The History of Woman Suffrage - Volume IV Part 150

Volume IV Part 150

" Andrews, Conn.

" Barber, Wy.

" Bates, Ma.s.s.

" Begole, Mich.

" Bliss, Mich.

" Brackett, Ma.s.s.

" Budd, Cal.

" Burke, N. D.

" Butler, Ma.s.s.

" Butler, Neb.

" Campbell, Wy.

" Carpenter, Iowa.

" Chamberlain, Ore.

" Claflin, Ma.s.s.

" Clough, Minn.

" Colcord, Nev.

" Davis, R. I.

" Fifer, Ills.

" Folger, N. Y.

Sec'y of the Treasury.

" Fuller, Vt.

" Greenhalge, Ma.s.s.

" Hale, Wy.

" Hoyt, Wy.

" Hughes, Ariz.

" Humphrey, Kas.

Governor Hunt, Col.

" Hunt, Ida.

" Jewell, Conn.

U.S. Postmaster General.

" Jones, Nev.

" Knapp, Alaska.

" La Follette, Wis.

" Long, Ma.s.s.

Sec'y of the Navy.

" Lord, Ore.

" Luce, Mich.

" McDonald, Ind.

" McIntire, Col.

" Mellette, S. D.

" Morrill, Kas.

" Morton, Ind.

" Murphy, Ariz.

" Newell, Wash.

" Odell, N. Y.

" Osborn, Wy.

" Pattison, Penn.

" Pingree, Mich.

" Porter, Ind.

" Rich, Mich.

" Richards, Wy.

" Rickards, Mont.

" Rogers, Wash.

" Roosevelt, N. Y.

" Routt, Col.

Governor Sadler, Nev.

" Saunders, Nev.

" Savage, Nev.

" Semple, Wash.

" Sprague, R. I.

" Squire, Wash.

" Steunenberg, Ida.

" St. John, Kas.

" Talbot, Ma.s.s.

" Thayer, Wy.

" Thomas, Col.

Governor Thomas, Utah.

" Van Sant, Minn.

" Voorhees, N. J.

" Waite, Col.

" Warren, Wy.

" Washburn, Ma.s.s.

" Wells, Utah.

" West, Utah.

" Winans, Mich.

" Yates, Sr., Ills.

" Young, Utah.


Andrews, E. Benjamin Brown and Neb.

Aylesworth, Barton O. Pres. Col. Agr. Coll.

Baker, James H. Colorado.

Bascom, John Wisconsin.

Bashford, J. W. Ohio Wesleyan.

Beardshear, Wm. Iowa Agr. College.

Capen, Elmer F. Tuft's College.

d.i.c.kinson, Frances E. Harvey Medical (Chicago).

Evans, J. G. Hedding (Ills.).

Hale, Horace M. Colorado.

Hawley, J. H. Willamette (Ore.).

Gates, George A. Iowa College.

Gunnison, Almon St. Lawrence.

Gunsaulus, Frank W. Armour Inst.i.tute.

Henderson, L. F. Idaho.

Herrick, C. L. New Mexico.

Hill, Walter B. Georgia.

Hurst, John F. American University, D. C.

Irvine, Julia J. Wellesley College.