength, what should I do?"

As soon as Pei Xuanxin heard Li Yan's words, he hugged her, and then reached out and touched Li Yan's forehead.

For some reason, Pei Xuanxin felt a little hot when he touched Li Yan's forehead.

At this moment, Li Yan suddenly struggled to sit up, but Pei Xuanxin also lowered her head.

One person got up, one person lowered his head, and the two of them kissed so skillfully...

Dry firewood ignites at one point, and the temperature in a cave rises instantly!

Here, Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng have dug up a lot of medicinal herbs, except for the last medicinal herb.

While digging for herbs, Luo Cheng also hunted a lot of game.

Seeing that the dark clouds in the sky were getting darker and darker, Luo Cheng planned to take Li Xiaoran back to the stone house in the valley to hide, and it was not too late to dig the last medicine until tomorrow.

Sure enough, when we approached the valley, the rain fell from the sky.

When Luo Cheng saw this, he immediately put his arms around Li Xiaoran's waist and quickly led her into the valley.

When the two people pushed open the door of the stone house, the rain outside fell down.

"We're so lucky, we'll be drenched in soup if we're one step later!" Li Xiaoran said while looking at the rain outside.