The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 109

Chapter 109

At this time, Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Luo Cheng glanced at Li Xiaoran and sighed inwardly: His wife's luck seems to be as good as ever!

I wanted to know who Mrs. Qin was in contact with, but Mrs. Qin came to the door herself and went directly to the private room next to them.

Isn't it convenient for them to inquire about the news?

What made Luo Cheng even more stunned was that a gust of wind was blowing from outside, but it actually caused Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng's private room to open slightly.

From this gap, you can see who is passing by outside, but people outside may not be able to see who is inside the private room.

At this time, when Luo Cheng noticed this, the words "God help me too" popped up in his mind.

Li Xiaoran also saw the slightly opened door, her mouth wide open.

This scene was beyond her surprise.

Next, Li Xiaoran and Luo Chengcheng became silent, and they drank tea quietly.

I don't know how long it took before footsteps came again.

Soon, a man with a mole on his face walked over and entered the private room next door.

Li Xiaoran thought about it and pricked up her ears.

I don't know if the sound insulation of the teahouse is better, or what is going on, anyway, Li Xiaoran can't hear anything over there.

No way, Li Xiaoran can only use his ability to sense the emotional changes over there.

Luo Cheng sat there, motionless, drinking tea leisurely, as if he was not worried at all.

Li Xiaoran felt it for a long time, but finally felt nothing.

No way, if other people's mood swings are not big, she can't sense anything.

At this time, Li Xiaoran wished he had the ability to have clairvoyance and ears.

Just when Li Xiaoran was very frustrated, footsteps came from next door.

The man who came behind left in a hurry, while Mrs. Qin remained in the private room.

"Before we should go to the wall and use a tea bowl to listen to it!" Li Xiaoran lowered his voice with some frustration.

Luo Cheng couldn't help laughing when he saw Li Xiaoran's dejected look.

The body leaned slightly towards Li Xiaoran, Luo Cheng said in Li Xiaoran's ear: "Don't worry, I heard what they said!"

Li Xiaoran opened his eyes wide and looked at Luo Cheng, his face full of incredible expressions.

"Miss, don't forget, your husband is a martial artist!"

Speaking, Luo Cheng took another sip of water calmly.

Li Xiaoran immediately smiled when she heard Luo Cheng's words.

"Then what did they say?"

Luo Cheng put his finger between his lips and made a silent motion.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps came from next door, and Mrs. Qin also came out of the private room.

Not long after, Mrs. Qin walked out of the tea house, got on a carriage and left.

"Phew, people are gone! I really suffocated me! Master, what did you hear?" Li Xiaoran asked quickly.

"You guessed it right, Mrs. Qin should know the power of those people! And the man with the mole on his face who came behind should be the same power as Ma Zhao. Or, this person is the person who contacted Ma Zhao or Aunt Cui!" Luo Cheng thought about it and said, "Don't worry, my people have already caught up with that man, and there will be news soon!"

"What did Mrs. Qin say to the other party?" Li Xiaoran thought about it and asked.

"Mrs. Qin said that your people made a mistake and asked her to bring the news back. Now that she got up, she has sent people to chase!" Luo Cheng recalled and said.

" The other party replied, saying that this matter has no impact, please Mrs. Qin to believe in their strength. Mrs. Qin would find them, didn't she know their ability before finding them? By the way, that person said one last sentence, as long as it falls into the hands of their goshawks, they will not go wrong!" Luo Cheng recalled carefully, and repeated what the person said word for word.

"Goshawk? This should be the name of a force or organization! Xianggong, have you ever heard of such a force?" Li Xiaoran asked in confusion after hearing this.

"Not only me, but many people in Jianghu have never heard of this force. I, like you, only heard about it today for the first time!" Luo Cheng shook his head and frowned. replied.

Luo Cheng is telling the truth. He has been walking on the rivers and lakes for so many years, and he has made many friends in the rivers and lakes, but he has never heard of the power of this goshawk.

"Could it have appeared recently? But where did Mrs. Qin know the contact information of the goshawk?" Li Xiaoran thought for a while and asked in confusion.

"Or else this organization made deals with the women in the Houzhai, or the people trusted by Mrs. Qin are in this organization!" Luo Cheng said two possibilities.

Li Xiaoran thought about it and suddenly stood up.

"No matter how Mrs. Qin got to know each other, we have found each other anyway! So, I won the competition with Luo Han?"

Luo Cheng looked at Li Xiaoran and laughed.

"It seems so!"

"Then let's go tell Luo Han now! Let him follow this clue to find out." Li Xiaoran thought of something, came over and pulled Li Xiaoran to leave the restaurant.

"Hey, aren't you going to compete with him? Why don't we continue to investigate! Only after we find out, can Luo Han be convinced?" Luo Cheng reminded.

"It doesn't matter! I competed with Luo Han, just to let him know that I am not a useless person, I have my strengths and abilities. Now I have found clues about this matter , the result of the test is not important anymore. The important thing is to find out this force quickly to avoid more people being victimized!" Li Xiaoran said.

Luo Cheng looked at Li Xiaoran in front of him, and suddenly felt that a kind of light was shrouded in this lively person in front of him.

At this moment, Luo Cheng finally understood where Li Xiaoqing's blind faith in her elder sister came from.

Because in Li Xiaoran, people can always see a glimmer of hope, like a beam of light in the darkness, leading the struggling people towards the light.

"Okay! I'll take you to see Luo Han now!" Luo Cheng stood up and went downstairs with Li Xiaoran.

Luo Han felt a little strange when he heard the yamen's report.

Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng came here at this time?

Did Li Xiaoran retreat, so he came to him for reconciliation?

Thinking of this possibility, Luo Han laughed.

Hmph, he just said, Li Xiaoran is just a country woman, and she dared to compete with herself before, but it was only a shame for a while, but now her mind has calmed down and she has come to reconcile.

That's it, that's it! For Luo Cheng's sake, he wouldn't care about a woman!