The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 144

Chapter 144

When Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran disappeared, two people came out from a recessed hole not far away.

These two people are none other than Pei Xuanxin and Li Yan who got news of Lingzhi before.

Li Yan will definitely come to Lingzhi as soon as she knows that Pei Xuan has new news.

So today she is waiting on the only way to get to Jitou Mountain.

The emperor pays off!

She really waited for Pei Xuanxin!

Pei Xuanxin was shocked when he saw that Li Yan was going up the mountain with a machete.

In other respects, she simply wanted to help Li Yan.

"I have nothing to do, just go up the mountain to find some herbs. My injury looks scary, but it's not a big problem, and it's okay to carry some herbs!" Of course, Li Yan couldn't say that she was here to make peace. Pei Xuanxin cultivated feelings, so he just made an excuse.

Pei Xuanxin only thought that Li Yan was like him, just wanted to save money, so he didn't say anything.

In this way, the two walked together, looking for herbs and Lingzhi everywhere.

As soon as the two of them arrived at this place, they heard some movement, and when they looked around, they found the scene where Li Xiaoran almost rolled down.

Fortunately, they were far away, so Pei Xuanxin didn't see Li Xiaoran's appearance clearly at all.

Li Yan naturally recognized Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng, and her face was full of gloom at this time.

I didn't expect that Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran actually went up the mountain.

Originally, Li Yan wanted to take Pei Xuanxin in other directions, but after thinking about it, she felt that she should follow Li Xiaoran.

You know, Li Xiaoran and Li Shun found Ganoderma lucidum in the last life, maybe they will find it in this life.

Therefore, only by following Li Xiaoran is it possible to get Ganoderma lucidum.

Li Yan felt very distressed when she thought of this.

As long as there is Ganoderma lucidum, everything will be easy!

As for the relationship between Pei Xuanxin and Li Xiaoran, she has nothing to worry about.

It was also a matter of the last life that the two of them got married. In this life, Li Xiaoran is married, so Pei Xuanxin will naturally not be able to marry Li Xiaoran again.

So even if the two meet, it won't affect anything.

"I know the man just now, he seems to be a hunter in our village. I think if we follow behind them, it may be easier to find Ganoderma lucidum!" After making up his mind, Li Yan faced Pei Xuanxin. said.

Pei Xuanxin was originally lucky, but he couldn't find Ganoderma lucidum for most of the day, and he was still a little anxious.

No, as soon as Li Yan's words came out, Pei Xuanxin also felt that this was an opportunity.

It is better to follow the hunter than to wander around the mountains alone!

"That's fine, let's keep up!" Pei Xuanxin nodded and agreed with Li Yan's proposal.

In this way, the two followed from a distance, following the footsteps of Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran.

Who is Luo Cheng, how could he be followed so easily.

Not long after walking, Luo Chengcheng looked in the direction they came from.

Seems to be sure of something, Luo Cheng smiled, and then pulled Li Xiaoran to speed up.

When they climbed over a hillside, when Li Yan and Pei Xuanxin followed, they suddenly found that Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran were lost around.

This time, the two of them have no choice but to find a place to sit down and rest, and then find a random direction to search for themselves.

After getting rid of the latter two, Luo Cheng slowed down.

"Xianggong, did someone follow us before?" Li Xiaoran asked now.

"Yes, a man and a woman follow! The woman you know is Li Yan. As for the man, he is very strange, not like someone from our village!" Luo Cheng nodded. replied.

"No wonder, no wonder I sensed two anxious emotions before, and it turns out that someone really followed! It seems that this Li Yan has not given up, just waiting to find Ganoderma lucidum from me!" Li Xiaoran After thinking about it, he sneered and said, "I think she's going to make a mistake!"

"No, if we didn't get rid of them, maybe they really waited!" Luo Cheng suddenly said: "Look, lady!"

When Li Xiaoran heard Luo Cheng's words, he suddenly had a very bad feeling.

Sure enough, on the way the two of them walked, next to a bush, there was another Ganoderma lucidum.

At this moment, Li Xiaoran just wants to touch her forehead and sigh!

Is it possible that her koi character is getting stronger and stronger, and there may be no collapse at all!

Luo Cheng took Li Xiaoran to a pine tree, and asked Li Xiaoran to stand with the pine tree.

After making sure that Li Xiaoran would not be in danger, Luo Cheng picked the ganoderma lucidum with the deer and put it in a cloth bag on his body.

"Sure enough, my wife's luck is not ordinary! You can meet good things when you go up the mountain! First a deer, and then a ganoderma lucidum! You said that I used to walk in this area often, Why have I never encountered a Ganoderma lucidum?" After Luo Cheng took the things, he walked over and teased.

Li Xiaoran opened her eyes wide and looked at Luo Cheng with an innocent expression.

"Xiang Gong, I told you that I was really a blind cat and a dead mouse, do you believe it?"

Luo Cheng took a look at Li Xiaoran and shook his head: "No! You are not a blind cat, and this is not a dead rat!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Chengcheng smiled, took Li Xiaoran's hand again, and moved on.

I don't know how Luo Cheng went.

Anyway, it is winding, and there are weeds or low bushes everywhere.

Li Xiaoran was dizzy at the moment, feeling that if she went into the mountain alone, she would definitely get lost.

Finally, when Li Xiaoran was still dizzy, suddenly there was a flat valley.

In the valley, a house built of stone stands impressively.

"It's here!" Luo Cheng said as he walked over with Li Xiaoran.

Soon, two people arrived in front of the stone house.

took out the key, Luo Cheng opened the door, and a smell rushed out.

Luo Cheng pushed open the door, looked at the room carefully, and then walked out again.

First put the bound deer at the door, Luo Cheng said to Li Xiaoran: "I haven't been here for a long time, the room is stuffy and smells bad, first Let the ventilation disperse the smell, you can rest on the stone bench outside here!"

Li Xiaoran nodded and went directly to the stone table not far from the stone house.

I have to say that after crawling for so long, Li Xiaoran felt that her legs were almost not hers.

While lightly beating her calf, Li Xiaoran admired the beauty of the valley.

I have to say, this valley is really beautiful.