The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 104

Chapter 104

From meeting Qin Meizhen in the clothing store, to Qin Meizhen asking them for help at the stall at the back, to finally those people wanting to occupy Luo Cheng's house.

Anyway, Li Xiaoran said it all.

As for her ability to sense other people's emotions and empathy, Li Xiaoran didn't say anything, only said that she saw something wrong with that maid, so she reminded Qin Meizhen.

Luo Han did not hear anything wrong, but meditated on the side.

"The deceased Mrs. Cui has extraordinary martial arts skills, but it is obviously not the kind of down-to-earth practice. Her breath is not very stable, I suspect that her internal strength should come a little strange. You can ask Zhu Zuo to do a careful autopsy, maybe you can find some clues!" Luo Cheng thought of something and added.

"At that time, I asked Ziyang to follow him secretly, trying to find a way to rescue Qin Meizhen. Who knew that Ziyang was caught in Madam Cui's plot and poisoned, so he could only turn back. Who knew Ziyang After walking halfway, the poisonous hair fell into a coma, and finally rolled into a pile of dry grass, avoiding the group of people."

"How is Ziyang now?" Luo Han also knew Ziyang, so he asked with concern.

"When I found him, I detoxified him. Now there is nothing serious, but there are some traumas and need to rest for a period of time! Just in time, I plan to make Ziyang turn the dark into the light, I will follow me in the future! After all, I am a family man now, and there are many people who need to be protected, so it is more convenient for Ziyang to follow me!" Luo Cheng expressed his thoughts.

Li Xiaoran heard Luo Cheng's words, and then understood why Luo Cheng brought Luo Ziyang home, and looked at Luo Cheng gratefully.

It turned out that Luo Cheng did this to protect her family.

"It's not bad that Ziyang can turn the dark into the light! This kid has always been loyal to you, and it's a good thing to let him live a normal life!" Luo Han can understand the intention of Luo Cheng's arrangement , nodded and said.

Luo Cheng smiled when he heard this, and then pulled the topic back to the main topic.

"Did you ask anything after we left?"

Luo Han shook his head and said, "I don't know anything about the situation, so naturally I won't rashly interrogate it. But there is still an autopsy over there, I believe it will be sent to me soon. There's news!"

"Do you think this group is the same group as the group we met a year ago?" Luo Cheng thought of something and asked.

"It's hard to say. Now I don't know much about the group of people you sent. And you also said that Miss Qin suspected that it was her stepmother who did it. Those things about the inner house! But judging from the things you asked, this group of people will definitely not be simple accomplices." Luo Han is very cautious, and will not jump to conclusions until it is verified.

"I think, Lord Luo, you can make good use of the man with the mustache when interrogating him! This man has a bad heart, and he is not in the same mind as other people. It is definitely a good breakthrough!" Li Xiaoran Recalling that she sensed the emotions of that group of people before, she made a suggestion.

Luo Cheng also remembered this, and nodded: "Yes, the man with the mustache likes to move his eyes, and at first glance, he likes to camp, you can make good use of it. !"

Luo Han nodded and wrote it down.

After that, Luo Han and Luo Cheng talked about the unfinished case a year ago, but children in many places were lost, so the riot was very fierce and caused public grievances . It's just that the officials in several places failed to catch these kidnappers. In the end, the group of people fled to Anhua County and entered Luo Han's jurisdiction. After tracking and contesting, the group was caught and brought to justice.

Only half of the children who were taken away were recovered, and the other half were never found.

This matter has always fallen in the hearts of Luo Han and Luo Cheng, and has become a knot between them.

"Have you checked, do these children have anything in common? There must be a reason for such a large-scale random kidnapping of children. What do you want? Maybe if we find something in common, we can take a big step forward and check it out!" Li Xiaoran stopped eating now, but held a cup of chrysanthemum and wolfberry tea thoughtfully. said.

"We have also checked before, and these children have nothing in common. The birth dates and physical characteristics are not exactly the same. And these kidnapped children are big and small. Yes There are children from rich families, there are also children from rural families, and there are even a few beggars when we rescued them!" Luo Han explained what Li Xiaoran said.

"No, you still missed one! These children must have some talents, so they are regarded by others! Think carefully, what is the purpose of kidnapping the children? One is to sell them to families who cannot have children and need them. The second is to capture these children for special purposes. What can children do to those people? The biggest possibility is to train them to come in handy. You Think about these aspects and check, and you will definitely gain something!" Li Xiaoran stated his views in a clear manner.

"Yes, those children must have something in common, otherwise the other party would not have taken them away! If there are children, there should be a place for children to go. It's just that so many children are not a small number, Even if they are sold one by one, some traces can always be found. But from the beginning to the end, the missing child has never been found. Not a single one has been found! What does this mean? It means that these children must be secretly hidden by those people. It's gone!"

Luo Cheng also thought about it and recalled a piece of information he learned when he investigated this case.

"I remember a child in our town was kidnapped and rescued later. When I was looking for this child, I overheard the child's parents say, Their son is very smart, has a good memory, and has good computing skills. He is good at arithmetic at a young age. I didn't care about it at the time, but now that I think about it, maybe the other party kidnapped the child because of this aspect of him. What about highlighting your skills?"

When Luo Cheng said this, Luo Han also thought of something.

"A total of three children were kidnapped in Anhua County, and the other two were a boy and a girl. I remember these two children very clearly. The girl's observation skills are amazing, and the reason why she was able to find them successfully The location of those wicked people is based on the news that this little girl observed, and then determined the special features bit by bit, and then found out!"