=Cold beef a la mode.= Take two pieces of rump of beef weighing about six pounds each, season with salt and pepper, place in a vessel with a spoonful of fat or b.u.t.ter, and roast until nice and brown all over. Then sprinkle with two spoonfuls of flour, and cook until flour is brown.
Then add one quart of boiling water and a pint of claret, one bouquet garni, twenty-four small raw French carrots, twenty-four small white onions fried in b.u.t.ter, and four quartered tomatoes. Cover, and boil in the oven. Remove the carrots and onions when soft, and continue cooking the beef until well done. Put the beef in an earthern pot and lay the carrots and onions around it. Reduce the sauce, by boiling, to half its volume, and strain over the beef. Prepare the day before using, so it will have sufficient time to become cold.
=Boiled custard.= The yolks of four eggs, three whole eggs, one ounce of corn starch, one quart of milk, and flavoring. Put all of the eggs, corn starch, half of the sugar, and a few drops of the milk into a bowl and mix well together. Boil the remainder of the milk and the other half of the sugar; pour over the egg mixture, and cook until it thickens. Then take off the fire, add the flavoring, mix well, and serve either in cups or saucers.
=Tipsy parsons.= Cut some slices of sponge cake about one-half inch thick. Soak them in sherry wine, and place them in saucers. Cover the top with boiling custard, and serve.
=Vanilla custard with meringue.= Make some boiled custard flavored with vanilla. Pour in saucers, place a half meringue sh.e.l.l on each, and serve.
=Macaronade Celestine.= Soak some macaroons in maraschino. Place in a saucer and pour boiling custard over them.
=Bouchettes Palmyra.= Soak some bouchettes in k.u.mmel, place them on saucers, and pour boiling custard over them.
=Consomme Garibaldi.= Boil one-quarter pound of spaghetti and cut in pieces one inch long. Cut a dozen green queen olives Julienne style, and add, with the spaghetti, to three pints of hot consomme. Serve grated cheese separate.
=Mutton chops, maison d'or.= Broil four mutton chops on one side; and then set to become cold. Make a forcemeat from the breast of a chicken, and add to it some chopped truffles. Place the forcemeat on the broiled side of the chops in pyramid form, sprinkle with fresh bread crumbs, set on a b.u.t.tered pan, put a small piece of b.u.t.ter on top of each, and cook in the oven for ten or twelve minutes. Serve on a platter, with sauce Madere.
=Lamb chops, maison d'or.= Prepare in the same manner as mutton chops, maison d'or.
BREAKFAST Baked Bartlett pears with cream Omelet with asparagus tips Rolls Coffee
LUNCHEON Shrimp salad Eggs, Marlborough Cold squab and Virginia ham Alligator pear salad Compote of apricots German coffee cake Demi ta.s.se
DINNER Chicken soup, Piedmontaise Pim olas. Radishes Black ba.s.s, Heydenreich Sweetbreads, poulette Roast leg of venison Red cabbage Boiled potatoes Lettuce and grapefruit salad Apple cobbler Coffee
=Eggs, Marlborough.= Place four poached eggs on four pieces of anchovy toast, cover with sauce Perigueux, and lay a strip of broiled bacon across each.
=Chicken soup, Piedmontaise.= Mix a pint of chicken broth with a pint of puree of tomato soup, add a quarter pound of macaroni cut in one-quarter inch pieces, and the breast of a boiled chicken cut in small squares.
=Black ba.s.s, Heydenreich.= Place two black ba.s.s in a b.u.t.tered pan, and season with salt and fresh-ground black pepper. Chop three ounces of salted almonds, and mix with one-quarter pound of chopped fresh mushrooms, three ounces of b.u.t.ter, and some chopped parsley. Spread over the fish, and bake in oven for twenty minutes. Pour the juice of two lemons over the fish, and serve from the pan in which it was baked.
=Sweetbreads, poulette.= Soak two pounds of sweetbreads in cold water for two hours, to cause the blood to run out. Then put on the fire in two quarts of water, add a spoonful of salt, bring to a boil, and then cool off in cold water. Remove the skins, and cut the sweetbreads in slices one-half inch thick. Put two ounces of b.u.t.ter in a sauce pan, add the sweetbreads, and simmer for two minutes. Then add a spoonful of flour, and heat through. Then add one pint of thick cream, and boil for ten minutes. Season with salt and Cayenne pepper, add a can of sliced French mushrooms and a little chopped chives, boil for two minutes, and thicken with the yolks of two eggs mixed with a little cream. Serve in a chafing dish.
=Cobblers.= Apple, pear, peach or apricot. Line a deep baking pan with pie dough, fill with the chopped fruit desired, sweetened with sugar, and with a little cinnamon added, cover with a sheet of pie crust paste, brush with egg, and bake. Serve with cream or wine sauce.
=Wine sauce.= Put in a sauce pan one pint of water, one-half pound of sugar, and the rind and juice of half a lemon. Bring to a boil, and then thicken with a teaspoonful of corn starch dissolved in a little water, and again bring to a boil. Flavor with a gla.s.sful of any kind of wine; or a pony of cognac, kirschwa.s.ser, or other cordial, as you may desire.
Strain and serve with puddings, cobblers, etc.
BREAKFAST Raspberries with cream Broiled fillet of sole, maitre d'hotel Hashed browned potatoes Rolls Coffee
LUNCHEON Eggs, St. Catherine Boneless squab en aspic Majestic salad Roquefort cheese with crackers Coffee
DINNER Little Neck clams Consomme Talleyrand Ripe olives. Lyon sausage Boiled salmon trout, sauce mousseline Potatoes, nature Planked sirloin steak, St. Francis Escarole and chicory salad Fancy ice cream a.s.sorted cakes Coffee
=Eggs, St. Catherine.= Cut the tops from four large baked potatoes, and scoop out the insides. Lay a slice of tomato in the bottom, season with salt and pepper, break an egg in each, and cover with well-seasoned cream sauce. Sprinkle with grated cheese, put small bits of b.u.t.ter on top, and bake in oven for about ten minutes. Serve on napkin, with parsley in branches.
=Boneless squab en aspic.= Cut the squabs open at the back, and remove all the bones, being careful not to cut the skin. Spread flat on the table, season with salt and pepper, fold together and place in a b.u.t.tered pan and cook until done, and of a nice color. Allow to become cold. Set an oval mould in cracked ice, garnish the bottom with sliced truffles, pour in just enough nearly cold meat jelly to cover the truffles. Place the cold squab in the mould and fill to the top with jelly. Keep in the ice box until set. When ready to serve turn over on a napkin, remove the mould, and garnish with parsley.
=Majestic salad.= Equal parts of celery, raw apple, and green peppers cut in Julienne style. Serve with mayonnaise dressing.
=Consomme Talleyrand.= Put four grated truffles in a soup tureen, add a gla.s.sful of very dry sherry wine, and a pinch of Cayenne pepper, cover, and stand for an hour. When ready to serve pour three pints of hot consomme tapioca over it.
=Planked sirloin steak, St. Francis.= Season a three pound sirloin steak with salt and pepper, roll in oil and broil. When done place it on a hot meat-plank sufficiently large so that it may be garnished with a bouquet of new peas cooked in b.u.t.ter, string beans, asparagus tips with a little Hollandaise sauce on them, and French carrots in b.u.t.ter. Lay a dozen fresh mushrooms on top of the steak. Around the steak and vegetables lay some Parisienne potatoes. Serve sauce Colbert separate.
BREAKFAST Orange and grapefruit juice mixed Oatmeal and cream Corn m.u.f.fins Coffee
LUNCHEON Chicken salad, Victor Vogeleier omelet Raspberry water ice Streusel kuchen (cake) Coffee
DINNER Potage vert pre Smoked eels with rye bread Corned beef and cabbage Boiled potatoes Peach meringue Demi ta.s.se
=Potage vert pre.= Mix one pint of consomme tapioca with one quart of puree of pea soup. Just before serving add some chopped chervil.
=Peach meringue.= Dress some meringue paste (see meringue sh.e.l.ls) on dishes or plates in round forms about three inches in diameter and three-quarters of an inch deep. Place the dishes on a pan, and set in a rather cool oven until the meringues are of a nice straw color. Put on the center of each a spoonful of pastry cream, and on top of this half of a peach cooked in syrup; or half of a preserved peach.
=Apricot meringue.= Prepare in the same manner as peach meringue.
=Strawberry, blackberry or raspberry meringues.= Prepare in the same manner as peach meringue, but use fresh uncooked berries.
=Patience (cake).= Beat ten whites of eggs until firm, then add one pound of powdered sugar, three quarters of a pound of flour, and some vanilla flavor. Stir until firm and well mixed, and lay out like small lady fingers on a b.u.t.tered pan. Set in a dry place until a crust forms on top, and then bake in a moderate oven.
BREAKFAST Grapes Waffles Honey in comb Toasted rolls Ceylon tea
LUNCHEON Sardines Scrambled eggs, Lucullus Galantine of capon Salade Cupid d'Azure Port de Salut cheese with crackers Coffee
DINNER Consomme Trianon Celery. Olives. Salted almonds Broiled barracouda, mustard sauce Hollandaise potatoes Roast leg of veal Carrots Vichy Spinach with egg Pickled beets Vanilla ice cream Coffee fruit cake Demi ta.s.se
=Scrambled eggs, Lucullus.= Put in a ca.s.serole one ounce of b.u.t.ter, and three truffles cut in dices about one-eighth inch square. Heat through, and then add eight beaten eggs, and one-half cup of cream. Season with salt and pepper, then scramble, and dish up on a china platter. Cut about a dozen slices of truffle, heat on a plate with the addition of half a spoonful of meat extract, and lay over the eggs.
=Galantine of capon.= Split open down the back a good-sized fowl or capon, and remove every bone, being careful not to remove any of the meat, and not to cut the skin. Lay out flat on the table skinside down, and season with salt and pepper. Prepare a forcemeat with one pound of veal, and one and one-half pounds of lean pork. Strain through a sieve, season with salt and pepper and a little grated nutmeg, and add a pint of cream. Cut in small squares the tip of a smoked boiled beef tongue, one-half pound of white fat pork, one-quarter pound of ham, one-quarter pound of peeled pistache nuts, and four truffles. Mix thoroughly with the force meat, and put on top of the fowl. Close, by drawing both sides together, forming a big sausage. Roll very tightly in a towel or napkin, and tie with a string on both ends and twice around the middle. Cook in bouillon, stock or salted water slowly for from one and one-half to two hours. When cooked, untie, remove the cloth, roll tight again and re-tie. Set in the ice box for at least eight hours. Serve sliced in the same manner as sausage, and about one-quarter inch thick. Garnish with meat jelly and parsley in branches. Galantine of chicken, squab, etc., may be prepared in the same manner.
=Salade Cupid d'Azure.= Cut alligator pears in slices, lay on a platter, and sprinkle with one chopped shallot, salt and pepper, one chopped green pepper, one spoonful of vinegar, and two spoonfuls of olive oil.
Allow to stand for an hour. Cut two heads of well-washed romaine salad in two, and on each lay a slice of grapefruit, then a slice of alligator pear, then a slice of grapefruit, and so continue until the romaine is full. Divide the dressing over the individual salads; and if not sufficient, finish with French dressing.
=Consomme Trianon.= To each portion of consomme royal add six slices of truffle cut in triangle shape.
=Mustard sauce.= To one pint of cream sauce add two spoonfuls of French mustard, and mix well.